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The portrait of a lady-Henry James

Sons and lovers¸David Herbert Lawrence

The first part of the novel focuses on Mrs. Morel and her
The Ambassadors Summary, Henry James
unhappy marriage to a drinking miner. She has many arguments At the start of the novel, Isabel Archer, an American, is visiting
with her husband, some of which have painful results: on extended family in England. During her visit, she rejects two marriage
Mr. Lambert Strether is from Woollett, Massachusetts and he has come to
separate occasions, she is locked out of the house and hit in the proposals, including one from Lord Warburton, who is a decent
Europe at the request of his employer, Mrs. Newsome. Mrs. Newsome's son,
head with a drawer. Estranged from her husband, Mrs. Morel person, but toward whom Isabel does not feel romantically inclined.
Chad, has been in Paris for a long time and the Newsomes are worried that
takes comfort in her four children, especially her sons. Her The other proposal, from Caspar Goodwood, tempts Isabel, but she
Chad will never return home. Strether is to bring Chad back home. Despite the
oldest son, William, is her favorite, and she is very upset when worries that marriage will impede her personal freedom. When her ill
assistance of his old friend, Waymarsh, and his new friend, Maria Gostrey,
he takes a job in London and moves away from the family. When uncle dies, he leaves Isabel a small fortune, which Isabel then uses to
Strether is unable to fulfill this task. He is Mrs. Newsome's "ambassador," sent
William sickens and dies a few years later, she is crushed, not travel to Italy.While in Florence, Italy, Isabel falls subject to a scam.
to Paris to protect her interests.
even noticing the rest of her children until she almost loses Paul, Madame Merle, a woman she met at her uncle's house back in
Strether arrives in Paris and his trip becomes a return to his own youth. He
her second son, as well. From that point on, Paul becomes the England, and a man named Gilbert Osmond have conspired to trick
enjoys spending time with Chad's young friends, Miss Barrace and Little John
focus of her life, and the two seem to live for each other. Isabel into marrying Osmond so they can steal her fortune.Tragically,
Bilham. Strether is charmed by the Countess, Madame de Vionnet, a married
Paul falls in love with Miriam Leivers, who lives on a farm not Isabel falls for Osmond and, together, they move to Rome. Osmond
woman with whom Chad has begun a relationship. Quite impressed by the
too far from the Morel family. They carry on a very intimate, but does not like Isabel, and the two quickly become unhappy. While they
Countess, Strether agrees to help her as well - though he does not know how
purely platonic, relationship for many years. Mrs. Morel does are married, Isabel develops a friendship with Osmond's daughter,
he will be able to appease both Mrs. Newsome and the Countess. From the
not approve of Miriam, and this may be the main reason that Pansy. She does not know that the girl's true mother is Madame Merle.
very beginning, Strether's plan is doomed to fail. He hopes to convince Mrs.
Paul does not marry her. He constantly wavers in his feelings Pansy is in love with an art collector, but her father wants her to marry
Newsome that the Countess has been a positive influence on Chad and that
toward her. Lord Warburton.Isabel finds out that her cousin, Ralph, the son of the
Chad has changed for the better. Waymarsh gives Strether very sound advice:
Paul meets Clara Dawes, a suffragette who is separated from her uncle who left her the fortune and her dear friend, is dying. She wants
Strether should either follow his directions from Mrs. Newsome, or give up
husband, through Miriam. As he becomes closer with Clara and to travel to England to see her cousin before he dies. Osmond tries to
altogether. Strether rejects this advice and tries to find the compromise
they begin to discuss his relationship with Miriam, she tells him stop her, but Isabel does not listen to him. After saying goodbye to
between two conflicting positions. Just when Chad seems willing to co back
that he should consider consummating their love and he returns Pansy, who she has recently learned is actually Madame Merle's
home to Woollett, it is Strether who convinces the young man to stay in Paris
to Miriam to see how she feels. daughter and not the product of Osmond's first marriage, Isabel
for a little while longer.
Paul and Miriam sleep together and are briefly happy, but travels to England.After Ralph dies, Isabel has a chance encounter with
Strether's fate quickly runs downhill. Mrs. Newsome sends her daughter, Sarah
shortly afterward Paul decides that he does not want to marry Caspar, the other man who proposed to her at the beginning of the
Pocock (Chad's sister), to bring Chad home. Sarah arrives with her husband,
Miriam, and so he breaks off with her. She still feels that his soul novel. Caspar tries to convince Isabel to stay with him, but Isabel
Jim Pocock, and her sister-in-law, Mamie Pocock. It is suggested that Chad will
belongs to her, and, in part agrees reluctantly. He realizes that he insists she has to return to Rome. The ending does not make it clear
return home to marry Mamie Pocock and continue in the family business:
loves his mother most, however. whether Isabel is returning to Rome because she is afraid her husband
advertising. Unlike Strether, Sarah Pocock is not amused by Society and its
After breaking off his relationship with Miriam, Paul begins to will force Pansy to marry Warburton against her will or if Isabel is only
trappings, nor is she impressed with the Countess, nor is she inspired by the
spend more time with Clara and they begin an extremely going back to take Pansy away from her father. (Isabel Archer, Gilbert
architecture and atmosphere of Paris. Sarah intends to do her job and she does
passionate affair. However, she does not want to divorce her Osmond,Madame Merle,Ralph Touchett) (The ambassadors, The
it quickly. It does not take very long for Chad to get himself ready to leave
husband Baxter, and so they can never be married. Paul’s mother American, The Bostonians)
Paris. His condition to Sarah is that he will agree to return home if Strether
falls ill and he devotes much of his time to caring for her. When
gives him the word. Sarah turns to Strether, considering that the task has been
she finally dies, he is broken-hearted and, after a final plea from
completed - for how could Strether refuse? This is, however, exactly what
Miriam, goes off alone at the end of the novel.
Strether does
(Gertrude Morel,Paul M,Walter Morel,Annie M, William M)
(Lewis Lambert Strether, Chadwick Newsome,Maria Gostrey,Madame de
(The rainbow, Women in love,Lady Chatterley’s Lover)
Vionnet,Mrs Newsome, Waymarsh) (The portrait of a lady, The American, The

Ulysses-James Joyce The book begins at 8:00 in the LORD JIM-JOSEPH CONRAD Captain Marlow, professional sailor and A PASSAGE TO INDIA- E. M. FORSTER The story takes
morning in a Martello tower (a Napoleonic-era defensive amateur storyteller, decides to hold his own open mic night and tell an place in the city of Chandrapore in India in the early 1920’s when the
structure), where Stephen lives with medical student Buck audience all about the tragic tale of Jim. Back in the day Jim abandoned his British occupied, colonized, and controlled India. Dr. Aziz, an Indian
Mulligan and his English friend Haines. They prepare for the day sinking ship along with other members of the crew. Jim turned himself in to Doctor, gets to be friends with a British Professor, Fielding, and two
and head out. After teaching at a boys’ school, Stephen receives authorities and went on trial for dereliction (abandonment) of duty. Though British women, Mrs. Moore and Miss Quested. He offers to take them
his pay from the ignorant and anti-Semitic headmaster, Mr. publicly disgraced, Jim found a sympathetic buddy in Marlow. Jim told Marlow to see the famous Marabar Caves. Once there, a strange and
Deasy, and takes a letter from Deasy that he wants to have his whole, sorry story, and Marlow tried to help Jim out over the next few years. unexplained event occurs and Aziz winds up being accused of
published in two newspapers. Afterward Stephen wanders along Marlow found him jobs, but Jim always quit and ran off again in an effort to attacking Miss Quested. He is arrested and put on trial. This trial
a beach, lost in thought. escape his humiliation and shame. represents and heightens all the conflicts between Indians and
Also that morning, Bloom brings breakfast and the mail to English, and is especially scandalous because Fielding has taken the
Molly, who remains in bed; her concert tour manager, Blazes side of the Indians over the British. Eventually,
Boylan, is to see her at 4:00 that afternoon. Bloom goes to the Eventually Jim makes his way to the island of Patusan and becomes a local Miss Quested is on the stand and takes back her accusation, causing
post office to pick up a letter from a woman with whom he has leader among the native people there. He even lands himself a girlfriend. The widespread chaos in the streets. Miss Quested, Fielding and Aziz all
an illicit correspondence and then to the pharmacist to order good times don't last, though. A pirate named Gentleman Brown shows up and go their separate ways. Two years later, Fielding and Aziz are reunited
lotion for Molly. At 11:00 AM Bloom attends the funeral of Paddy wreaks havoc on the island, and Jim makes some bad judgment calls that result only to come to the conclusion that as long as the English are still in
Dignam with Simon Dedalus, Martin Cunningham, and Jack in a death. Yikes. Once again Jim turns himself in to the authorities – this time India, the English and Indians cannot be friends.. MAIN
Power. the native leaders of the island. The father of a man Jim inadvertently got CHARACTERS Dr. Aziz: The main guy, a Mohammedan (Moslem)
Bloom goes to a newspaper office to negotiate the placement of killed shoots Jim and kills him. Marlow relates this incident in a letter to an Indian doctor. People like him a lot – he wants to be friends with the
an advertisement, which the foreman agrees to as long as it is to unknown recipient.(jim,Marlow, Jewel,Stein,Gentleman Brown, Cornelius) English but ends up being sorry he is. He’s friendly and eager to
run for three months. Bloom leaves to talk with the merchant (Heart of darkness, Typhoon, Nostromo the secret agent) please. Mr. Turton: The collector (British), he’s basically a jerk.
placing the ad. Stephen arrives with Deasy’s letter, and the editor Mr. Fielding: British school master-Government College in his late-
agrees to publish it. When Bloom returns with an agreement to 40’s, nice and really doesn’t get why the Indians and English can’t get
place the ad for two months, the editor rejects it. Bloom walks along. Ronny Heaslop: British, City Magistrate, he’s supposed to
through Dublin for a while, stopping to chat with Mrs. Breen, marry Miss Quested. He thinks the English are better than the
who mentions that Mina Purefoy is in labour. He later has a Indians. Major Callendar: British Civil Surgeon, Aziz’s boss, he’s
cheese sandwich and a glass of wine at a pub. On his way to the an ass. Mahmoud Ali: Indian, lawyer and friend to Aziz.
National Library afterward, he spots Boylan and ducks into the A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN-James Joyce Hamidullah: Indian friend/uncle to Aziz. Mrs. Moore: British,
National Museum. The writer presents you the novel of a young man named Stephen. This novel Ronny’s mother, an older woman who thinks everyone is equal
In the National Library, Stephen discusses his theories starts from the childhood and ends with the adolescence of Stephen Dedalus, regardless of race. Miss Adela Quested: British, fiancé to Ronny
about Shakespeare and Hamlet with the poet AE, the essayist the protagonist. Throughout the novel, readers can observe how the hero Heaslop, she is all prim and proper and thinks she wants to be friends
and librarian John Eglinton, and the librarians Richard Best and grows from a little boy to a young man of eighteen who decides to leave his with the Indians, but in the end, she finds she can’t. Professor
Thomas Lyster. Bloom arrives, looking for a copy of an country for Europe, in order to be an artist. So, this novel begins with the Godbole: Hindu Indian, works for Fielding, he’s a teacher who is
advertisement he had placed, and Buck shows up. Stephen and childhood memories of the main character about the family, the school, about kinds distant from the conflicts between the races. ( Maurice. Where
Buck leave to go to a pub as Bloom also departs. falling in love with a girl whom he was ashamed to come around. His life angels fear to tread, The longest journey. A room with a view)
Simon and Matt Lenehan meet in the bar of the Ormond Hotel, changes because of financial difficulties of his father, the hard times in the
and later Boylan arrives. Leopold had earlier seen Boylan’s car family are coming. Stephen studies in college and receives a scholarship, which
and followed it to the hotel, where he then dines with Richie he spends on a posh dinner with his family, and then for other entertainments. THE DEAD-JAMES JOYCE On the lightly snowy evening of
Goulding. Boylan leaves with Lenehan, on his way to his Everything ends with the attendance to a brothel. His sin is burdensome, but January 6, 1904 in Dublin, elderly spinster sisters Kate and Julia and
assignation with Molly. Later, Bloom goes to Barney he cannot confess in the school church since because he is very ashamed. their niece, Mary Jane - all music teachers or performers, past or
Kiernan’s boisterous pub, where he is to meet Cunningham in Stephen goes to university, his family lives in the poor, the young man is present - are hosting their annual Epiphany party and dinner, and,
order to help with the Dignam family’s finances. Bloom finds changing very much. And eventually meets his sweetheart, but he tries to talk with the exception of Mary Jane's new crop of students and the young
himself being cruelly mocked, largely for his Jewishness. He to her on general topics and they say goodbye, as he leaves. (Stephen gentlemen tasked with keeping them company, most of the guests
defends himself, and Cunningham rushes him out of the bar. Dedalus, Simon Dedalus, Mary Dedalus, Emma Clery) (Dubliners, have attended in previous years. Kate and Julia's nephew Gabriel and
After the visit to the Dignam family, Bloom, after a brief Finn’s Hotel, Exiles) his wife Gretta hold integral roles for the evening, Gabriel, who, in
dalliance at the beach, goes to the National Maternity Hospital
addition to being Freddy Malins caregiver if he gets too drunk as is
to check in on Mina. He finds Stephen and several of his friends,
often the case, is to carve the dinner goose and provide the evening's
all somewhat drunk. He joins them, accompanying them when
main toast, while Gretta is to present the pudding. With the added
they repair to Burke’s pub. After the bar closes, Stephen and a
unexpected excitement provided by Irish nationalist Molly Ivors for
friend head to Bella Cohen’s brothel. Bloom later finds him
Gabriel, the party basically goes according to script. As most of the
there. Stephen, very drunk by now, breaks a chandelier, and,
guests have departed and just before Gabriel and Gretta are to do the
while Bella threatens to call the police, he rushes out and gets
same - this year they staying in a downtown hotel instead of making
into an altercation with a British soldier, who knocks him to the
the long trek to their suburban home and children - something
ground. Bloom takes Stephen to a cabman’s shelter for food and
happens to makes Gretta enter into a moment of deep reflection.
talk, and then, long after midnight, the two head for Bloom’s
Gretta confessing the cause and the item of reflection later at the hotel
home. There Bloom makes hot cocoa, and they talk. When
to Gabriel leads to Gabriel, as a culmination of the evening's sum total
Bloom suggests that Stephen stay the night, Stephen declines,
of events, also entering into reflection, about his and Gretta's
and Bloom sees him out. Bloom then goes to bed with Molly; he
marriage, and about life and death in general. (Gabriel Conroy, Gretta
describes his day to her and requests breakfast in bed.(Leopold
Conroy, Aunt Kate Morkan) (Dubliners, Finn’s Hotel, Exiles)
Bloom, Marion(Molly) Bloom, Stephen Dedalus, Haines)
(Dubliners, Finn’s Hotel, Exiles)

DUBLINERS –James Joyce "The Sisters" – After the

priest Father Flynn dies, a young boy who was close to him and
his family deals with his death superficially.
"An Encounter" – Two schoolboys playing truant encounter a
middle-aged man
"Araby" – A boy falls in love with the sister of his friend, but fails
in his quest to buy her a worthy gift from the Araby bazaar.
"Eveline" – A young woman weighs her decision to flee Ireland
with a sailor "After the Race" – College student
Jimmy Doyle tries to fit in with his wealthy friends.
"Two Gallants" – Two con men, Lenehan and Corley, find a
maid who is willing to steal from her employer.
"The Boarding House" – Mrs Mooney successfully manoeuvres
her daughter Polly into an upwardly mobile marriage with her
lodger Mr Doran. "A Little Cloud" – Little Chandler's
dinner with his old friend Ignatius Gallaher casts fresh light on
his own failed literary dreams. The story also reflects on
Chandler's mood upon realising that his baby son has replaced
him as the centre of his wife's affections. "Counterparts" –
Farrington, a lumbering alcoholic scrivener, takes out his
frustration in pubs and on his son Tom "Clay" – The old
maid Maria, a laundress, celebrates Halloween with her former
foster child Joe Donnelly and his family. "A Painful Case" –
Mr Duffy rebuffs Mrs Sinico, then, four years later, realises that
he has condemned her to loneliness and death. "Ivy Day in
the Committee Room" – Minor politicians fail to live up to the
memory of Charles Stewart Parnell. "A Mother" – Mrs
Kearney tries to win a place of pride for her daughter, Kathleen,
in the Irish cultural movement, by starring her in a series of
concerts, but ultimately fails. "Grace" – After Mr Kernan
injures himself falling down the stairs in a bar, his friends try to
reform him through Catholicism. "The Dead" – Gabriel
Conroy attends a party, and later, as he speaks with his wife, has
an epiphany about the nature of life and death. At 15–16,000
words this story has also been classified as a novella. The
Dead was adapted into a film by John Huston, written for the
screen by his son Tony and starring his daughter Anjelica as
Mrs. Conroy.

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