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Internship Report


Exam Roll: 060244

Internship Report on



Prepared For:

Internship Placement committee

Prepared By:

Exam Roll No.: 060244

Registration No.: 23299
4th year, 8th Semester
Batch No.: 15th, BBA Program
Academic Session: 2005-2006

Institute of Business Administration

Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342
July 30, 2009
July 30, 2010

Internship Placement Committee
Department of Business Administration
Jahangirnagar University
Savar, Dhaka - 1342.

Sub: Submission of Internship Report.

Dear Sir,

I have successfully completed my internship program in Asiatic Marketing Communications Ltd.

During this period of three months I have got some unique opportunities to go through some
fruitful job experiences. Those experiences enabled me to bridge the gap between classroom
learning and real life situations to a great extent.

Now as a mandatory part of this internship program, I am submitting my internship report

entitled “Analysis of the customer attitude and buying intention toward the brand Lux
beauty soap”. I have tried to put in my best effort for this report and enjoyed working on this
report. I will be pleased to be available if any further explanation is required.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

Exam Roll No. 060244

Registration No. 23299
4th Year, 8th Semester
15th Batch
Institute of Business Administration
Jahangirnagar University
Savar, Dhaka.
Table of Contents

Name of the topic Page no.

Acknowledgement iv
Executive Summary v
List of Tables
List of figures

Organization Part 1-7

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 History of Asiatic MCL 1
1.2 The Affiliation 2
1.3 Service Offered 2
1.4 Driving Force of Asiatic 3
1.5 Asiatic Family 5
1.6 Client list of Asiatic 6
1.7 Organizational Structure 8

Project Part 9-38

2.0 Introduction 9
2.1 Origin of the Report 9
2.2 Title of the Report 9
2.3 Objectives 9
2.3.1 The Broad Objective 9
2.3.2 The Specific Objective 10
2.4 Scope of the Study 10
2.5 Methodology 10
2.6 Limitation of the Study 11
3.0 Literature Review 11
3.1 About Unilever Bangladesh 11
3.2 About Lux Beauty Soap 12
3.3 The Multi Attribute Attitude Model 14
3.4 The Theory of Reasoned Action 14
3.5 Data Analysis and Result 15
3.5.1 Demographic Information 15
3.5.2 Attitude Toward the Brand Attributes 17 of Belief on Attributes 17 Evaluation of the Attributes 23
3.5.3 Subjective Norms Regarding Buying Lux 29 Normative Beliefs 29 Motivation to Comply 31
3.5.4 Behavioral Intention 34
4.0 Findings 35
5.0 Recommendations 36
6.0 Conclusion 37
Appendix 1
List of Tables
Name of the Table Page no.
Table-1: Age range of the respondents 16
Table-2: Income range of the respondents 17
Table-3: Strength of belief regarding Traditional Beauty Soap of Bangladesh 18
Table-4: Lux has a reasonable level of price 19
Table-5: Lux creates smooth & healthy skin 20
Table-6: Lux induces romance by enhancing the beauty of the skin 21
Table-7: Lux has a brand value 22
Table-8: Average strength of belief for five different attributes of Lux 23
Table-9: Evaluation of the fact that consumers are satisfied with lux 24
Table-10: Evaluation of lux gives value for money 25
Table-11: Evaluation of the fact whether Lux have any side effects 26
Table-12: Evaluation of the fact that fragrance of lux attracts people 27
Table-13: Evaluation of the fact that Lux has different types 28
Table-14: Average evaluation of the five different attributes of Lux 29
Table-15: Normative beliefs regarding family members are in favor of buying 30
Table-16: Normative belief regarding usage of lux in a month 31
Table-17: Average Strength of Subjective norms 31
Table-18: Usage of same brands y the family members 32
Table-19: consumer’s motivation regarding buying Lux 33
Table-20: Average Strength of Motivation to Comply 34

List of Figures

Name of Figures Page no.

Figure-1: Organizational Structure 8

Figure 2: Age range of the respondents 16

Figure 3: Income range of the respondents 17

Figure-4: Strength of belief regarding Traditional Beauty Soap of Bangladesh 18

Figure-5: Strength of belief regarding reasonable level of price of Lux 19

Figure-6: Strength of Belief that Lux creates smooth & healthy skin 20
Figure 7: Strength of belief that Lux induces romance by enhancing the 21
beauty of the skin
Figure 8- Strength of belief that Lux has a brand value 22

Figure-9: Evaluation of the fact that consumers are satisfied with lux 24

Figure 10: Evaluation of the fact Lux gives value for money 25

Figure 11- Evaluation of the fact whether Lux have any side effects 26

Figure-12: Evaluation of the fact that fragrance of lux attracts people 27

Figure-13: Evaluation of the fact that Lux has different types 28

Figure -14: Normative belief regarding family members in favor of buying lux 30

Figure-15: Normative belief regarding usage of lux in a month 31

Figure-16: All the family members use the same brand 32
Figure 17: Consumer’s motivation regarding buying Lux 33


In preparing this report a considerable amount of thinking and informational inputs from various
sources were involved. I express my sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed towards
making this research report possible.

First of all I would like to thank the authorities of Asiatic MCL for giving me the opportunity to do
my internship at their prestigious organization. The experience and knowledge gained at Asiatic
MCL helped me immensely to address and understand all the elements related to my report.

My sincere gratitude goes to my internship supervisor Ms. Tasnima Aziza for supporting me to
complete such a study to fulfill my internship requirements.
Also I thank my external internship supervisor Mr. Syed Maruf Ahmed, Associate Manager of
Client Relations of Asiatic MCL for his guidance and cooperation to prepare the report.

My sincere gratitude to all the peoples of Department of Business Administration of

Jahangirnagar University including- My Teachers, My Friends and Other officials for their support
and help.

Last but not the least I would like to thank the respondents of my survey, for sparing the time to
fill out the questionnaire. The research would not have been possible without their valuable


Executive Summery
The Beauty Soap market of Bangladesh has a high demand because of the traditional skin care
procedure. Lux is one of the top Beauty Soap brands of Bangladesh. This internship report titled
“Analysis of the customer attitude and buying intention toward the brand Lux Beauty Soap” is
prepared as the partial fulfillment of my BBA program. This paper is directed towards exploring
the consumer attitude and buying intention toward the brand Lux Beauty Soap. The objective of
this research is to analyze the consumer attitude toward Lux using the multi attribute attitude
model and to find out the buying intention of the consumers using the theory of reasoned action.
A survey has been conducted on the target market of Lux Beauty Soap.

Asiatic MCL is one of the prestigious advertising agencies in the country. Asiatic has been
providing advertising services as promotional strategies and planning, creative artworks, creative
concepts, media planning and media buying, production activities for different promotional
campaign, organization of different events and different public relation activities for different
national and multinational brands for more than 39 years.
In the present competitive market company should know the consumers’ attitude about their
product for the success of their organization. To hold the success the company must concentrate
on their marketing strategies based on their consumer behavior.

A survey with 200 respondents was conducted to know the customer attitude about the brand
Lux. Also their buying intention was measured. Findings are analyzed in data analysis chapter.

The bar charts from the survey findings show that in this modern era of liberated flow of
information & communication, consumers are very much concerned about different aspect of
marketing when to choose a particular product.

In this report, attitude of consumers toward Lux Beauty Soap has been measured on the basis of
attributes and the functional consequences of buying Lux. For the calculation of attitude toward
the brand attribute, multi attribute attitude model has been used. For this, the belief strength of
consumer toward different attributes of the brand and the evaluation of those attributes by
consumers has been calculated. In case of attitude toward action, the belief strength and the
evaluation was for the functional consequences of the action. The attitude toward the product
attributes was greater than the attitude toward the functional consequences of the product Lux
Beauty Soap.

In order to measure the behavioral intention of consumers, the attitude toward action and the
subjective norms for Lux Beauty Soap has been used. In the findings part the most preferable
attributes and functional consequences for Lux has been found.

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