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Les Miserables written by Victyor Hugo, is a story based on the state of Paris back in his time.
Victor hugo might wrote these situations because there are the kind of things you will see in his

In the story, Javert is the inspector that keeps on pursuing Jean after he has been
released. This is a story not just of misery but also ideology. Javert is a firm believer of the law
and believes that no criminal can change its wicked ways. The author has a message that no
matter the history of a person, each and everyone of us has the capacity to change and become a
better person. Javert is against this ideology. In story, Jean was given the chance to execute
Javert in the barricades of the rebel but decided to spare him.
Jean’s resolve is so strong that after suffering from the pursuit of Javert he still forgave
him. In the sewers when Jean tried to save Marius, Javert did not capture Jean but instead letting
him and Maurius go. Evaluating this part of the story it is very unexpected. The author wanted to
share the idea of forgiveness and mercy to people. The hatred and pain is destroying our society
and forgiveness is a solution. The author also shows that being obsessed with justice will corrupt
your mind like Javert. His obsession to the law made him blind that no criminal can ever change
and must be punished by the law but Jean changed his belief. It tells us that you should not
always go for justice only but you should always have mercy and be open for the change of heart
of criminals.

I recommend to read this book for others because of the style how Victor Hugo wrote it. The
language is difficult to understand because of the old words used but in the end it is worth it. It
depicts the history of Paris back in the time of Victor hugo

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