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When things keep piling up on top of the other… the

complexities often increase….

Who lied?
The difference (length of time) between dates 2013/9/12 at minute 14 and 2013/9/16 at minute
14 is: 4 day(s), 36 hours.17 minutes. Or total(M) of 5777 minutes

“Skepticism” reborn as “skeptical


---------- Original message ----------

From: Caesar <>
Date: Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: The Chair is Focused Only On the Effort to Move LAONA Forward
To: Thomas Omara-Alwala <>
Cc: Florence Ocen <>, Betty Odero <>, Sarah
Alobo <>, Kenneth Otim <>, Edisa Engola Kema
<>, Patrick Okullu <>, Hudson Ayo
<>, Odyek Agona <>, Charles Owot
<>, Alex Atim <>, Ben Magomu Wacha
<>, Tom Opito <>, Morris Otim
<>, “Owiny Otim” <>, "“Robert M. Okello”"
<>, “Mary Ajuga” <>, “Betty Pulle”
<>, Daniel Oming <>, Margaret Jato
<>, Charles Emer <>, Mildred Amony Omara
<>, Engola Omodi <>, Helen Apio
<>, Hon Sam Bhoi Omara Olwata <>, Jack
Oyugi <>, Maureen Akello <>, “Milly Akide”
<>, Sam Ogwali Opiyo <>, “Catherine
Ocen” <>

Fellow members,

It is perfectly OK to be skeptical about the communications from the Chair, or the Board for that
matter- because no member elected another in order to be misled. As simple as that -as long as
we maintain that certain level of respect – I have to add. (See the reason and benefits of being
skeptical below- Appendix)

Hon Chair,

Most times, people ask questions not because they are malicious. So I implore you to keep
responding to questions clearly and truthfully. To address your fear, we (members) will not allow
any fellow member to keep making posts that undermine the leadership – be rest-assured. If we
gauge that a fellow member’s post is intended only to distract or undermine, we (members) will
also tell that member to “stop it!”. Up to this point, we haven’t witnessed anything of that nature.

1. Consider the following statements from you, Hon. Chair:

“While we will address any concerns that the members may have, the Board of Directors and I
will focus our main attention on the important work that we need to do for moving this
association forward.”

In the sober minds of members, we are asking: what is this important thing that the Chair has
always been focusing on, and yet we do not see the progress reports, let alone any plan on paper
for whatever developmental things that the Chair (and/or the Board) is focusing on? Why do you
keep these “great, wonderful plans” in your mind or inside a highly guarded brief case, in stead
of sharing it on papers – at least with fellow Board members – if not [with] the regular (ordinary)
members? This is members’ association.

In asking these questions, the intentions of members (and I bet your fellow Hon. Board
members) are not to undermine or distract you from focusing on the important things. They are
not being malicious! They are just baffled that nothing is coming out of you, yet they think the
Chair is a person of great potential (just like most of our members)! I once had to counsel one of
the fellow members, by saying - “don’t rush to conclusions. The Prof could be cooking some big
ideas in his mind. Let’s be patient! He might launch it soon!” The question now is, when is
he (and the Board) launching those great initiatives, or its plans – at the very least? For how long
do we wait and say “enough is enough!”? Bear in mind that it is not only a matter of asking
questions. We (the members - Board members inclusive) have the instruments to take other
appropriate actions, including recalls of the elected officers!
1. Also related to skepticism, we (the members) just forgave and decided not to proceed with
asking questions of who was fooling who in the recent “Bank Account” Issue. Which of the two
“Bank Officers” provided us with the incorrect information that almost led to cleavage in our
beloved association. We wanted to trace the origin of that uncalled for sparkle of fire back to the
root cause (i.e who lied?), but – since this is one of the major events of such nature, the members
decided to let it pass. We hope we don’t get to experience such a thing again.

Let’s not kill creativity and critical thinking among our members by discouraging questions or
input of divergent nature, otherwise our association will turn to be one where members don’t
think at all. And that’s not fun anymore. The last thing we want to hear is formation of LAONA
II where people think more critically and are happier... you know! Money is not everything – so
let’s not make it our pinnacle. Happiness first! Utmost transparency and honesty will create that

Appendix: (I will gladly share a section of this book someone handed to me as I travelled

Chapter 1 of the Book “Exuberant Skepticism” by Paul Kurtz (edited by John Shook)

What is Skepticism?

Skepticism has historic roots in the classical philosophical tradition. The term derives from the
Greek word skeptikos, which means “to consider, examine”. It is akin to the Greek skepsis,
which means “enquiry” and “doubt”. Succinctly stated, a skeptic is one who is willing to
question any claim to truth, asking for clarity in definition, consistency in logic, and adequacy of
evidence. The use of skepticism is thus an essential scientific inquiry and the search for reliable

Skepticism provides powerful tools of criticism in science, philosophy, religion, morality,

politics, and society. It is thought to be exceedingly difficult to apply it to ordinary life or to live
consistently with its principles, for human beings seek certitudes to guide them, and the skeptical
mode is often viewed with alarm by those who hunger for faith and conviction. Skepticism is the
intractable foe of pretentious belief systems. When people demand definite answers to their
queries, skepticism always seems to give them further questions to ponder. Yet in a profound
sense, skepticism is an essential ingredient for all reflective conduct and an enduring
characteristic of the educated mind. ….


The difference (length of time) between dates 2013/9/16 at minute 14 and 2013/9/17 at minute
12 is: 0 day(s), 22 hours.24 minutes. Or total(M) of 1344 minutes

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