Dr. Idris

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Herbal medicine during pregnancy

Pregnancy prevention

 Emotional anxiety : breathing exercises (6in-6out); massage lavender/orange oil in your ears
 Hemorrhoids : serat 30gr/hri; massage coconut oil with calendula oil
 Episiotomy prevention : massage frankincense oil on perineal area
 Eczema skin condition : probiotics (lactobasillus rhamnosus); don’t eat bread or sugar, apply
lavender oil + melaleuca oil
 Swelling feet : pregnancy reflexology; drink grapefruit juice
 Gestational diabetes prevention : T1 (eat more); T2 (+340 calories); T3 (+450 calories)

Pregnancy nutrition

 Pregnancy nutrition : complex carbs 175g 35% daily food (ex : oat, basmati rice/long grain rice);
fruit; beans; fish (ex: tuna/salmon); eat every colour; protein -75g daily; leafy green vegetables;
eggs; nuts & beans;
 Don’t eat : processed meat; raw eggs/fish; empty carbs; sugar; sushi; limit preservatives; MSG.
 Supplements : iron 27mg; zinc; folate 1g; vit D 4000 IU; Calcium 1,2gr.
 Lifestyle : pregnancy reflexology; pregnancy pilates; walks; soft music; listen to the Quran.


 Relaxing Labour : breathing exercises; reflexology with sandalwood oil + lavender oil
 Jumpstart Labour : massage clary stage oil (on sacrum, wrists & uterine reflex point (under
inside ankle bone))


 Start lactation : massage clary sage oil/basil oil with coconut oil in breasts
 Increase lactation : massage basil oil in breasts
 Stop lactation : massage peppermint oil; drink peppermint tea.
 Postpartum depression : inhale any citrus oil (lime, lemon, orange); eat oats twice daily; get
plenty of sunlight; maintain good sleeping habits.
 Mastitis : massage melaleuca oil + lavender oil
 Episiotomy : massage calendula oil + lavender oil
 Haemorrhoids : massage coconut oil + calendula oil
 Stretch marks : eat avocado everyday; marine collagen; massage coconut oil with Myrrh oil +
frankincense oil.
 Eczema skin condition : probiotics (lactobacillus rhamnosus); don’t eat bread or sugar, apply
lavender oil + melaleuca oil.

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