Saw Jumpchain-0.0

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By Writer

You entered in a pickle, no? Most people are supposedly good, and you may even be a good person as

But if you saw a little piggy while walking around the streets here, I guess that’s a pretty good indication
that you are not what you say you are, either you are a messed up person or simply someone needing a
hand to see the mistakes you have made in your life.


John Kramer, a successful and highly intelligent civil engineer, is married to Jill Tuck, who runs a
recovery clinic for drug addicts and with whom he expects a child, which is going to be named Gideon.
However, when the clinic is robbed by one of Jill's patients, Cecil Adams, Jill is accidentally injured and
suffers a miscarriage, leading to Gideon's death and the divorce of Jill and John, as the latter begins to
suffer from severe depression.

Shortly after this traumatic event, John is diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Embittered due to
the loss of his child and his own impending death, John attempts to commit suicide by driving his car off
a cliff. However, he survives and finds a new purpose in his life as he decides to spend his last remaining
days with testing other peoples' will to live in order to make them appreciate their lives. In order to do
so, he abducts other people and puts them in potentially deadly situations, which they can only escape
from by causing physical or psychological harm to themselves or others. The first one of these tests,
commonly referred to as "games" by John, focuses on Cecil. After Cecil fails his test and subsequently
dies, John cuts a jigsaw piece from his skin, which symbolizes his lacking survival instinct. Due to this
signature, John becomes known to the public as the Jigsaw Killer, or simply Jigsaw.



No one knows who you are, perhaps you simply came from the sky or you simply aren’t from around
and suffers from amnesia, long story short, you have literally no friends and no memories, don’t expect
to be considered reliable when you look like you just need one more hook up.

Out of sight out of Mind (100 CP, Free Drop-In)

Is not your fault you don’t have friends, for people always forget you when you leave them, like a curse,
if people get angry at you, simply leave and after some minutes, they will act like they have never met
you before.

Empathy (200 CP, Discount Drop-In)

Whenever someone close to you is suffering, you are able to understand and replicate those feelings to
make them feel better for what they are doing, they also will find you more

A Man who doesn’t fight (400 CP, Discount Drop-In)

A Jumper with this perk doesn’t fight against people attacking him, which results in people going into
outbursts for why you are not fighting back in this whole ordeal between life and death, making them
see you in different eyes.

Messiah (600 CP, Discount Drop-In)

You are the new Messiah of this land, your words enthrall the people around you, they will no longer
think about themselves and listen to what you have to say, following your orders with 110% of their

‘Good Person’

You are not a good person, at all, in fact, you just call yourself that while you fuck other’s people lives,
either by accident or just because you are that much of an asshole.

Not my problem (100 CP, Free ‘Good Person’)

You don’t care for the others you don’t know, any attempt of sympathy or anything emotional will be
met with a shrug and a ‘I do not care’.

Manipulator (200 CP, Discount ‘Good Person’)

That’s how you make money, using people and making them bend to your will, with only words you are
able to make people give up on what they are doing to help you, though it won’t help you with strong
willed people or ignorant people.

Piggy Bank (400 CP, Discount ‘Good Person’)

You have an instinct of knowing how to make money out of someone, you can pretty much see their
mind and their desires and use it to your own benefits, you also get luckier when doing this kind of deal
with other people.

Demon (600 CP, Discount ‘Good Person’)

People are instinctually afraid of you, either by your way, methods, appearance or even the way you
speak, like vegetarians to a carnivorous being, they can’t even hope to fight back after a glimpse of your
face, any persuasion action is twice as effective when fueled by fear, can be turned off.

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