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The Department of Health spearheads the celebration of Heart Month this February with the theme: “Gulay at Prutas
Araw-Arawin, Matamis, Mamantika, at Maalat Hinay-Hinayin.” This Valentine’s Day, the public is reminded to choose a
heart-healthy gift or practice a healthy lifestyle and diet to keep one healthy. Here are some heart-friendly tips from DOH:

1. Instead of buying your sweetheart an overload of cakes, sweets, and fatty foods, why not give a more
permanent gift. A poem, letter or message may convey more feeling.
2. If you choose to buy chocolates, choose dark chocolate with less sugar and caramel added. Dark
chocolate should be made up of at least 60-70 percent cocoa. It has flavonoids, antioxidants, which are
good for the heart and blood vessels. Eat only a moderate amount, approximately an ounce (around 30
grams) a day.
3. Be active on Valentine’s Day. Plan an outing or walk around a park or mall. Walking for 30 minutes is
good for your heart.
4. Home cooking is healthier than restaurant food. Instead of an expensive restaurant date, why not cook at
home and enjoy a romantic dinner for two. For example, you can eat fish like tuna, mackerel, bangus and
5. Split your meal in two. If you still want to go to a restaurant for a date, splitting your meal can cut your
calorie intake in half.
6. Give fresh fruits. If you want to eat something sweet, local fresh fruits in season are the healthier choice.
7. Don’t smoke. If your sweetheart is a smoker, encourage him or her to quit smoking. Smoking can lead to
a heart attack or stroke. Hence, quitting is the best Valentine’s Day gift for your loved one.
8. Be faithful to your partner. Reduce your stress and enjoy life more.

In the Philippines, deaths related to Non-Communicable Diseases are attributed to: cardiovascular diseases (33%), cancer
(10%), diabetes (6%), and chronic respiratory diseases (5%) (WHO Report on NCD Country Profiles 2014). The Food
and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) National Nutrition Survey showed that there is an increasing prevalence in the
following behavioral factors from 2008 to 2013: diabetes from 4.8% to 5.4% and overweight among adults from 26.6% to
31.1% while decreasing trends for hypertension from 25.3% to 22.3% and current adult smokers from 31.0% to 25.4%.

Last 2016, the DOH launched the establishment of the DOH Hypertension and Diabetes Club. This will be scaled-up
nationwide to enhance the initiatives in addressing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) and will serve as a support group
in communities to disseminate information and ensure that appropriate management is provided to all patients. As of
February 2017, more than 600,000 patients are registered in the club.

To be part of the DOH Hypertension and Diabetes Club, the client needs to consult the nearest health center or primary
health care facility to undergo assessment, screening and management using the Philippine Package of Essential NCD
Intervention (PhilPEN) protocol. Once the patient is diagnosed to have hypertension and/or diabetes, he/she will be
enrolled to the club. Member can access DOH drugs for hypertension (Losartan/Amlodipine/Metoprolol) and diabetes
(Metformin). They will also benefit from activities promoting healthy lifestyle.

“Be kind to your heart. Choose healthier options this Valentine’s Day, maintain a regular diet and exercise. Gulay at
Prutas Araw-Arawin, Matamis, Mamantika, at Maalat Hinay-Hinayin,” Secretary Paulyn Jean B. Rosell-Ubial concluded.

Contact Person:

Franklin C. Diza, MD, MPH

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), cancers chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes (DM) are among the top killers in the
Philippines, causing more than half of all deaths annually. Hypertension and diseases of the heart are among the ten
leading causes of illnesses each year. These diseases are collectively known as Lifestyle Related Non-communicable
diseases (NCDs), as defined in the National Objectives for health, particularly because these diseases have common risk
factors which are to large extent related to unhealthy lifestyle.


The prevention and control of chronic lifestyle related non-communicable diseases shall be guided by the following policy

1. The country shall adopt an integrated, comprehensive and community based response for the prevention and control of
chronic, lifestyle related NCDs.

2. Health promotion strategies shall be intensified to effect changes that would lead to significant reduction in mortality
and morbidity due to chronic lifestyle related NCDs.

3. Complementary accountabilities of all stakeholders must be ensured and actively pursued in the implementation of an
integrated, comprehensive and community based response to chronic lifestyle related NCDs.


1. Decrease of morbidity and mortality

2. Decrease in the economic burden of CVDs to the individual, family and community


· Adopted in the context of health promotion in order to decrease the chances of the targeted population to adopt high risk
behaviours and habits that may lead to the development of cardiovascular disease

· Will be implemented by setting:




ØHospital-based ·

Training, research, environmental support system are important components of the progress

Program is well in place and its implementation is continuous. Focus of implementation is in the community level and
other settings.

· Development of Administrative Order on the National Policy on the integrated chronic non-communicable disease
registry system (cancer, stroke, DM and COPD).

· 1st public hearing on the Administrative Order on the National Policy on the integrated chronic non-communicable
disease registry system with CHD-NCR, government and private hospitals and non-government agencies.

· Trained hospitals for the registry system entitled “Users” training for the Unified Registry System.

· Trained CHDs for the Registry system.

· Establishment of Philippine Coalition on the prevention and control of NCD.

· A training manual for health workers on promoting healthy lifestyle.

· Healthy lifestyle advocacy campaign.

· Manual of operations on the prevention and control lifestyle related non-communicable diseases in the Philippines.

· Training manual for Health workers: WHO/ DOH smoking cessation clinic: Helping smokers quit.


· Implement the program through the institutionalized integrated program of NCD-lifestyle related diseases control

· Development of service package for cardiovascular diseases.

· Development of clinical practice guideline for cardiovascular disease.

· Development of strategic framework and five year strategic plan for cardiovascular disease (2012-2016).


To ensure that quality prevention and control and LRD services are accessible to all, especially to the vulnerable and at-
risk population.


A nation of Filipinos with healthy lifestyle and habits, living and working in clean and safe environment and with access
to adequate medical care for CVD.

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