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Folosit cu substantive nenumarabile Some children

Some Folosit cu substantive numarabile la plural Some milk

Folosit in propozitii affirmative

Exceptii - se foloseste la interogativ atunci cand se face o cerere sau o oferta

EX. Would you like Some tea ? Could you brig me some water

one /body Folosit cu substantive nenumarabile

Some thing Folosit cu substantive numarabile la plural

where Folosit in propozitii afirmative

EX . There is somebody waiting for you outside

Folosite cu substantive nenumarabile

Any Folosite cu substantive numarabile la plural

No Folosite in propozitii negative si interogative

EX . Is there any milk in the fridge?

There is not any milk in the fridge.

There is no milk left.

Anybody /Anyone, Anything, Anywhere
Nobody, Nothing, Nowhere-
Folosite cu substantive nenumarabile, Folosite cu substantive numarabile la
plural, Folosite in propozitii negative si interogative

In limba engleza nu se pune niciodata doua negatii in aceeasi

propozitie .

EX Th ere is nobody here .

There is not anybody here .

Folosit cu substantive nenumarabile

Every Folosit cu substantive numarabile la plural

Folosit in propozitii afirmative , negative , interogative

Se conjuga la persoana a III –a singular

Everybody, Everyone, Everything, Everywhere

Ex .Everybody likes English. Everubody is in the

Folosit cu substantive nenumarabile

A lot of / Lots of Folosit cu substantive numarabile la plural

Folosit in propozitii afirmative

Ex . There are a lot of ladies in that room

A lot of o multime de

How much (Folosit cu substantive nenumarabile ) ; folosi cand vorbim de


Ex . How much wine do you want to drink ?

How many (Folosit cu substantive numarabile ) ; folosi cand vorbim de

numar .

Ex . How many children are there in this class

wine do you want to drink ?

+ -
A LITTLE / LITTLE Substantive nenumarabile

+ -
A FEW / FEW Substantive numarabile la plural .

Ex . I have a few ( putine dar suficiente ) egss . I can make a cake .

I have few eggs , I can make a cake .

I have a few money , I can buy in present .

I have very few money , I can’t buy anything .

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