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Time travel isn't real thing, right?

What if someone were to tell you that not only is it possible but that Einstein and Schrodinger not only
discussed it but they worked on it in the 30's.

And yes, that's Albert Einstein the super famous physicist and Erwin Schrodinger.

You Know!!

Schrodinger's cat, half dead, half alive. Anyway, what they discussed was based on the principle of
quantum entanglement or quantum nonlocality. I personally think quantum entanglement sounds a
little cooler but what do I know.

Anyway quantum entanglement proposes that if two quantum systems (which are just normal system
but cooler) meet at a point and then are separated across a distance. There will be an unspecified link
between the systems (kind of like every cheesy rom com).

And one small detail, the distance can be infinitely long, even light years across.


This might not be a big deal for those who didn't understood shit about what is said above but trust me,
it was kind of a big deal back then and still is one of the most important discoveries of our species (aside
from french fries).

That's not all though. Oh yeah, this where the mind fuckery comes in. What if I were to tell you that such
a link between could exist not only across space but it could exist across time.

Yes, I know that didn't made much sense because you might think that this guy knows crap, buy
remember that I'm not the one who said it.... even though I just said it.

Anyways, the point is that I said this because Einstein and Schrodinger said this and you bet your ass
they knew their shit inside out(gross but cool).

But enough about crazy dead physicists. Back to the cool stuff.

Time Travel!!!!

Long story short, I'm one of the guys who invented it and that's it. We lived happily ever after across all
space and time.

Something doesn't feel right does it?

Can't have a time travel story without at least one fuck up.

And that's where you're right.

This story has multiple fuck ups, in fact the entire story is kinda fucked up which in itself is kinda fucked
up if you think about it.

So that's where we'll depart, for the movement at least. A story about time travel related fuck ups with
Einstein and Schrodinger.

Trust me.

We are far from being done with those two.

Hey there, fellows

Remember me

Quantum entanglement, Einstein, Schrodinger, time travel and french fries. Funny little things those are,
aren’t they? I mean, who would’ve thought that cutting potatoes into slices and frying them in scorching
hot oil would make them so delicious, I didn’t, I tell you that. And I’m a guy with 7 PHD’s.


That was right 7. Could’ve gone for 8th but stuff happened, and by stuff I mean those time travel related
fuck ups. But those come later. Right now, we’re talking about French fries.

You might be thinking why the fuck is this guy talking about fries. Funny enough, fires were the first
thing I thought about when we discovered the secret to time travel.

Is it related to the fact that I ate chilli cheese fires for dinner the previous night? I don’t think so.

The fact is that one of my fires was burnt a little too much for my taste, and that’s when in my infinite
dumbfounded genius, I thought that if each every fry was linked to each other through quantum
entanglement, then all of them would be perfectly fried. All throughout space and time.

Yes, you heard that right. Perfectly made fires forever. Thank the non-existent god for quantum

Me and my colleagues were discussing this and that’s when it hit me. Entangled time!!

It could be the key to solving the millions and millions of problems around the world, and better yet the
key to time fucking travel. I mean, could you imagine the potential it would have. The stuff we could
uncover about our universe. Heavy shit I tell you that.

See if we could find a way to exchange information across the systems that are linked through
entanglement of time, then we could theoretically transport a person to said different time and back
with sufficient amount of energy. At least that’s what we thought.

The first problem that we encountered was how to link those systems for the future. For past, we access
the systems that have already been linked. But it was a bitch and a half to find those systems and
Surveying was not what I thought of when we had the idea of time travel.

At last, we created a program to filter out those systems and store them into tightly enclosed vacuum
sealed places, kind of like a hard drive. Only in this case, the more systems we had access to, the time
periods were available to us.

Systems can be something big like a cluster of gigantic pile of fries to something small like a small group
of molecules and you know which option I would’ve preferred.

Small group molecules of course.

Not that crazy about fries.

The next problem that was to be solved was the fact that for the exchange of information to occur,
massive amounts of energy would be required. And see the situation of the current energy crisis of the
world, that my friend was the biggest problem we had to tackle.

But do you know what the funny thing is? Once you can transfer matter across time, that matter could
be accessed across all of time.

In layman’s terms, for the transfer to occur, we would only need to supply energy once and then that
energy could be accessed for another transfer because law of conservation of energy bitches. Man I love
thermodynamics. There would be one more problem though.

Storing of energy?

We found the most ingenious solution for that. We divide and concurred.

We divide the initial energy supplied for the exchange and then store them across different systems
such that all of it can be accessed for another transfer. Our program figured out the different algorithms
for the division of the energy supplied and voila. Our energy problem has been solved.

After all of this theoretical stuff, we figured out the math which took almost 4 years. Nobody said it
would be that easy and by the time the math was done, I was focusing on this project of ours too much
than I should had. At least that’s what my wife and daughter thought…..

And my mother and father…..

And my dogs….

And pretty much every significant person in my life.

But what could do man, we were working on actual fucking time travel, And more so, we were making
progress like a dinner serving homemade fries on a Monday morning. I couldn’t just stop thinking about
our project back then. It was kind of like an unhealthy obsession at that point. Do I thinks my wife and
daughter were right at that time?


But do I think I could’ve done something at that time? I’ll be honest here, I don’t think so.
Alright then, I think we’ll be here for long time so get something to drink and something to eat. Fries if
you are a person if class.

My love for science began at the sweet age of 20.

My father was a woodworker and my mother was a runner. As in she ran away from me and my father
shortly after my birth.

Sucks right?

I didn’t thought so, for a long time I believed that it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Not
because I despised my mother, but for the fact that it taught me some valuable lessons of life. But that
was not the case as I later came to learn.

Back when I was growing up, people believed that I was going to live a menial life just like my father, and
so did I. Now, I wish that I did live an ordinary one just like him.

Speaking of him, my father truly was a simple man. Loved me dearly and tolerated his work or the other
way around. I could never tell.

He did took care of me and taught me some very important lessons, that I will carry for the rest of days.
Fun fact, he made killer chilli chess fries, the best I’ve ever had.

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