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Madison Schrader

Mrs. Niki Bliss- Carroll

ENG 112

April 10, 2019


E- cigarettes or vapes have become very popular. These electronic devices come in many

different types, sizes, shapes, and brands. Vapes have a chemical liquid containing nicotine.

Vapes original purpose was to help adult smokers to stop smoking, but it quickly became popular

with teenagers. Just like most subjects vaping has many pros and cons, today I would like to

focus on the pros of vaping.

The first pro is vaping does not smell. Cigarettes smell and the smell of them stick to

everything, your hands, clothes, your car and everything around you. “Cigarettes and cigars

produce tar deposits, which stain teeth, furniture, and any surface on which you deposit them.”

(12 mag). When you vape, the smell goes away and does not cling to you. The smell of

cigarettes is not a pleasing smell everyone enjoys and is hard to cover up and it also does not

leave stains. Vaping also makes it less awkward for your friends who do not smoke and do not

want to smell like smoke after riding with you or hanging out with you. Vapes have all kinds of

juices that a fruity and smell good and allows you to hang out with your friends without the fear

of them smelling like smoke.

Vaping is also a healthy alternative for smoking. Cigarettes have many health risks “Not

only can the habit be addictive, but it can also cause cancer or complicate a pregnancy.” (12

mag) and many more. Vaping has been proved to be a healthier alternative to smoking because

vaping has none of these negative effects. The longest study on vaping is three and a half years

and it showed no negative health effects. Vaping also reduces the risks of fires. “Cigarette
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smoking is a leading cause of fires that cause injuries and deaths across the globe.” (O'Connor).

Not only is smoking cigarettes unhealthy, but it is also dangerous.

Another pro about vaping is it helps smokers fight addiction. “To break a smoking habit,

you need two things. One, of course, is a healthy alternative to smoking as mentioned above. The

other is something that breaks the oral fixations associated with cigarette addiction” (12 mag)

and vaping helps with those two things. Vapes have all different kinds of juices that have

different nicotine levels and even have juices without nicotine so kicking the habit of smoking is

easier. My sister use to smoke cigarettes and was addicted to them she started smoking when she

was 15. At the age of 20 she bought a juul which is a type of vape, she still smoked cigarettes

when she first bought it, but she slowly started smoking less until she was not smoking any

cigarettes at all. She is now 23 and is pregnant and was able to stop smoking her vape as soon as

she found out because her vape helped her kick her addiction. That story is just one of many.

The last pro I would like to talk about is how much more affordable vaping is than

cigarettes. Someone smoking a pack a day spends about $207 a week on cigarettes, which is

over $10,800 each year. That is a lot of money, that could be a new car or a down payment on a

house. When you buy a bottle of juice it can be anywhere from $10 to $30 depending on what

kind of juice you get and where you buy it at. A bottle of juice typically last people about a

month so let's say you buy a bottle of $30 juice per month, that’s $360 per year compared to the

$10,800 per year you would spend on cigarettes. The vapes themselves can be expensive, some

of them are a couple hundred dollars, but it is a onetime expense. For some vapes you have to

replace the pod every so often, but they only cost about $5 to replace. Even with that factored in

you still come out way cheaper than smoking cigarettes.

Overall vaping is a better alternative than smoking cigarettes. Whether it be because of

the smell, health reasons, fighting addiction, or because of how affordable it is. There are many
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more pros to talk about and there are also cons to vaping, but today we focused on the pros

which I think are four good reasons to give it a try if you smoke cigarettes and are looking to quit

smoking. Vaping has helped many people stop smoking or at least help the stop smoking as

much as they use to. Although, vaping may not be for everyone it is worth a try to break the old

habit of smoking and can benefit you in many different ways according to the four pros shared

with you today.

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Work Cited

I2 Mag: Understanding E-Cigarettes - Pros & Cons. Newstex, Chatham, 2018. ProQuest,


Millward , Kat. "E-Cigarettes." Primary Health Care (2014+), vol. 27, no. 4, 2017, pp.

13. ProQuest,

countid=10163, doi:

O'Connor, ,R.J., et al. "Prevalence of Behaviors Related to Cigarette-Caused Fires: A

Survey of Ontario Smokers." Injury Prevention, vol. 13, no. 4, 2007, pp. 237. ProQuest,

countid=10163, doi:

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