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Reference: RA010 Activity: Ramming for PV Tables

1. Hazard 2. Hazard 3. Affected 4. Severity 5. Probability 6. Risk

A Injuries to piling rig operators Bruising Operatives L M M
Contact with moving parts Broken Limbs Operatives M M M
Death Operatives H L M

B Vehicle / pedestrian collision Bruising Operatives L M M

Broken Limbs Operatives H M H
Death Operatives H M H

C Contact with underground Electrocution Operatives H M H

services Fire / explosion Operatives H M H
Death Operatives H M H

D Health - noise, vibration, Deafness Operatives H H H

adverse weather Capillary injury Operatives H L M
Hypothermia Operatives H M H

E Overturning machine on Bruising Operatives M M M

uneven ground / adjacent Broken Limbs Operatives H M H
Death Operatives H M H

F Handling metal posts Muscular Operatives M L M

Cuts Operatives M M M
Falling materials Operatives M M M

G Poor ground - Slips, trips Bruising Operatives M M M

and falls Sprains Operatives H H H
Broken limbs Operatives H M H

7. Risk Reduction Techniques 8.

A Ramming Machine operators must be fully trained and in possession of an approved certificate of plant Low
operator's competence.
Ramming Machine to be operated in accordance with training and manufacturer's instructions.
Once loaded, second operative to stand back at least 1.5m when machine is in operation.
Operators to wear ballistic eye protection and hard hat / bump cap to protect against ejected fragments.
Operative never to stand with head under or near to the ramming plate.
B Works to be organised to Ramming gangs are working separately from each other and safe distance Low
away from other operatives / site activities.
Segregated vehicle and pedestrian routes to be established where reasonably practicable.
Speed restriction of 5 mph to be implemented on site.
All operatives to wear high viz clothing with reflective strip. High viz to be kept clean.
Machine to have flashing warning light and audible movement indicators.
Second operative to move on the inside line of the piles outside of the vehicle path.
C Ramming Machine operators will have received information regarding buried and overhead services Low
prior to works and undertake any further scans / investigations as instructed prior to commencement of

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Full utilities searches have been undertaken, and the site has had no other known use other than
agricultural Greenfield land.
No works to commence until presence of underground services has been assessed.
D Noise levels have been measured and exceed 110dB during piling operations. Noise protection zone to Low
be established within 15m of the Ramming Machine whereby the use of ear plugs and ear defenders is
mandatory. Hazard warning signage to be displayed on radius of zone and moved with the machine at
regular intervals.
Operatives to not have contact with the machine and stand back after loading the post and when the
ramming is in progress, to avoid transfer of any percussive vibration.
All operatives to wear adequate cold / wet weather gear including water proof trousers, coat, hat/hood
and gloves as necessary to the conditions.
Adequate drying facilities for wet gear to be provided along with adequate heated welfare facilities and
means of heating food and water.
Adequate first aid cover to be available at all times.
Site Manager to assess weather conditions as being sufficiently safe prior to allowing works to
E Suitable access route to work face to be determined. This should be a segregated vehicle route where Low
reasonably practicable.
Ramming Machine not to move within 2m of any excavation unless risk of collapse of excavation /
overturning has been further assessed by Site Management as low.
Tilt limitations of machine to be assessed prior to machine operating on any cambered / sloping ground.
F Posts weigh circa 15kg each. Due to frequency of lifting, full manual handling assessment to be Low
All operatives trained in principles of safe lifting.
Cut level 3 gloves to be worn as a minimum when handling posts to minimise injuries from contact with
burred edges.
Operatives to wear safety footwear at all times.
G Pedestrian routes to be segregated where reasonably practicable to avoid use of tracks damaged by site Low
Mud to be cleared regularly and bog mats used on main pedestrian routes as necessary.
Operatives to wear suitable safety footwear with ankle support.
9. Guidance and Training
Recognised Certificate of Plant Operator Competence.
HS(G) 150 Health and Safety in Construction.
HS(G) 136 Workplace transport safety
HS(G) 144 The Safe Use of Construction Vehicles on Site
10. Risk Assessment Control Check
The risk assessment has been reviewed and site specific additions made as appropriate

Name: Signature: Date:

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