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Dates of baptisms, marriages, deaths,

and burials; wills, conveyances, legal processes,

It may be audacious even to attempt a definition
of his greatness, but it is not so difficult to and payments by the court—these are the dusty
William Shakespeare, Shakespeare also details. There are, however, many
describe the gifts that enabled him to create
spelled Shakspere, byname Bard of contemporary allusions to him as a writer, and
imaginative visions of pathos and mirth that,
Avon or Swan of Avon, (baptized April 26, 1564, these add a reasonable amount of flesh and
whether read or witnessed in the theatre, fill the
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England— blood to the biographical skeleton.
mind and linger there. He is a writer of
died April 23, 1616, Stratford-upon- great intellectual rapidity, perceptiveness, and
Avon), English poet, dramatist, and actor, often poetic power. Other writers have had these
called the English national poet and considered qualities, but with Shakespeare the keenness of
by many to be the greatest dramatist of all time. mind was applied not to abstruse or remote
subjects but to human beings and their complete
range of emotions and conflicts. Other writers
have applied their keenness of mind in this way,
but Shakespeare is astonishingly clever with
words and images, so that his mental energy,
when applied to intelligible human situations,
finds full and memorable expression, convincing
and imaginatively stimulating. As if this were not
enough, the art form into which his creative
energies went was not remote and bookish but
involved the vivid stage impersonation of human Britannica Classics: William ShakespeareThis
beings, commanding sympathy and film recounts the life of Shakespeare from his
inviting vicariousparticipation. Thus, early boyhood through his productive years as a
Shakespeare’s merits can survive translation into playwright and actor in London. It is a 1955
other languages and into cultures remote from production of Encyclopædia Britannica
that of Elizabethan England. Educational Corporation.Encyclopædia
Britannica, Inc.

Early life in Stratford

The parish register of Holy Trinity Church
in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, shows
that he was baptized there on April 26, 1564; his
Shakespeare occupies a position unique in birthday is traditionally celebrated on April 23. His
world literature. Other poets, such father, John Shakespeare, was a burgess of
as Homer and Dante, and novelists, such as Leo the borough, who in 1565 was chosen
Tolstoy and Charles Dickens, an alderman and in 1568 bailiff (the position
have transcended national barriers; but no corresponding to mayor, before the grant of a
writer’s living reputation can compare to that of Shakespeare The Man further charter to Stratford in 1664). He was
Shakespeare, whose plays, written in the late Life engaged in various kinds of trade and appears to
16th and early 17th centuries for a small repertory Although the amount of factual knowledge have suffered some fluctuations in prosperity. His
theatre, are now performed and read more often available about Shakespeare is surprisingly large wife, Mary Arden, of Wilmcote, Warwickshire,
and in more countries than ever before. The for one of his station in life, many find it a little came from an ancient family and was
prophecy of his great contemporary, the poet and disappointing, for it is mostly gleaned from the heiress to some land.
dramatist Ben Jonson, that Shakespeare “was documents of an official character.
not of an age, but for all time,” has been fulfilled.
daughter, named Susanna, born to William
Shakespeare, was baptized on May 26, 1583. On
February 2, 1585, twins were baptized, Hamnet MINISTRY OF EDUCATION
and Judith. (Hamnet, Shakespeare’s only son,
died 11 years later.)
How Shakespeare spent the next eight years or
so, until his name begins to appear
in London theatre records, is not known. There OCTAVIO CRESPO
are stories—given currency long after his death—
of stealing deer and getting into trouble with a
local magnate, Sir Thomas Lucy of Charlecote,
near Stratford; of earning his living as a SIGNATURE:
Birthplace of William Shakespeare, Stratford- schoolmaster in the country; of going to London
upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.© Albert and gaining entry to the world of theatre by ENGLISH
Rose/Archive Photos minding the horses of theatregoers. It has also
been conjectured that Shakespeare spent some
Stratford enjoyed a grammar school of good time as a member of a great household and that
quality, and the education there was free, the he was a soldier, perhaps in the Low Countries.
schoolmaster’s salary being paid by the borough. In lieu of external evidence, such extrapolations
No lists of the pupils who were at the school in the about Shakespeare’s life have often been made
16th century have survived, but it would be TEACHER:
from the internal “evidence” of his writings. But
absurd to suppose the bailiff of the town did not this method is unsatisfactory: one cannot
send his son there. The boy’s education would JOHANA
conclude, for example, from his allusions to the
consist mostly of Latinstudies—learning to read, law that Shakespeare was a lawyer, for he was
write, and speak the language fairly well and clearly a writer who without difficulty could get
studying some of the Classical historians, whatever knowledge he needed for
moralists, and poets. Shakespeare did not go on the compositionof his plays.
to the university, and indeed it is unlikely that the
scholarly round of logic, rhetoric, and other ROSHANY FORBES
studies then followed there would have interested

Instead, at age 18 he married. Where and exactly

when are not known, but the episcopal registry
at Worcester preserves a bond dated November YEAR: XII-B
28, 1582, and executed by two yeomen of
Stratford, named Sandells and Richardson, as a
security to the bishop for the issue of a license for
the marriage of William Shakespeare and “Anne
Hathaway of Stratford,” upon the consent of her
friends and upon once asking of the banns. (Anne
died in 1623, seven years after Shakespeare. 2019
There is good evidence to associate her with a
family of Hathaways who inhabited a beautiful
farmhouse, now much visited, 2 miles [3.2 km]
from Stratford.) The next date of interest is found
in the records of the Stratford church, where a
 Shakespeare's parents, wife, and There is an upstart crow, beautified with our
William Shakespeare feathers, that with his Tygers heart wrapt in a
children were all likely illiterate.
Players hide supposes he is as well able to
 Shakespeare first popularized the names bombast out a blank verse as the best of you;
View Media Page and, being an absolute Johannes Factotum, is in
Olivia, Cordelia, Jessica, and Miranda
his own conceit the only Shake-scene in a
BAPTIZED (with those spellings). country.
Career in the theatre What these words mean is difficult to determine,
April 26, 1564
The first reference to Shakespeare in the literary but clearly they are insulting, and clearly
Stratford-upon-Avon, England world of London comes in 1592, when a fellow Shakespeare is the object of the sarcasms. When
dramatist, Robert Greene, declared in a pamphlet the book in which they appear (Greenes, groats-
DIED written on his deathbed: worth of witte, bought with a million of
April 23, 1616 Repentance, 1592) was published after Greene’s
death, a mutual acquaintance wrote a preface
Stratford-upon-Avon, England offering an apology to Shakespeare and testifying
to his worth. This preface also indicates that
(Died on this day) Shakespeare was by then making important
NOTABLE WORKS friends. For, although the puritanical city of
London was generally hostile to the theatre, many
 “Hamlet”
of the nobility were good patrons of
 “The Taming of the Shrew” the drama and friends of the actors. Shakespeare
 “Henry IV, Part 1” seems to have attracted the attention of the
 “The Merry Wives of Windsor” young Henry Wriothesley, the 3rd earl of
 “King John” Southampton, and to this nobleman were
 “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” dedicated his first published poems, Venus and
Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece.
 “The Merchant of Venice”
One striking piece of evidence that Shakespeare
 “Henry IV, Part 2” began to prosper early and tried to retrieve the
 “Henry VI, Part 1” family’s fortunes and establish its gentility is the
 “The Tempest” fact that a coat of arms was granted to John
Shakespeare in 1596. Rough drafts of this grant
MOVEMENT / STYLE have been preserved in the College of Arms,
 Jacobean age London, though the final document, which must
have been handed to the Shakespeares, has not
NOTABLE FAMILY MEMBERS BRITANNICA QUIZ survived. Almost certainly William himself took
 Spouse Anne Hathaway the initiative and paid the fees. The coat of arms
DID YOU KNOW? appears on Shakespeare’s monument
(constructed before 1623) in the Stratfordchurch.
 Starlings were brought to North America Equally interesting as evidence of Shakespeare’s
Shakespearean Plays: Fact or worldly success was his purchase in 1597 of New
in 1890 when Shakespeare fanatic
Place, a large house in Stratford, which he as a
Eugene Schieffelin decided Central Park Fiction?
boy must have passed every day in walking to
should contain all the songbirds school.
Shakespeare’s first play
mentioned in Shakespeare's works.
was Twelfth Night.
Cripplegate, London. The records of a lawsuit in
May 1612, resulting from a Mountjoy family
quarrel, show Shakespeare as giving evidence in
a genial way (though unable to remember certain
important facts that would have decided the case)
and as interesting himself generally in the family’s

coat of armsA look at an illustrated manuscript

by Ralph Brooke, a herald in the English College
of Arms in the 1590s. During that period the
college granted coats of arms to a prominent
fishmonger and to William Shakespeare, but Globe Theatre, copperplate engraving.Mary
Brooke considered both applicants Evans Picture Library
unworthy.Courtesy of Folger Shakespeare
Library; CC-BY-SA 4.0 (A Britannica Publishing Unfortunately, written records give little indication
Partner) of the way in which Shakespeare’s professional William Shakespeare's house, Stratford-upon-
How his career in the theatre began is unclear, life molded his marvelous artistry. All that can be Avon, Warwickshire, England.© Bettmann/Corbis
but from roughly 1594 onward he was an deduced is that for 20 years Shakespeare
devoted himself assiduously to his art, writing No letters written by Shakespeare have survived,
important member of the Lord Chamberlain’s but a private letter to him happened to get caught
company of players (called the King’s Men after more than a million words of poetic drama of the
highest quality. up with some official transactions of the town of
the accession of James Iin 1603). They had the Stratford and so has been preserved in the
best actor, Richard Burbage; they had the best borough archives. It was written by one Richard
theatre, the Globe (finished by the autumn of Quiney and addressed by him from the Bell Inn in
1599); they had the best dramatist, Shakespeare. Carter Lane, London, whither he had gone from
It is no wonder that the company prospered. Private life
Stratford on business. On one side of the paper
Shakespeare became a full-time professional is inscribed: “To my loving good friend and
man of his own theatre, sharing in a cooperative countryman, Mr. Wm. Shakespeare, deliver
enterprise and intimately concerned with the Shakespeare had little contact with officialdom,
these.” Apparently Quiney thought his fellow
financial success of the plays he wrote. apart from walking—dressed in the royal livery as
Stratfordian a person to whom he could apply for
a member of the King’s Men—at the coronation
the loan of £30—a large sum in Elizabethan
of King James I in 1604. He continued to look
times. Nothing further is known about the
after his financial interests. He bought properties
transaction, but, because so few opportunities of
in London and in Stratford. In 1605 he purchased
seeing into Shakespeare’s private life present
a share (about one-fifth) of the Stratford tithes—a
themselves, this begging letter becomes a
fact that explains why he was eventually buried in
touching document. It is of some interest,
the chancel of its parish church. For some time he
moreover, that 18 years later Quiney’s son
lodged with a French Huguenot family called
Mountjoy, who lived near St. Olave’s Church in
Thomas became the husband of Judith, Like so many circumstances of Shakespeare’s What was Shakespeare’s love life like during
Shakespeare’s second daughter. personal life, the question of his sexual nature is those decades in London, apart from his family?
shrouded in uncertainty. At age 18, in 1582, he Knowledge on this subject is uncertain at best.
Shakespeare’s will (made on March 25, 1616) is married Anne Hathaway, a woman who was eight According to an entry dated March 13, 1602, in
a long and detailed document. It entailed his quite years older than he. Their first child, Susanna, the commonplace book of a law student named
ample property on the male heirs of his elder was born on May 26, 1583, about six months after John Manningham, Shakespeare had a brief
daughter, Susanna. (Both his daughters were the marriage ceremony. A license had been affair after he happened to overhear a female
then married, one to the aforementioned Thomas issued for the marriage on November 27, 1582, citizen at a performance of Richard III making an
Quiney and the other to John Hall, a respected with only one reading (instead of the usual three) assignation with Richard Burbage, the leading
physician of Stratford.) As an afterthought, of the banns, or announcement of the intent to actor of the acting company to which
he bequeathed his “second-best bed” to his wife; marry in order to give any party the opportunity to Shakespeare also belonged. Taking advantage
no one can be certain what raise any potential legal objections. This of having overheard their conversation,
this notoriouslegacy means. The testator’s procedure and the swift arrival of the couple’s first Shakespeare allegedly hastened to the place
signatures to the will are apparently in a shaky child suggest that the pregnancy was unplanned, where the assignation had been arranged, was
hand. Perhaps Shakespeare was already ill. He as it was certainly premarital. The marriage thus “entertained” by the woman, and was “at his
died on April 23, 1616. No name was inscribed on appears to have been a “shotgun” wedding. Anne game” when Burbage showed up. When a
his gravestone in the chancel of the parish church gave birth some 21 months after the arrival of message was brought that “Richard the Third”
of Stratford-upon-Avon. Instead these lines, Susanna to twins, named Hamnet and Judith, had arrived, Shakespeare is supposed to have
possibly his own, appeared: who were christened on February 2, 1585. “caused return to be made that William the
Good friend, for Jesus’ sake forbear Thereafter William and Anne had no more Conqueror was before Richard the Third.
To dig the dust enclosed here. children. They remained married until his death in Shakespeare’s name William.” This diary entry of
Blest be the man that spares these stones, 1616. Manningham’s must be regarded with
And curst be he that moves my bones. Were they compatible, or did William prefer to live much skepticism, since it is verified by no other
apart from Anne for most of this time? When he evidence and since it may simply speak to the
moved to London at some point between 1585 timeless truth that actors are regarded as free
John Russell BrownTerence John Bew and 1592, he did not take his family with spirits and bohemians. Indeed, the story was so
SpencerThe Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica him. Divorce was nearly impossible in this era. amusing that it was retold, embellished, and
RELATED BIOGRAPHIES Were there medical or other reasons for the printed in Thomas Likes’s A General View of the
 John Fletcher absence of any more children? Was he present Stage (1759) well before Manningham’s diary
 Voltaire in Stratford when Hamnet, his only son, died in was discovered. It does at least suggest, at any
1596 at age 11? He bought a fine house for his rate, that Manningham imagined it to be true that
 Robert Browning
family in Stratford and acquired real estate in the Shakespeare was heterosexual and not averse to
 John Dryden
vicinity. He was eventually buried in Holy Trinity an occasional infidelity to his marriage vows. The
 Francis Beaumont Church in Stratford, where Anne joined him in film Shakespeare in Love (1998) plays amusedly
 John Marston 1623. He seems to have retired to Stratford from with this idea in its purely fictional presentation of
 Thomas Middleton London about 1612. He had lived apart from his Shakespeare’s torchy affair with a young woman
 Sir John Suckling wife and children, except presumably for named Viola De Lesseps, who was eager to
 James Shirley occasional visits in the course of a very busy become a player in a professional acting
 Thomas Nabbes professional life, for at least two decades. company and who inspired Shakespeare in his
BROWSE CATEGORIES His bequeathing in his last will and testament of writing of Romeo and Juliet—indeed, giving him
 dramatic literature his “second best bed” to Anne, with no further some of his best lines.
 poetry mention of her name in that document, has Apart from these intriguing circumstances, little
 April 23 suggested to many scholars that the marriage evidence survives other than the poems and
was a disappointment necessitated by an plays that Shakespeare wrote. Can anything be
Sexuality unplanned pregnancy. learned from them? The sonnets, written perhaps
over an extended period from the early 1590s into
the 1600s, chronicle a deeply loving relationship the order that Shakespeare would have man, Cesario, in Twelfth Night—wins the love of
between the speaker of the sonnets and a well- intended? He seems not to have been involved in Duke Orsino in such a delicate way that what
born young man. At times the poet-speaker is their publication in 1609, long after most of them appears to be the love between two men morphs
greatly sustained and comforted by a love that had been written. Even so, one can perhaps ask into the heterosexual mating of Orsino and Viola.
seems reciprocal. More often, the relationship is why such a story would have appealed to The ambiguity is reinforced by the audience’s
one that is troubled by painful absences, by Shakespeare. Is there a level at which fantasy knowledge that in Shakespeare’s theatre
jealousies, by the poet’s perception that other and dreamwork may be involved? Viola/Cesario was portrayed by a boy actor of
writers are winning the young man’s affection, perhaps 16. All the cross-dressing situations in
and finally by the deep unhappiness of an outright The plays and other poems lend themselves the comedies, involving Portia in The Merchant of
desertion in which the young man takes away uncertainly to such speculation. Loving Venice, Rosalind/Ganymede in As You Like It,
from the poet-speaker the dark-haired beauty relationships between two men are sometimes Imogen in Cymbeline, and many others, playfully
whose sexual favours the poet-speaker has portrayed as extraordinarily deep. Antonio explore the uncertain boundaries between the
enjoyed (though not without some revulsion at his in Twelfth Night protests to Sebastian that he genders. Rosalind’s male disguise name in As
own unbridled lust, as in Sonnet 129). This needs to accompany Sebastian on his You Like It, Ganymede, is that of
narrative would seem to posit heterosexual desire adventures even at great personal risk: “If you will the cupbearer to Zeus with whom the god was
in the poet-speaker, even if of a troubled and not murder me for my love, let me be your enamoured; the ancient legends assume that
guilty sort; but do the earlier sonnets suggest also servant” (Act II, scene 1, lines 33–34). That is to Ganymede was Zeus’s catamite. Shakespeare is
a desire for the young man? The relationship is say, I will die if you leave me behind. characteristically delicate on that score, but he
portrayed as indeed deeply emotional and Another Antonio, in The Merchant of Venice, does seem to delight in the frisson of sexual
dependent; the poet-speaker cannot live without risks his life for his loving friend Bassanio. Actors suggestion.
his friend and that friend’s returning the love that in today’s theatre regularly portray these David Bevington
the poet-speaker so ardently feels. Yet readers relationships as homosexual, and indeed actors Early posthumous documentation
today cannot easily tell whether that love is aimed are often incredulous toward anyone who doubts
at physical completion. Indeed, Sonnet 20 seems that to be the case. In Troilus and Cressida,
to deny that possibility by insisting that Nature’s Patroclus is rumoured to be Achilles’ “masculine Shakespeare’s family or friends, however, were
having equipped the friend with “one thing to my whore” (V, 1, line 17), as is suggested in Homer, not content with a simple gravestone, and, within
purpose nothing”—that is, a penis—means that and certainly the two are very close in friendship, a few years, a monument was erected on
physical sex must be regarded as solely in the though Patroclus does admonish Achilles to the chancel wall. It seems to have existed by
province of the friend’s relationship with women: engage in battle by saying, 1623. Its epitaph, written in Latin and inscribed
“But since she [Nature] pricked thee out for A woman impudent and mannish grown immediately below the bust, attributes to
women’s pleasure, / Mine be thy love and thy Is not more loathed than an effeminate man Shakespeare the worldly wisdom of Nestor, the
love’s use their treasure.” The bawdy pun on In time of action genius of Socrates, and the poetic art of Virgil.
“pricked” underscores the sexual meaning of (III, 3, 218–220) This apparently was how his contemporaries
the sonnet’s concluding couplet. Critic Joseph in Stratford-upon-Avon wished their fellow citizen
Pequigney has argued at length that the sonnets Again, on the modern stage this relationship is to be remembered.
nonetheless often portrayed as obviously, even flagrantly, The tributes of his colleagues
do commemorate a consummatedphysical sexual; but whether Shakespeare saw it as such,
relationship between the poet-speaker and the or the play valorizes homosexuality
friend, but most commentators have backed or bisexuality, is another matter. The memory of Shakespeare survived long in
away from such a bold assertion. Certainly his plays contain many warmly positive theatrical circles, for his plays remained a major
depictions of heterosexuality, in the loves of part of the repertory of the King’s Men until the
A significant difficulty is that one cannot be sure Romeo and Juliet, Orlando and Rosalind, closing of the theatres in 1642. The greatest of
that the sonnets are autobiographical. and Henry V and Katharine of France, among Shakespeare’s great contemporaries in the
Shakespeare is such a masterful dramatist that many others. At the same time, Shakespeare theatre, Ben Jonson, had a good deal to say
one can easily imagine him creating such an is astute in his representations of about him. To William Drummond of
intriguing story line as the basis for his sonnet sexual ambiguity. Viola—in disguise as a young Hawthornden in 1619 he said that Shakespeare
sequence. Then, too, are the sonnets printed in “wanted art.” But, when Jonson came to write his
splendid poem prefixed to the Folio edition of upon Queen Elizabeth I and King James I at court uncertain authenticity and some mere
Shakespeare’s plays in 1623, he rose to the performances: fabrications.
occasion with stirring words of praise: Sweet Swan of Avon, what a sight it were When serious scholarship began in the 18th
To see thee in our waters yet appear, century, it was too late to gain anything from
And make those flights upon the banks of traditions. But documents began to be
Thames discovered. Shakespeare’s will was found in
That so did take Eliza and our James! 1747 and his marriage license in 1836. The
documents relating to the Mountjoy lawsuit
already mentioned were found and printed in
Shakespeare seems to have been on affectionate 1910. It is conceivable that further documents of
terms with his theatre colleagues. His fellow a legal nature may yet be discovered, but as time
actors John Heminge and Henry Condell (who, passes the hope becomes more remote. Modern
with Burbage, were remembered in his will) scholarship is more concerned to study
dedicated the First Folio of 1623 to the earl of Shakespeare in relation to his
Pembroke and the earl of Montgomery, social environment, both in Stratford and in
explaining that they had collected the plays London. This is not easy, because the author and
“without ambition either of self-profit or fame; only actor lived a somewhat detached life: a respected
to keep the memory of so worthy a friend and tithe-owning country gentleman in Stratford,
fellow alive as was our Shakespeare.” perhaps, but a rather rootless artist in London.
Anecdotes and documents John Russell BrownTerence John Bew
SpencerThe Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
Seventeenth-century antiquaries began to
collect anecdotes about Shakespeare, but no
serious life was written until 1709, when Nicholas
Rowe tried to assemble information from all
available sources with the aim of producing a Shakespeare The Poet And Dramatist
connected narrative. There were local traditions
at Stratford: witticisms and lampoons of local
characters; scandalous stories of drunkenness The intellectual background
First FolioFrontispiece of the First Folio, the first and sexual escapades. About 1661 the vicar of
published edition (1623) of the collected works of Stratford wrote in his diary: “Shakespeare,
William Shakespeare; it was originally titled Mr. Drayton, and Ben Jonson had a merry meeting, Shakespeare lived at a time when ideas and
William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories & and it seems drank too hard; for Shakespeare social structures established in the Middle
Tragedies.The Newberry Library, Louis H. Silver died of a fever there contracted.” On the other Ages still informed human thought and
Collection, 1965 (A Britannica Publishing Partner) hand, the antiquary John Aubrey wrote in some behaviour. Queen Elizabeth I was God’s deputy
notes about Shakespeare: “He was not a on earth, and lords and commoners had their due
Triumph, my Britain, thou hast one to show
company keeper; lived in Shoreditch; wouldn’t be places in society under her, with responsibilities
To whom all scenes of Europe homage owe.
debauched, and, if invited to, writ he was in pain.” up through her to God and down to those of more
He was not of an age, but for all time!
Richard Davies, archdeacon of Lichfield, humble rank. The order of things, however, did
reported, “He died a papist.” How much trust can not go unquestioned. Atheism was still
Besides almost retracting his earlier gibe about be put in such a story is uncertain. In the early considered a challenge to the beliefs and way of
Shakespeare’s lack of art, he gives testimony that 18th century a story appeared that Queen life of a majority of Elizabethans, but the Christian
Shakespeare’s personality was to be felt, by Elizabeth had obliged Shakespeare “to write faith was no longer single. Rome’s authority had
those who knew him, in his poetry—that the style a play of Sir John Falstaff in love” and that he had been challenged by Martin Luther, John Calvin, a
was the man. Jonson also reminded his readers performed the task (The Merry Wives of Windsor) multitude of small religious sects, and, indeed, the
of the strong impression the plays had made in a fortnight. There are other stories, all of English church itself. Royal prerogative was
challenged in Parliament; the economic and to be performed in various towns until forbidden Shakespeare, William: languageA look at
social orders were disturbed by the rise of during Elizabeth’s reign. This native drama had William Shakespeare's contributions to the
capitalism, by the redistribution of monastic lands been able to assimilate French popular farce, vocabulary of the English language.© Open
under Henry VIII, by the expansion of education, clerically inspired morality plays on abstract University (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
and by the influx of new wealth from discovery of themes, and interludes or short entertainments
new lands. that made use of the “turns” of individual clowns Shakespeare’s literary debts
An interplay of new and old ideas was typical of and actors. Although Shakespeare’s immediate
the time: official homilies exhorted the people to predecessors were known as University wits,
obedience; the Italian political theorist Niccolò their plays were seldom structured in the manner Shakespeare’s most obvious debt was
Machiavelli was expounding a new, practical of those they had studied at Oxford or Cambridge; to Raphael Holinshed, whose Chronicles (the
code of politics that caused Englishmen to fear instead, they used and developed the more second edition, published in 1587) furnished story
the Italian “Machiavillain” and yet prompted them popular narrative forms. material for several plays,
to ask what men do, rather than what they should Changes in language including Macbeth and King Lear. In
do. In Hamlet, disquisitions—on man, belief, a Shakespeare’s earlier works other debts stand
“rotten” state, and times “out of joint”—clearly out clearly: to Plautus for the structure of The
reflect a growing disquiet and skepticism. The The English language at this time was changing Comedy of Errors; to the poet Ovid and to
translation of Montaigne’s Essays in 1603 gave and extending its range. The poet Edmund Seneca for rhetoric and incident in Titus
further currency, range, and finesse to such Spenser led with the restoration of old words, and Andronicus; to morality drama for a scene in
thought, and Shakespeare was one of many who schoolmasters, poets, sophisticated courtiers, which a father mourns his dead son and a son his
read them, making direct and significant and travelers all brought further contributions father, in Henry VI, Part 3; to Christopher
quotations in The Tempest. In philosophical from France, Italy, and the Roman classics, as Marlowe for sentiments and characterization
inquiry the question “How?” became the impulse well as from farther afield. Helped by the growing in Richard III and The Merchant of Venice; to the
for advance, rather than the traditional “Why?” availability of cheaper, printed books, the Italian popular tradition of commedia dell’arte for
of Aristotle. Shakespeare’s plays written between language began to become standardized in characterization and dramatic style in The
1603 and 1606 unmistakably reflect a grammar and vocabulary and, more slowly, in Taming of the Shrew; and so on. Soon, however,
new, Jacobean distrust. James I, who, like spelling. Ambitious for a European and there was no line between their effects and his.
Elizabeth, claimed divine authority, was far less permanent reputation, the essayist and In The Tempest (perhaps the most original of all
able than she to maintain the authority of the philosopher Francis Bacon wrote in Latin as well his plays in form, theme, language, and setting)
throne. The so-called Gunpowder Plot (1605) as in English; but, if he had lived only a few folk influences may also be traced, together with
showed a determined challenge by a small decades later, even he might have had total a newer and more obvious debt to a courtly
minority in the state; James’s struggles with confidence in his own tongue. diversion known as the masque, as developed
the House of Commons in successive by Ben Jonson and others at the court of King
Parliaments, in addition to indicating the strength James.
of the “new men,” also revealed the inadequacies Of Shakespeare’s late works, Cardenio (now
of the administration. lost) was probably based on incidents involving
Poetic conventions and dramatic traditions the character Cardenio in Miguel de
Cervantes’s Don Quixote. Since that great work
had been translated into English in 1612
The Latin comedies of Plautus and Terence were by Thomas Shelton, it was available to
familiar in Elizabethan schools and universities, Shakespeare and John Fletcherwhen they
and English translations or adaptations of them evidently collaborated as authors on Cardenio in
were occasionally performed by 1613. Fletcher turned to Cervantes in several of
students. Seneca’s rhetorical and sensational his later plays.
tragedies, too, had been translated and often Theatrical conditions
imitated. But there was also a strong native
dramatic tradition deriving from
the medieval miracle plays, which had continued
The Globe and its predecessor, the Theatre, soon be over. The Duke of York in Richard II is
were public playhouses run by the Chamberlain’s conscious of how
Men, a leading theatre company of which …in a theatre, the eyes of men,
Shakespeare was a member. Almost all classes After a well-graced actor leaves the stage
of citizens, excepting many Puritans and like- Are idly bent on him that enters next,
minded Reformers, came to them for afternoon Thinking his prattle to be tedious.
entertainment. The players were also summoned
to court, to perform before the monarch and
assembled nobility. In times of plague, usually in (For more about Shakespeare and dramatic
the summer, they might tour the provinces, and performance in his day, seeSidebar:
on occasion they performed at London’s Inns of Shakespeare on Theatre.)
Court (associations of law students), at In Shakespeare’s day there was little time for
universities, and in great houses. Popularity led group rehearsals, and actors were given the
to an insatiable demand for plays: early in 1613 words of only their own parts. The crucial scenes
the King’s Men—as the Chamberlain’s Men were in Shakespeare’s plays, therefore, are between
then known—could present “fourteen several two or three characters only or else are played
plays.” The theatre soon became fashionable, with one character dominating a crowded stage.
too, and in 1608–09 the King’s Men started to Most female parts were written for young male
perform on a regular basis at the Blackfriars, a actors or boys, so Shakespeare did not often
“private” indoor theatre where high admission write big roles for them or keep them actively
charges assured the company a more select and engaged onstage for lengthy periods. Writing for
sophisticated audience for their performances. the clowns of the company—who were important
(For more on theatre in Shakespeare’s popular attractions in any play—presented the
day, see Sidebar: Shakespeare and the problem of allowing them to use their comic
Liberties.) personalities and tricks and yet have them serve
the immediate interests of theme and action. (For
a discussion of music in Shakespeare’s
plays, see Sidebar: Music in Shakespeare’s
The dating of Shakespeare’s plays
London theatres (c. 1600).Encyclopædia
Britannica, Inc.
For a chronological listing of Shakespeare’s
Shakespeare’s first associations with the
plays, see below. Despite much scholarly
Chamberlain’s Men seem to have been as an
argument, it is often impossible to date a
actor. He is not known to have acted after 1603,
given playprecisely. But there is a
and tradition gives him only secondary roles, such
general consensus, especially for plays written in
as the ghost in Hamletand Adam in As You Like
1588–1601, in 1605–07, and from 1609 onward.
It, but his continuous association must have given
The dates of compositionused here are based on
him direct working knowledge of all aspects of
external and internal evidence, on general
theatre. Numerous passages in his plays show
stylistic and thematic considerations, and on the
conscious concern for theatre arts and audience
observation that an output of no more than two
reactions. Hamlet gives expert advice to visiting
plays a year seems to have been established in
actors in the art of playing. Prospero in The
those periods when dating is rather clearer than
Tempest speaks of the whole of life as a kind of
“revels,” or theatrical show, that, like a dream, will
Shakespeare’s two narrative poems, Venus and
Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece, can be dated
with certainty to the years when the plague corrected, augmented, and amended, as it hath unauthorized quartos are valuable to the
stopped dramatic performances in London, in been sundry times publicly acted by the Right understanding of stage history.
1592–93 and 1593–94, respectively, just before Honorable the Lord Chamberlain His Servants.” Several years after Shakespeare died in 1616,
their publication. But the sonnets offer many and The second quarto of Hamlet (1604–05) similarly colleagues of his in the King’s Men, John
various problems; they cannot have been written advertises itself as “Newly imprinted and Heminge and Henry Condell, undertook the
all at one time, and most scholars set them within enlarged to almost as much again as it was, assembling of a collected edition. It appeared in
the period 1593–1600. “The Phoenix and the according to the true and perfect copy.” Indeed, 1623 as Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies,
Turtle” can be dated 1600–01. the first quarto of Hamlet (1603) is considerably Histories, and Tragedies, Published According to
Publication shorter than the second, and the first quarto the True Original Copies. It did not contain the
of Romeo and Juliet lacks some 800 lines found poems and left out Pericles as perhaps of
Acting companies in London during the in its successor. Both contain what appear to be uncertain authorship. Nor did it include The Two
Renaissance were perennially in search of new misprints or other errors that are then corrected in Noble Kinsmen, Edward III, the portion of The
plays. They usually paid on a piecework basis, to the second quarto. The first quarto of Love’s Book of Sir Thomas Morethat Shakespeare may
freelance writers. Shakespeare was an important Labour’s Lost(1598) presents itself as “Newly have contributed, or the Cardenio that
exception; as a member of Lord Chamberlain’s corrected and augmented,” implying perhaps that Shakespeare appears to have written with John
Men and then the King’s Men, he wrote for his it, too, corrects an earlier, unauthorized version of Fletcher and that may have provided the basis
company as a sharer in their capitalist enterprise. the play, though none today is known to exist. for Lewis Theobald’s Double Falsehood in 1727.
The status of these and other seemingly It did nonetheless include 36 plays, half of them
The companies were not eager to sell their plays unauthorized editions is much debated today. appearing in print for the first time.
to publishers, especially when the plays were still The older view of A.W. Pollard, W.W. Greg, Heminge and Condell had the burdensome task
popular and in the repertory. At certain times, Fredson Bowers, and other practitioners of the of choosing what materials to present to the
however, the companies might be impelled to do so-called New Bibliography generally regards printer, for they had on hand a number of
so: when a company disbanded or when it was these texts as suspect and perhaps pirated, either authorial manuscripts, other documents that had
put into enforced inactivity by visitations of the by unscrupulous visitors to the theatre or by minor served as promptbooks for performance (these
plague or when the plays were no longer current. actors who took part in performance and who were especially valuable since they bore the
(The companies owned the plays; the individual then were paid to reconstruct the plays from license for performance), and some 18 plays that
authors had no intellectual property rights once memory. The unauthorized texts do contain had appeared in print. Fourteen of these had
the plays had been sold to the actors.) elements that sound like the work of been published in what the editors regarded as
eyewitnesses or actors (and are valuable for that more or less reliable texts (though only two were
Such plays were usually published in quarto reason). In some instances, the unauthorized text used unaltered): Titus Andronicus; Romeo and
form—that is, printed on both sides of large is notably closer to the authorized text when Juliet (the second quarto); Richard II; Richard
sheets of paper with four printed pages on each certain minor actors are onstage than at other III; Love’s Labour’s Lost; Henry IV, Part 1; Henry
side. When the sheet was folded twice and times, suggesting that these actors may have IV, Part 2; A Midsummer Night’s Dream; The
bound, it yielded eight printed pages to each been involved in a memorial reconstruction. The Merchant of Venice; Much Ado About
“gathering.” A few plays were printed in octavo, plays Henry VI, Part 2 and Henry VI, Part Nothing; Hamlet; King Lear; Troilus and
with the sheet being folded thrice and yielding 16 3 originally appeared in shorter versions that may Cressida; and Othello. Henry VI, Part
smaller printed pages to each gathering. have been memorially reconstructed by actors. 1 and Henry VI, Part 2 had been published in
A revisionary school of textual criticism that quarto in shortened form and under different titles
Half of Shakespeare’s plays were printed in gained favour in the latter part of the 20th century (The First Part of the Contention Betwixt the Two
quarto (at least one in octavo) during his lifetime. argued that these texts might have been earlier Famous Houses of York and Lancaster and The
Occasionally a play was issued in a seemingly versions with their own theatrical rationale and True Tragedy of Richard Duke of York) but were
unauthorized volume—that is, not having been that they should be regarded as part of a not used in this form by Heminge and Condell for
regularly sold by the company to the publisher. theatrical process by which the plays evolved the 1623 Folio.
The acting company might then commission its onstage. Certainly the situation varies from Much was discovered by textual scholarship after
own authorized version. The quarto title page quarto to quarto, and unquestionably the Heminge and Condell did their original work, and
of Romeo and Juliet(1599), known today as the the result was a considerable revision in what
second quarto, declares that it is “Newly
came to be regarded as the best choice of original
text from which an editor ought to work. In plays
published both in folio and quarto (or octavo)
format, the task of choosing was immensely
complicated. King Lear especially became a
critical battleground in which editors argued for
the superiority of various features of the 1608
quarto or the folio text. The two differ substantially
and must indeed represent different stages of
composition and of staging, so that both are
germane to an understanding of the play’s textual
and theatrical history. The same is true of Hamlet,
with its unauthorized quarto of 1603, its corrected
quarto of 1604–05, and the folio text, all
significantly at variance with one another. Other
plays in which the textual relationship of quarto to
folio is highly problematic include Troilus and
Cressida; Othello; Henry IV, Part 2; Henry VI,
Part 1 and Henry VI, Part 2; The Merry Wives of
Windsor; Henry V; and A Midsummer Night’s
Dream. Most of the cases where there are both
quarto and folio originals are problematic in some
interesting way. Individual situations are too
complex to be described here, but information is
readily available in critical editions of
Shakespeare’s plays and poems, especially
in The Oxford Shakespeare, in a collected edition
and in individual critical editions; The New
Cambridge Shakespeare; and the third series
of The Arden Shakespeare.

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