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Story of Kevin Waterman

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Creative and Inspirational​.​ Kevin Waterman has had great success in his medical

career and is a big hiking guy himself​,​ however​,​ he breaks the line when it comes to work

and self-interest​.​ His life thus far has been defined by two things: his success as a nurse and

his ability to battle cancer​.

When Kevin came into the world​,​ he was the older one of his brother and tried his

best to fill the shoes of their father​.​ A great sense of courage and influence came from being

the older brother and pushed him to be the best he could while still being the adult figure

in the family​.​ The younger brother Eric​,​ whom he described as​,​ “the antagonist”​.​ He said “If

you asked me this when I was 12 and he was 11 and he laid me out in the driveway because

I took a swing at him with a crutch and then he knocked me on my ass and left me crying​.​ I

would say I hated him but we would always be very supportive of each other”

(K​.​Waterman 3)​.​ They didn’t always get along but when it came down to it they were very

supportive of each other and that made their mother​,​ Dorothy​,​ less stressed having to raise

two children practically on her own​.

Kevin described his father Jim as being away all the time​.​ “I think my dad being in

the Navy when he left​,​ he would be on a ship and leave for months at a time​.​ I think that

had an impact on me too​.​ I didn’t know how much it mattered until I got older”

(K​.​Waterman 1)​.​ Kevin came to grow as the adult figure and learned that there was a bare

relationship​.​ This relationship supported positive experiences later in his life​.​ He learned
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an important lesson of family through this relationship​.​ Through his belief and what he

learned through the experience of not having a father most the time​,​ the mending of this

relationship was possible​.​ Family is a very important topic in life and he was able to

integrate the meaning of family into his own life​.​ Kevin was determined to be a more loving

and involved father than his own father was​.​ Dorothy Waterman​,​ Kevin’s mom​,​ was loving

and caring​.​ She seemed to balance out the love that Kevin and his brother received from

their father​.​ Dorothy had a lot of things on her hands and at times was very stressed​.​ Which

was a hard time for Kevin because he got minimal attention​.​ It was also the point where

Kevin took over as the older brother and became the man of the house while Dad was


Outside of his family​,​ friends were hard to find in Kevin's life​.​ He lived from

household to household every four years​.​ From Cuba to Pennsylvania and from there to

Maine​,​ friends were hard to come by especially when you were about to leave again​.​ This

was difficult for him but he always had his friends that were made along the way​.​ Kevin

talks about deeply​,​ “I could pick up the phone right now and say “Hey​,​ I’m going to be in

Washington D​.​C​.​ this week​,​ wanna grab a drink?” (K​.​ Waterman 5)​.​ The relationships he

had with one another were good but were shown through their interactions​.

Kevin and his friends that he met along his life were finally able to be called and they

could communicate​.​ His relationship with one person was described through Facebook​,
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“There is a guy that invited me to play Fantasy Football and I did Fantasy Football stuff

with him and I haven’t seen him in 35 years even though it’s been so long” (K​.​Waterman)​.

On any given day​,​ Kevin could be found playing outside in their backyard​.​ Through his love

of the outdoors​,​ Kevin invested his time into hiking and that leads to the Appalachian Trail​.

Kevin explained his experience deeply​,​ “I remember hiking out and seeing all this metal

and the sounds of the snowshoes hitting the snow on the way out and it was all quiet​.​ And I

go​,​ “I don’t want to leave” and I'm hiking out a quarter of a mile from the road and there are

cars in the road and I’m like​,​ “I wish I could stop and not go back” and I’ve been hiking ever

since​.​ Kevin thrived at hiking from mountain to mountain​.​ His reputation was well known

and the expectations for the younger brother were even higher​.​ Kevin certainly lived up to

his future reality​.

Once in college​,​ Kevin did not take into an exception to enjoying every moment he

had​.​ He majored in Nursing and graduated with a bachelor's degree​.​ He didn't finish college

until he met the love of his life​.​ Kevin even met his future wife​,​ Tracey​,​ there​.​ They were in

the same dorm housing area and were both freshmen at the time​.​ Kevin explained​,

“Your dad met her before I did because he helped her move into her dorm. He helped assist
with stuff that was too heavy for her or her dad to carry into the dorm. He would actually
write letters on a napkin or piece of paper when he was delivering sandwiches and said
“Have a nice day! -Turtle” because that was his nickname in college from his fraternity in
college. But yeah, he actually met Tracey before I did” (K. Waterman 6).
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The dorms were the only place that Tracey would have seen Kevin​.​ In college​,

instead of studying for an upcoming exam or final​,​ he was focused on other endeavors​.​ In

regards to his college years​,​ Kevin said​,​ “ I think I enjoyed most of the time I had there

enjoyed all the parties and girls​.​ Because you know me​,​ I am the ladies man​.​ The thing I

hated the most was doing the work in class” (K​.​Waterman)​.​ Tracey​,​ on the other hand​,

would often be found in the classroom or in the dorms with her friends​,​ far away from

where the parties were​.

Just out of college​,​ Kevin was trying to live up to his father's expectations by going

into the Navy but because of asthma as a kid​,​ he was disqualified 2 weeks before

graduation​.​ Kevin went up living in Bangor with Eric for a year working in a nursing home

before getting married​.​ “I worked in a community hospital after that in the emergency

room where I spent 5 years in the intensive care unit and emergency department”

(K​.​Waterman)​.​ This work was frustrating for Kevin because he wanted to get hands-on​,​ but

he felt useless in the position he was in for the longest time​.​ He wanted something new and

wanted something better in his life to do more meaningful​.​ He was given an opportunity to

go to a different hospital and partake in a new specialty in Cardiology​.​ This was a

convenient way to leave his other job to take on something he loved and enjoyed​.​ Kevin’s

time at the Boston Children’s Hospital was an enjoyable time in his life and although there

were some highs and lows​,​ Kevin was recognized as a brilliant nurse​.​ In this situation​,
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Kevin had used his natural talent in nursing to get himself out of an unsatisfactory


During his time at the Boston Children’s Hospital​,​ Kevin began to mature a great

deal​.​ He felt that over the time he has been working​,​ he has been a part of many events that

will permanently be imprinted in his brain​.​ Helping others has been something that he

wanted to do from the beginning of childhood and when an opportunity to travel to Haiti

arose​,​ Kevin did not hesitate to take action​.​ In March and October of 2010​,​ Kevin was sent

to do relief work in Haiti after an earthquake hit the capital causing a later localized

tsunami​.​ With the earthquake hitting leaving 250​,​000 people dead and at least 300​,​000

people injured​,​ Kevin had no idea what to expect​,​ except that there will be in many cases​,

deaths (“WorldDivision”)​.​ Kevin noting his experience​,

“The things that you have never been sad about​,​ you were sad​.​ The things that were

scary​,​ were scarier​.​ When kids would die​,​ because I was a pediatric nurse then​,​ you

would never be sadder anywhere else then there​.​ It was the saddest place I have

ever been and you were angry the way people were treated down there because you

have never seen anything like it” (K​.​Waterman 5)​.

Kevin was afraid for his life​.​ From people getting shot from left to right as close as 10 feet

away or people from his group team getting kidnapped and held ransom for food​,​ the

experience was like nothing he has dealt with before​.​ As people were suffering​,​ he was put
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into a situation where he had to make a choice to decide the fate of somebody's life who

would succeed​.

“We had to pick the infant who was dying or the child that could die but wasn’t at the time
so we chose the child you could die but wasn't at the time. I made that choice and I told the
doctor to make the choice. He couldn’t make the choice so since we had one ventilator, I
chose the kid most likely to live rather than the one that was going to die. We picked the kid
that would get better and he did within 2 days but the infant that was dying, died 30
minutes after the seeing of his injuries’ (K. Waterman).

Kevin recalled the event more memorable because of the work that he was doing

and seeing things that he would never see in the United States or do things that he would

never do again as a nurse​.​ It was scary​.

Nursing had been something that Kevin loved and something that he was good at​,

however​,​ at 25 years old​,​ he realized that nursing wasn't what he loved but what he was

good at and made a living in​.​ Being a nurse at the Boston Children’s Hospital opened his

eyes to the rest of the world and gave him the drive to build a successful future and find his

passion in life and what drives him to be better​.​ This marked just the beginning of the end

of nursing in Kevin’s life​,​ however​,​ he would enjoy hiking and watching the procedures for

the rest of his life​.

From the organization of the AACN​,​ Kevin attended the University of Maine at

Orono​.​ He studied as a nursing major and earned his bachelor's degree​.​ Further​,​ into his

education​,​ Kevin knew that he wanted to get married and start a family​.​ He felt intrigued to
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find the right woman for him and settle down​.​ Luckily​,​ he met Tracey​,​ who was a business

major at the University of Maine​.​ This woman was the same freshman girl that Eric

delivered sandwiches to and thought that Kevin liked her roommate but actually liked her​.

Tracey’s academic aptitude and Kevin’s​,​ most likely inaptitude​,​ offered the opportunity for

her tutor or help him in the library while at UMaine​.​ From that point​,​ their relationship

sparked a future that bloomed​.

Kevin and Tracey got married in 1995​.​ Out of all the people at the wedding​,​ Kevin’s

grandmother​,​ Rose​,​ didn’t get along with many people at the reception​.​ She played the role

of a racist to one of his childhood friends who showed up with his wife and children and

he’s the only black guy at the reception​.​ Rose asked​,​ “What is he doing here​,​ he doesn't

belong here?” (K​.​ Waterman 3)​.​ Kevin immediately took action and had her removed

because of her racial slurs and volatile language​.​ Other than that one surprising event​,​ the

wedding reception went smooth and as planned​.​ Kevin was Lutheran and Tracey was

Catholic​,​ but neither were solely committed to one religion​,​ however​,​ they later were

non-religious​.​ After Kevin got married and Tracey happy with her new husband​,​ they went

on their honeymoon where they enjoyed a peaceful vacation alone on Saint Kitts​.​ They took

to the beach where they tanned and ordered heavily alcoholic drinks because they were

finally married​.​ Kevin comments​,​ “I got food poisoning for the first three days we were

down there and I had a fun time​.​ We went to many resorts and we got super sunburned
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that I had to wear glasses because I was throwing up so much that I broke the blood vessels

in my eyes” (K​.​Waterman)​.​ Kevin and Tracey later spent the next couple of days recovering

and helping each other increasing their fond appreciation for one and other​.

Kevin and Tracey were encouraged by their friends who recently got married to

take part in a program for their marriage relationship​.​ The sessions started with each

person writing about what has been on their minds and then they would each spend time

talking about their feelings​.​ This allowed an open door to talk about the tricky topic of

feelings and support​.​ Kevin and Tracey work hard to keep their relationship together​.​ One

of the reasons their relationship has been so successful after many years of ups and downs

is because of how hard they work at strengthening their relationship​.​ Another factor that

runs through their relationship and makes it hold is a common sense of beliefs​.

On the flipside of his marriage​,​ Kevin was a full-time nurse at the local Southern

Maine Healthcare. From there​,​ Kevin moved onto nursing at the Wentworth Douglass

Hospital working in invasive Cardiology. He enjoyed his work because of the procedures he

had to do and his ability to prevent heart attacks. One of the most rewarding moments was

when he manually had to insert his hand into a man and pump his heart for him. Being a

nurse is not his passion, what his real passion is hiking and Kevin has been hiking for the

longest time and all across the Appalachian Trails.

Hiking has been an important part of Kevin’s life. He feels fortunate for hiking to be

in his life and for being involved in it as much as possible, especially during when he had

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“I took a hiking trip and it was 10 weeks after my cancer surgery and it was a really big deal.
My surgery was in November 12, 2004 and I already had reconstructive knee surgery just 3
weeks before that. And 10 weeks just after my surgery, I did my first hike in winter and I
had just lost 40 pounds. I was not in any shape and I went in the woods of winter with a
group of Traceys family members who had invited me out of pity and I was not going to
miss it. I went and I felt terrible. I thought, “ This is what it’s like to die”. I was having
cramps, I was dehydrated, my gut was still learning what it was like to do exercise and not
have a colon” (K.Waterman).

Through the Appalachian Mountain Club, Kevin was able to hike from mountain to

mountain during the day and night. He brought Tracey with him some of the time, but it

was mainly for his enjoyment and his passion. Kevin still hikes to this day on Mount

Washington, New Zealand, Mount Garfield, Mount Lafayette, and even more. He loves that

he was able to see the brighter sides of things while still battling cancer and focusing on the

things he loves and family.

Later in life, when kids were popping out from left and right growing up, Kevin was

very hands on as a father. He shared a different

bond with each one of his kids that no other had.

He was very interested in the activities his kids

participated in. There yards were the building

place for gardens, tackle football, soccer, or hide

and seek. Kevin’s knowledge of what fun was

really about came into place when everyone

wanted play outside in the mucky grass. As a

father, Kevin has enjoyed watching his children

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engage in activities. He is always in the stands of the track meets, soccer games, and the

lacrosse games as well as the track and field events that his kids partake in. Even as his kids

were moving out of the house and into college, he was still involved in supporting each of

his kids as possible.

As having fun and being responsible was part of Kevin’s uprising into the man he is

now, he ensured that his three children were taught the opposite. His family didn’t go to

church because they didn't think that it was necessary to attend or act the way he did

growing up while in college. Kevin’s dad, Jim Waterman recalls great moments of family

bonding and attending church on Sundays. “We had some wonderful times when at church,

but none of the boys like being their even though we required them to. We were Lutheran

and we believed that we could be saved by faith” (J.Waterman). This part of Kevin’s life

played a large role in upbringing in his family.

Kevin’s childhood stressed the importance in what he believes in. Religion was all

around him and wasn’t very spiritual, just like his brother. Kevin decided that once he had

children that they as a family didn’t want to be religious because he and Tracey were not

strong believers. Looking back, Kevin credits his parents for giving him the opportunity to

become non-religious. After having his first child, Kevin made the difficult decision to

contact his family and tell them what he wanted to do. He agreed with his parents beliefs in

the following of Martin Luther King but disagreed with the activities and commitment on a

daily level. Jim explains, “We knew from the very beginning that our sons were not strong

followers of Lutheranism, but we were not very disappointed to say the least. They can do

whatever they want” (J.Waterman). Kevin recalls the evening as being “memorable” to the
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sense that he thought the situation was going to be a lot worse. Jim was still acceptable of

Kevin’s believes and supported him to the end.

About fourteen years ago, Kevin came across cancer for the first time and the news

was horrifying for everybody. His colin was was failing and it was a matter of time that

Kevin was going to die. Luckily, Kevin got to the hospital in time and was immediately

headed to surgery. The operation was seemingly perfect without any complications. Kevin

knew that he was okay, but he didn’t know that recovery was going to be hell for him.

Hours after the procedure, Kevin found out that six feet of his colon had been removed. The

cancer had not only affected Kevin and his life, but also Tracey and the rest of their friends

and family. Kevn recalls, “ It was at the time where I didn't really appreciate people the way

I should have” (K. Waterman). After months of recovery and chemotherapy, Kevin was back

on his feet and in semi-good health.

Kevin Waterman is the funny and cool uncle that everyone wishes they could. His

accomplishments in the emergency room and his devotion to family are not just admirable,

but inspiring. I hear stories his work in the nursing success and I know that he deserves

everything that he receives. I also see his deep devotion to family in everyday life. Some

people may say that he is just your everyday regular person, but when you take a deeper

look he is quite an amazing person to be around. I cherish every moment I have with my

uncle and I hope that one day to be invested in family as he is to this day.

My experiences with Kevin have shown that he is the amazing dude he is. I see the

way he treats people and his family first hand everytime we get together for a family

gathering in Freedom, Maine or at a starbucks nearby. We take the time to talk about how
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our days have been and what kind of hikes were next on the agenda. I see how Kevin

continues to succeed in the emergency room. I love talking to him about the anatomy of the

human body and how they function. An example of how Kevin is the man he is, are the trips

to the mountains. He wakes bright and early to send an inspirational message via text and

then packs his bag for the adventure of the day. After everything is all set, he will drive

hours and hours to reach the mountain and hike. He can often be heard from the top of the

mountains of yells of joy.

Kevin Waterman, a father, a husband, a uncle, a brother, and deep commitment to

hiking and family. He is my uncle the cool one.

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Brenden Waterman
I​nterviewee​: Kevin Waterman
Biography Subject
Date: 12/4/18

Primary Interview Transcript

Kevin​: Adam is a ski bum and works at a ski resort​.​ He has dreads and is so cool​.​ He’s a
homesteader and makes cannabis candies and stuff like that and he’s a really really good guy​.​ And
you really​,​ you really dont know how many people your related to​.

Brenden​: What events have had the most impact on you?

Kevin​: Events that had impacted me the most… I’d say that being a dad and having three kids is
pretty impactful​.​ When I had cancer​,​ that was a big impact on my life and probably the most
positive event in my life​.
Brenden​: Why so positive?
Kevin​: Because it had helped me be humble and help me appreciate people​.​ It was at the time
where I didn't really appreciate people the way I should have​.​ And so when you are told​,​ “Hey your
in stoppage time”​,​ you have no idea how much stoppage time there is so it would be nice to play
hard​.​ And actually the hiking trip… I took a hiking trip and it was 10 weeks after my cancer surgery
and it was a really big deal​.​ My surgery was in November 12​,​ 2004 and I already had reconstructive
knee surgery just 3 weeks before that​.​ And 10 weeks just after my surgery​,​ I did my first hike in
winter and I had just lost 40 pounds​.​ I was not in any shape and I went in the woods of winter with
a group of Traceys family members who had invited me out of pity and I was not going to miss it​.​ I
went and I felt terrible​.​ I thought​,​ “ This is what it’s like to die”​.​ I was having cramps​,​ I was
dehydrated​,​ my gut was still learning what it was like to do exercise and not have a colon​.​ It was a 4
mile hike and took 3-4 hours and were still not there and physically I felt terrible and I go to spend
this night in the hut​.​ There was a 10 degree high and its 4 feet of snow and I remember all the
sounds and smells​.​ There is 40 people in this hut that smells like food and just magic and it was just
really really cool​.​ I remember hiking out and seeing all this metal and the sounds of the snowshoes
hitting the snow on the way out and it was all quiet​.​ And I go​,​ “I don’t want to leave” and im hiking
out a quarter of a mile from the road and there are cars in the road and I’m like​,​ “I wish I could stop
and not go back” and I’ve been hiking ever since​.
Brenden​: And this was like the first hiking trip you’ve taken?
Kevin​: Yeah​,​ this was the first hike I have ever taken
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Brenden​: And you stayed in a cabin?

Kevin​: It’s a hut​.​ A hut on the Appalachian Mountain Club which owns 8 huts that are on or near the
Appalachian Trail and they are maintained by a group of members or workers​.​ You can rent a bunk
and during the winter you are serviced​.​ You bring your own food and prepare it there​.​ And it was
just the coolest thing that I have experienced​.​ It was​,​ it was awesome​.​ I keep going back every year
for a trip to sort of relive that feeling and it’s just a lot of fun​.
Kevin​: I think my dad being in the Navy when he left​,​ he would be on a ship and leave for months at
a time​.​ I think that had an impact on me too​.​ I didn’t know how much it mattered until I got older​.​ It
just made a lasting impression of the value of being in the Navy and having a network of friends and
family of how important there were​.​ I didn’t know that then​,​ but I do realize now that looking back
on it how valuable that is​.

Brenden​: Do you have any children?

Kevin​: I have three children​.​ Madison is 23​.​ She lives in Massachusetts​.​ She is a Paralegal​.​ She
graduated from the University of Orono with a degree in Science and Spanish​.​ Rhiannon is 20​.​ She
is a senior at Southern Maine Community College​.​ She graduates in May majoring in X-Ray tech​.
And Shane will be 12 in 2 weeks​.

Brenden​: What is your greatest fear?

Kevin​: I don’t know what my greatest fear is​.
Brenden​: Well like in the moment what would be your greatest fear​,​ because like I have a fear of
Kevin​: I am not a fan of heights​.​ I don’t like roller coasters in the fact that your getting tossed
around​,​ I don’t like that at all​.​ I can think of 10 other ways to throw up​,​ I don’t need to pay to spin
me around in circles and get sick​.
Kevin​: But I don’t like lightning because it’s so shocking​.

Brenden​: What are you really bad at that you’d love to be great at?
Kevin​: Singing​.​ I would really like to pick up a microphone and sing during karaoke night​.
Brenden​: What about a song​,​ like you have to have that song that you have always wanted to sing
but can’t?
Kevin​: Well you think that I can hit those notes because I have a squeaky voice but I can’t​.​ I would
love to really sing the Journey songs that everybody can sing like “Don’t Stop Believing”​.

Brenden​: Who was your first love?

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Kevin​: Oh geez ​,​ I don’t know​,​ I really don't know​.​ When your a kid you think that “Oh my god I
really love this person”​.​ It’s all not real at the time

Brenden​: Have you ever had your heart broken:

Kevin​: Ummm… yeah I think so​.​ I think that my heart was really broken when Madison​,​ my first
daughter told me once that she hated me because I had to say “No” to her​.​ And I was like​,​ you never
want to experience that day that someone that really means something tell you that they hate you​.
She was emotional and I don't think she meant it​,​ but it still hurt​.​ She did tell me not to long ago​,
“You are what’s wrong with America”​.​ But yeah that’s what broke my heart​.​ I probably got my heart
broken by a girl but that’s not important​.

Brenden​: What does family mean to you?

Kevin​: I think family means that it’s not always the people that your related to​.​ Sometimes family is
the people you choose to have in your life​.​ Sometime you have friends that could be just as much
part of your family as your family​.​ So my family are pets which are part of my family​.​ So its like the
people that know you who still want to be with you even if they know you​.​ Even they know you and
they want to be around you even when your not at your best​.

Brenden​: What is your relationship with your sibling?

Kevin​: I have one sibling​,​ your dad​.​ My relationship with your Dad is that​,​ I wish we did more
together​.​ If you asked me this when I was 12 and he was 11 and he laid me out in the driveway
because I took a swing at him with a crutch and then he knocked me on my ass and left me crying​.​ I
would say I hated him but we would always be very supportive of each other​.​ When my mom is
always taking care of him for all the bug bites he got when we were picking blackberries but when
he was crying​,​ I was crying​.​ When we were younger we always fought and we were always
supportive of each other​.​ He doesn’t have the same interests I do​.
Brenden​: Would you change anything with them?
Kevin​: I don’t think I would change anything about our relationship but I think that we should have
prioritized about things more so​.

Brenden​: Who are the closest people in the family to you?

Kevin​: Well I feel like Im close to everyone equally​.​ Like Tracey is closest to Rhiannon because they
are the most alike​.​ I am close to Shane differently than the girls in some ways and I am closer to
Rhiannon than Madison in some ways​.​ Im close to everyone in their own way​.

Brenden​: Have you lost any family members to death?

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Kevin​: Mostly no​.​ My grandfather died almost 2 years ago​,​ your great-grandfather​.​ He was 92 when
he died​.​ But my parents are alive​,​ my brother is alive​,​ my kids are alive​,​ your alive​,​ everybody is
supposed to die when they are old​.​ I had an aunt and an uncle who died in the past 2 years and they
had cancer and they waited until they got treated​.​ But everybody in my world is still alive​.​ Well​,​ my
dog died 6 years ago and that was hard for us​.

Brenden​: Do you have any regrets regarding your career path?

Kevin​: Oh yes​.​ If I had to do it over again​,​ I don’t think that I would be a nurse​.​ I think that you
should get a job or career that pays enough to pay your bills and pays enough for you to have fun
whenever​.​ But you should definitely not work to live but work for what you enjoy​.​ If I had to pick a
different career I probably should have stayed in the park and recreation management​.​ If i were to
stay in the medical field​,​ I would probably go into X-ray tech​.​ I wouldn’t make the money I make
now​,​ I make enough money​.​ I would just have picked something different​.

Brenden​: What was the atmosphere you grew up in and how does it affect you today?
Kevin​: Well we grew up in a military house​,​ we moved every 4 years so we got exposed to different
areas and cultures as we moved but we also meet new friends and still can net work​.​ I could pick up
the phone right now and say “Hey​,​ I’m going to be in Washington D​.C
​ ​.​ this week​,​ wanna grab a
drink?” and I haven’t seen this person in 30 years​.​ But we can also do that on Facebook and I can do
that tomorrow​.​ There is a guy that invited me to play Fantasy Football and I did Fantasy Football
stuff with him and I haven’t seen him in 35 years even though it’s been so long​.​ But I grew up in a
military household​.​ That’s when you learn where family isn’t who you are related to its also who
you are closest to​.​ But then you get to adapt and change and also realize that things aren’t so
permanent and some things are a matter of choice and you just have to choose wisely​.

Brenden​: What adversity have you had in your life and how did you deal with it?
Kevin​: Oh geez​.​ I think that having colon cancer and I had a really big surgery where I had to get my
colon removed​.​ I don’t have that much left​.​ I have about 10 inches when actually it’s supposed to be
6 feet​.​ So​,​ I didn’t have chemo​,​ I had radiation but it affects me majorly​.​ It affects my diet every day​,
it affects my hydration​,​ I have to be smart about what I eat and drink everyday​.​I have plan activities
around it​.​ I have to make sure that I don’t eat the entire bowl of salad at the Olive Garden​,​ which
wouldn’t be the worst thing​.​ I can’t drink milk​,​ especially before a hike or I wouldn’t even make it
on the trail​,​ let alone leave the bathroom
Brenden​: Hahaha
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Kevin​: Ummm… it’s one of those things that because I don’t have a colon​,​ I can’t tolerate milk​.​ I can
eat cheese but I can’t drink milk​.​ The adversity of it all was recovering from cancer​.​ I lost about 50
pounds after my surgery and it took a long time to put it back on​.​ I think adversity has another
thing to do with choosing the right job or money​.​ Adversity is different​.

Brenden​: What was your worst injury?

Kevin​: I hurt my back by over doing it by splitting wood and I hurt my back pretty bad​.​ Its taken a
couple years to sort of get over​.​ It’s a bulging disc in my back​.​ But I only need to take medications
with it or get it checked on time to time​.​ I have had three knee surgeries from injuries from hiking​.

Brenden​: What celebrity would you most want to meet?

Kevin​: When I was a kid I always wanted to meet Muhammad Ali​.​ Because I think it was my dad's
favorite athlete​.​ So I guess I just wanted to meet him​.​ But celebrities that I would want to meet now​.
All I know is that celebrities that want to meet me right now​.

Brenden​: What is your most memorable travel experience?

Kevin​: My most memorable experience… Haiti​.​ I went to Haiti in March and in October of 2010
after the earthquake to do relief work​.​ It was memorable because of the work that I was doing and
seeing things that I would never see in the United States​.​ Or do things that I would never do again
as a nurse​.​ It was scary​.​ The things that you have never been sad about​,​ you were sad​.​ The things
that were scary​,​ were scarier​.​ When kids would die​,​ because i was a pediatric nurse then​,​ you
would never be more sad anywhere else then there​.​ It was the saddest place I have ever been and
you were angry the way people were treated down there because you have never seen anything like
it​.​ I was afraid of my life there because people were getting shot from left to right as close as 10 feet
Or people from our group getting kidnapped and held ransom for food​.​ I would never go back even
though it was fun to be at as a nurse​.​ So​,​ I would never do it again​.​ If there was an earthquake in
Maine​,​ a bunch of Haitians wouldnt come over to help us​.​ Not one​.

Brenden​: What is the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you?

Kevin​: I got locked in my car in college​.​ I couldn't open the doors to car because the lock was frozen​.
So I went to the other door and try and the lock was also frozen​.​ But I was smarter​.​ I had a
hatchback​,​ so I went around to the back of my car and I opened the hatch​.​ I crawled over the back
seat and in and then I told myself​,​ “See​,​ I am smart”​.​ I started the car and ehhhh​.​ The battery is dead
because it was cold out so I kept trying over and over again​,​ didn’t work​.​ I then proceeded to honk
the horn at Tracey to wake her up​.​ So I hit the horn​.​ Nope​,​ the battery is so dead​,​ that there is no
Brenden 19

horn​.​ What to do? I can open the door but the door was frozen​.​ I pulled on the handle​,​ the handle
snapped from the mechanism of the door​.​ So I tried to roll down the window but the window was
frozen solid​.​ I’m afraid to open the other door​,​ but I have already broken one door​,​ all the windows
are frozen shut​.​ I didn’t know what to do​,​ so I leaned my head against the door and realized that the
heat could unfreeze the windows​.​ So I began breathing on the window again and again​,​ and then it
defrosted​.​ I realized that “I am 98 degrees!”​.​ I began blowing air against the gasket​,​ where the
window meets the window frame​.​ The window has been fogged and then I rolled down the window
and I go inside and Tracey is still sleeping and I go “I have been out there for an 1 hour and 20
minutes trying to get out of my car​.​ She’s like I didn’t realize that​.​ I then go outside to jumpstart my
battery using her car​.​ So I go out back looking for the jumper cables in the back of my car and the
latch was so cold that the back never closed​.​ I thought the hatch closed while I was inside​.

Brenden​: Most rebellious moment

Kevin​: I came home from drinking at a party and I threw up in the bushes and then proceeded on
into the house​.​ I kept stumbling all over the house​,​ tripping over the fan and stubbing my leg on the
table​.​ Eric was upstairs as my parents were sleeping ​.​ They asked me what I was drinking and I said
Coke and threw up​.​ Then they asked again and I said Coke and I threw up again​.​ They then finally
asked for the last time what I was drinking and I said Whiskey and threw up again​.

Brenden​: If you could do it all over again​,​ what would you do differently?
Kevin​: I would make better choices with money and save as much money​.​ I would make sure I could
do whatever I can to not go in debt and get a credit card​.​ I wouldn’t buy a very expensive stereo
from sears and then flaunt it to my brother so that he would then do the same thing​.​ It was a $1000
stereo for the house and I had to buy one more bigger and expensive​.​ I would do whatever it could
take not to go into debt waiting to be in a deep hole​.

Brenden​: What is your most embarrassing moment in your life thus far?
Kevin​: Probably the car thing​.​ I think the car story is embarrassing when it’s told but it wasn’t at the

Brenden​: What would be your ideal job?

Kevin​: My ideal job is a job that I get to spend outside and not worry about the amount of money I
have to make or save​.​ If I didn't have to worry about money it would probably be working for the
Appalachian Mountain club or being a volunteer and taking people up on the trails or do trail
maintenance or help people with their hiking gear​.​ That's what my ideal job would be but as right
Brenden 20

now I have to make sure their still alive or dead​,​ or vowels are moving or taking their medicine​.​ It’s
important to my mental health to hike and I would rather worry about something less fun​.​ ​I
wouldn't want to do some life saving​,​ I want to do something life altering​.​ ​The stuff that makes your
life good​.

Brenden​: How have you made a difference in someone’s life?

Kevin​: As far as work​,​ I think everyday I save a person's life or help them in a way​.​ I don’t always
know when I am making a difference when I am doing it​.​ I don’t know until after their all set​.​ I
would love for my kids not to hate me​.​ They think they have to love me because I am their dad but I
wish that they really love me for who I am​.

Brenden​: Happiest memory and Saddest memory?

Kevin​: My happiest memory would becoming a dad is pretty happy​.​ My saddest​,​ I don’t know if I
have any​.​ At my job I had a pretty sad encounter when I was in Haiti when I had to make a decision
where only one person was able to get the treatment we had​.​ When people are very sick​,​ they
depend on others for help and a treatment for them​.​ We had to pick the infant who was dieing or
the child that could die but wasn’t at the time so we chode the child you could die but wasn't at the
time​.​ I made that choice and I told the doctor to make the choice​.​ He couldn’t make the choice so
since we had one ventilator​,​ I chose the kid most likely to live rather than the one that was going to
die​.​ We picked the kid that would get better and he did within 2 days but the infant that was dying​,
died 30 minutes after the seeing of his injuries​.​ This was the most reasonable option but we dont
have the reason to make that choice​.​ We are in the United States now so we have the resources but
we didnt at the time of the earthquake​.

Brenden​: What accomplishment are you most proud of?

Kevin​: I am pretty proud of being a dad​.​ I wouldn’t say that i am proud of surviving cancer because I
was asleep when he cut out my colon but I just did what he said to do and here I am now​.​ Wash
your hands and eat smart​.​ If you make good choices​,​ accomplishments can come out of it​.

Brenden​: What’s your favorite joke?

Kevin​: Okay I will tell you my favorite joke​.​ Their is a frog in to a bank and he walks up to the teller
and says hello there my name is kermit jagger and I would like to speak to a loan officer​.​ The loan
officer has a plaque on her desk and says patricia wack​.​ “What can I do for you Mr​.​ Jagger?” Ms​.
Wack I would like to apply for a loan for $30000 and I would like to go on holiday​.​ Well mr jagger
that is a big loan of that size and usually we require some form of collateral​.​ “Well my dad is mick
Brenden 21

jagger but I have this​.​ And in his pocket is this small porcelain horse and its pink and very pretty
and that's your collateral​.​ She walks to the loan manager and says​,​ “there is this guy back their and
his name is kermit jagger and his dad is mick jagger and wants a loan for $30000​.​ He thinks he
wants a loan with this​.​ She says “I dont get it?”​.​ “Its a nick nack patty wack give a frog a loan​,​ his
man is a rolling stone”​.

Brenden​: What are the main lessons you’ve learned in life?

Kevin​: Oh boy​,​ these are serious questions​.​ Be kind​,​ Santa is watching​,​ Never go into debt​,​ you can
grow old but should never grow up​,​ say please and thank you​,​ and tell people you appreciate them​.
I think that's pretty good list​.

Brenden​: How did you and your spouse first meet?

Kevin​: In college we lived in the same dorm​.​ She thought I liked her roommate but I didnt I liked
her​.​ Actually your dad met her before I did because he helped her move in to her dorm​.​ He helped
assist with stuff that was too heavy for her or her dad to carry into the dorm​.​ He would actually
write letters on a napkin or piece of paper when he was delivering sandwiches and said “Have a
nice day! -Turtle” because that was his nickname in college from his fraternity in college ​.​ But yeah​,
he actually met Tracey before I did​.

Brenden​: Describe your wedding/honeymoon​.

Kevin​: My wedding was in October of 1994 and it was about 100 people there and my friend Brent
was the best man and he is a political consultant​.​ I actually remember I got to kick my grandmother
out of my reception because one of my childhood friends showed up with his wife and kids and he’s
black and the only black person at my reception​.​ So when she asked “What is he doing here and he
doesn't belong here” ​.​ I had her removed from my wedding reception​.​ For my honeymoon we went
to Saint Kitts and I got food poisoning for the first three days we were down there and I had fun
time​.​ We went to many resorts and we got super sunburned that I had to wear glasses because I
was throwing up so much that I broke the blood vessels in my eyes​.
Brenden 22

Brenden Waterman
Interview​: Eric Waterman
Biography Subject Brother
Date: 12/12/18

Secondary Interview Transcript

Brenden​: You ready to start this for my project​.​ I am here to read you some questions about Uncle
Kevin or your brother to talk about his life and how you impacted it​.
Eric​: Okay sounds good with me​.​ Ready whenever you are​.

Brenden​: What is your relationship brother?

Eric​: My relationship with my brother is somewhat muta​.​ Growing up we really didnt like eachother
but more specifically hate each other​.​ Its like more than you and your sister do​.​ I once smacked him
to the pavement and left him crying because he tried swinging a crutch at my back but it didnt
connect​.​ He never got along but we eventually always supported each other surprisingly because
given our attitudes​.​ We were always hot heads and we tried to one up each other​.​ From toys to
spending the most money on things​,​ it was always a competition because that’s what boys do​.
When we became adults ​,​ many things changed because we always lived together and even went to
the same college at one point​.​ He was in a dorm like anybody else while I was in a fraternity house
Brenden 23

in Orono​.​ But we never really saw each other as most people would think they do​.​ I wish that we
could plan things ahead and meet up more but we live in different cities and we are both busy with
work all the time​,​ mostly​.​ But I will always love my brother because no matter what​,​ we are

Brenden​: What event/events have impacted you the most?

Eric​: I think that when Kevin had colon cancer it was a difficult time because everyone was worried
and I was worried about what would happen and how h can get better​.​ As he was suffering​,​ I would
always check up on him from time to time when I wasn’t busy or I had a break in between lunch​.​ It
was just a very difficult time for him especially but me as well​.​ And then he had cancer again​,​ but I
wasn’t as worried as I was before because he beat the first time so why not do it again​.​ If he can
accomplish that​,​ then he can accomplish anything that comes in the way​.​ But yeah​,​ I feel like that’s
what impacted me the most out of all the events that happened to Kevin​.

Brenden​: How did you meet Tracey?

Eric​: I met Kevin’s spouse through college as well​.​ When I was working for a sandwich company​,​ I
delivered sandwiches everywhere throughout the dorms to houses around the area​.​ I met her first
when I delivered a sandwich to her dorm​.​ To my surprise later on​,​ Kevin actually liked her and then
they started dating and living together​.​ It was an interesting turn of events that I saw​.​ I have always
been happy of them​.

Brenden​: What would you do differently now with your brother?

Eric​: If I could go back to the past and do over somethings that I did or say to Kevin​,​ I would change
a lot​.​ I would mostly change my attitude toward him​.​ I was an asshole to him most of the time
because he was that kid that wasn’t a leader but a follower and went along with the situation they
were given​.​ One time we got into a huge fight over a shirt that partially expensive but it was lost​.​ I
blamed it on Kevin because he usually stole my clothes because some were nicer than others​.​ I had
a job at the time and he didn’t so when my shirt went missing​,​ I blamed it on him for it going
missing​.​ Kevin then proceeded to cry and hit me and that’s when I had enough and pinned him to
the ground​.​ We hated each other at a time when our family wasn’t really supportive and gave us
the attention that we needed​.​ We supported each other through everything​,​ don’t get me wrong​,
but when we couldn’t agree on one thing​,​ we were out for blood​.​ I feel like that’s the biggest thing I
could change is that we got along more​.
Brenden 24

Brenden Waterman
I​nterviewee​: Jim and Dot Waterman
Biography Subject Parents
Date: 12/12/18

Third Interview Transcript

Brenden​: Where was Kevin born?

Grandpa​: Kevin was born at a naval base in Great Lakes​,​ Illinois​.
Brenden 25

Brenden​: What was it like having him grow up in side the house?
Grandpa​: It was fun! Kevin was easily motivated​.​ He learned to read before 2 yrs old​.
Played chess at 4​.​ At 5 played checkers against Marines in an adult competition…and won!
Was athletic – loved baseball​.​ Wrote his first newspaper column for the school paper in
kindergarten… about not throwing sand in the sandbox​.

Brenden​: What characteristics do you remember most about Kevin?

Grandpa​: Kevin was very self confident​.​ He always believed he was the best at everything​.
When he didn’t win at something​,​ he was stunned​.​ He was very determined​,​ dependable​,
and enthusiastic​.​ He spent hours studying a 6ft x 8ft wall map to memorize geography and
challenge everyone he met – even the geography teacher​.​ When he wanted a new bike and
was old enough to mow lawns​,​ he and Eric made a list of 88 customers within walking
distance​.​ In 85 degree weather in South Carolina​,​ they mowed lawns​,​ carried gas cans​,​ and
managed money until new bikes were earned​.​ He learned the valve of a good work ethic​.

Brenden​: Who was the better kid in general?

Grandpa​: Kevin was a high needs kid and never a loss for words​.​ Eric was easily contented
and wonderfully quiet​.​ Kevin learned chess because we taught him​.​ One day Eric noticed a
chess bad move and mentioned it​.​ When he said that​,​ we hadn’t taught him to play​,​ Eric
said​,​ “I been watchin”​.​ Someone once said​,​ “You have an Ernie and a Bert​.​” Two very
different kids…​.​neither was better​.

Brenden​: How did Kevin and Eric get along? Was there any moments that were scary?
Grandpa​: Kevin and Eric got along great​.​ They were like twins​.​ They shared the same
interests​,​ and played well together until Kevin was 13 ½​.​ Then he wanted a mountain bike
with gears – not the old faithful dirt bike​.​ And he changed his interest in music​.​ Basically he
became a teenager​.​ For 6 months they couldn’t stand each other​.​ Then Eric turned 13 and
magically he agreed with change in music​,​ bikes and…​..​girls​.
The scary moment was in Charleston​,​ S​.​C​.,​ their father was overseas​.​ When Kevin and Eric
rode their bikes to a nearby wooded area – out of sight – gone to far too long – and came
home with chiggers​.​ This was for them a wonderfully freeing exploring adventure​,​ the end
result was being covered with 100 tick-like bugs was worth it​.

Brenden​: What was it like raising children while having to move every 4 years?
Brenden 26

Grandpa​: Moving every four years while raising children was fantastic​.​ Total immersion in
various cultures was such an adventure​.​ In Bermuda​,​ most people visit for a week – we
explored for three years​.​ Then we had a desert and ocean and Cuban-Jamaican friends​.
Kevin wanted to be called “Jose Aqua-hombre”​.​ Moved to Chicago and saw museums​,
planetariums​,​ major league baseball games and traffic​.​ Went to Charleston and found a
more sedate life and learned that we were “yankees” and they were still emotionally
fighting the Civil war​.​ On to Philly​,​ for big city competition and sights to mentally prepare
for college​.​ I think it made our kids fearless and open to all ethnicities​.

Brenden​: What event/events have impacted you guys the most from him?
Grandpa​: One of the biggest impacts was that Kevin was often very ill​.​ His asthma was a
chronic problem with weekly acute episodes. We spent several Christmas Holidays in
hospitals. Also the fact that we knew from the very beginning that our sons were not strong
followers of Lutheranism, but we were not very disappointed to say the least. They can do
whatever they want

Brenden​: What is your relationship now with Kevin? Have things changed or haven’t
Grandpa​: Our relationship with Kevin is still a joy​.​ He still is very high needs​.​ Always has
another mountain to climb​.​ Always has another technical innovation he’s passionate about​.
And words …​.​he still loves the humor and impact of the written word​.​ We used to leave
him notes – “DEER KEV​,​ WOT R EWE DEWING AWN THIRST DHAY?’ and he would respond
Brenden 27

Work Cited

Waterman​,​ Kevin. November 15. 2018

Waterman​,​ Eric. December 20.2018
Waterman​,​ Jim. December 24.2018

“2010 Haiti Earthquake: Facts​,​ FAQs​,​ and How to Help​.​” ​World Vision,​ ​ 21 Dec​.​ 2018​,

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