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catering round-up

Incorporating plant-based options

into university outlets

By Professor David
Russell, written in
partnership with
Charlotte Harbour

ood trends continue
to show that people
all over the world are
consuming more plant-based
foods in favour of positive
health outcomes, ethical
concerns and environmental
longevity. According to the
Vegan Society, there were
three-and-a-half times as many
vegans in 2016 as 10 years
earlier, and the NHS states that • -_-_-!'""' -���?

more than 1.2 million people �- ��- .....

� ;,:-:'-· -",;.· �
in the UK are vegetarian, with
millennials leading the way. More than 1.2
To clarify, there is eater may enjoy between 85% for purchase within campus million people
a distinction between -100% of their food coming outlets. In practical terms, this in the UK are
veganism and plant-based from wholefood fruit, vegetable,means ensuring the provision vegetaria�.
eating. Vegans are typically nut, seed, grain or bean sources.
of breakfasts, lunches, evening with millennials
motivated by health, ethics Established outlets continue meals and snacks. Example leading the way
and environmentalism. Vegans to respond accordingly, with breakfasts may include ready­
are typically defined as those the arrival ofVeggie Pret in made smoothies·, coconut yogurt
who refrain from consuming 2017 and well-loved chains with fruit and porridge with
animal products, not only meat such as Zizzi and Las Iguana almond milk. Main meals may and servery staff must remain
but also eggs, dairy products offering vegan options on consist of black bean and quinoa knowledgeable at all times.
and other animal-derived salad, falafel and To finish, we must continue
substances, including honey and roasted vegetable to keep up to date with food
some Vitamin D supplements
"Full allergen menus and ingredient wraps and trends and supply our students'
(derived from wool). Veganism
information should be available at all chickpea curry ever-evolving preferences. We
is also inclusive of ethics-
times, and servery staff must remain with wholegrain know that nutritionally, a diet
based lifestyle philosophies lmowledgeable at all times" rice. Snacks high in plants is healthful due
such as the avoidance of may include to the micronutrient density
leather, unsustainable palm their menus. So, how can fresh fruits and raw vegetables, and fibre content, so with or
oil, fur, wool and silk. universities continue to nuts, seeds, flapjacks, olives without the presence of vegan
Plant-based diets, on the respond appropriately to these and coconut-based yogurts. diets we can all be encouraged
other hand, typically revolve evolving changes in demand Similarly, we should to supply plant-based diets
around the optimisation of and incorporate more plant­ ensure that catered halls are throughout our campus o utlets.
dietary practice. Plant-based based options into our outlets? delivering vegetarian and Next month, we will explore
advocates may consume a diet Firstly, we should ensure vegan options with every meal the question: is a plant-based
that is devoid or low in animal that there are both vegetarian­ service. Full allergen menus diet optimal for everyone?
products but may still wear and vegan-friendly ready and ingredient information
leather. A typical plant-based meals and snacks available should be available at all times,

46 I I @.UB_UK

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