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Ejercicios - Much / Many / Little / Few / A lot of

1. Indica en cuales de las siguientes oraciones hay que utilizar "much" / "many" / "little" / "few" o
"a lot of":

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones

1) There are people who prefer to work part-time

2) We don't have time to listen to your arguments

3) You need time to finish your homework

4) Look at the sky! You can see birds flying southwards

5) Have you received letters from your friend?

6) people know that you worked abroad for ten years

7) I can see that you have interest in helping me

8) cars can go more than 300 km per hour

9) There were foreigners in that village last summer?

10) I am very busy; I have things to do

11) Mark is not a millionaire. I am sure he doesn't have money

12) I put a bit of sugar in my coffee because I don't like it very sweet

13) Peter has a stomach ache and that is because he ate biscuits

14) He didn't have luck. He lost all his money in the casino

15) It is a very small car park; it allows cars

16) We haven't had rain during this year

17) I have books of the Second World War

18) He made effort to win the race

19) Martin doesn't eat Martin doesn't eat

20) Do you have friends in England?

21) He was very furious and said nonsense

22) people can agree with your point of view about immigration

23) After attempts he could cross the river

24) In the morning you can see people running to the beach

25) He found support in his family when he got divorced

1) There are a lot of people who prefer to work part-time
2) We don't have much time to listen to your arguments
3) You need a lot of time to finish your homework
4) Look at the sky! You can see a lot of birds flying southwards
5) Have you received many letters from your friend?
6) Few people know that you worked abroad for ten years
7) I can see that you have Little interest in helping me
8) Few cars can go more than 300 km per hour
9) There were many foreigners in that village last summer?
10) I am very busy; I have a lot of things to do
11) Mark is not a millionaire. I am sure he doesn't have much money
12) I put a Little bit of sugar in my coffee because I don't like it very sweet
13) Peter has a stomach ache and that is because he ate a lot of biscuits
14) He didn't have much luck. He lost all his money in the casino
15) It is a very small car park; it allows few cars
16) We haven't had much rain during this year
17) I have a lot of books of the Second World War
18) He made Little effort to win the race
19) Martin doesn't eat much. Martin doesn't eat
20) Do you have many friends in England?
21) He was very furious and said a lot of nonsense
22) Few people can agree with your point of view about immigration
23) After a lot of attempts he could cross the river
24) In the morning you can see a lot of people running to the beach
25) He found Little support in his family when he got divorced
Elige la respuesta correcta.

Q5 of 10

Q1 of 10 Do you have ____ milk?

There are not ____ options. many

much any

many a few

some some


Q6 of 10

Q2 of 10 Amy has ____ friends.

How ____ money do you have? a lot of

much much

many any

some a little


Q7 of 10

Q3 of 10 Do you have ____ money I could borrow?

There is ____ butter in the fridge. a few

few a little

many a lot

some many


Q8 of 10

Q4 of 10 There are ____ oranges in the kitchen.

We don't have ____ time. any

many some

some much

a little a little



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