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AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara

Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :

AIESEC Official Expansion

Universitas Sumatera Utara
Internal Policies

The role of Management Team:

1. The management team consist of the LCP, LCVP Talent Management, LCVP Public
Relations and LCVP FGL
2. The management team shall decide on:
 Budgeted over expenses Rp 500.000,00
 Unbudgeted over expenses Rp 100.000,00
 Maintain the LC cash reserve for 6 months
 Contractual or legal issues or commitment
 Cases not plan by internal policies
3. The VP Finance, Governance and Legality & President shall be the decision maker
for all other expenses. There should be requested in advance.
4. LC Financial Resource will be managed by LCP, LCVP FGL, and Person in
Charge of specific project/activity
5. The Management Team shall review the use of the Internal Policies.

AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948
AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :


I. Office Assets
Stamps will only be available in office and cannot be used outside office
without permission of LCVP FGL
If there’s urgency to bring the stamp, the person should get permission from
LCVP FGL and be accountable by the VP related.
No asset is going to be used for personal use, if the Management Team finds
that there is someone who uses it for personal reason without any
permission from the Management Team, the Management Team will give
If anyone borrows the asset and equipment (e.g. banner) for LC and project
activities, they should get permission from FGL department and be
accountable by VP related, and give it back max. 2 days after the asset was
borrowed and should booked at least 3 days before the event.

If members don’t follow the SOP of using the office asset and the Management Team finds
the damage that they made, they should fix it or buy new.

If the Management Team found that the fixed asset and equipment such as roll
banner, etc. damage caused by the mistake of project members, the project
members should fix it or buy new.
Refers to 3rd point of office assets, if members give the assets back more than
2 days, they will get fine Rp 5.000,00 per day.
If there is any organization or community who wants to borrow office asset for
their activities, they have to make a propose-letter that states the date and time
of the borrowing, following the statement that they are going to be
responsible/pay for every damage or loss of the asset related and caused by

AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948
AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :

II. Office Supplies

If anyone purchases unbudgeted stuff, it will not be refunded, unless it has been
specifically proposed and approved by LCP and LCVP FGL.

III. Holidays
The Normal standard of holidays is:
1 week (7 days) during/after Eid Mubarak
3 days during/after Christmas
3 days during/after New Year
Family emergency, sickness (with prove)
University Days off not counted as holidays

IV. Personal Development Days Off

Each individual will be allowed to attend a conference or similar event for

personal development reasons such as ceedership, chair and facilitators also
personal development outside AIESEC context such as education matters.
If individual take days off more than 3 days, they should find a proxy in
functional related.
This time off needs to be approved by LCP. For the LCP, should be approved
by the Management Team.


I. Standard Policy of Project Preparation

The OCs must do an induction which is held by FGL (regulation & technical)
and TM (membership).

AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948
AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :

Project coaching is a must for every project maximum 1 week after full team.
In this time, the VP FGL has to give the project policies education and
financial education to the OC. VP Program Sales has to give the selling
education. VP Public Relation has to give the AIESEC brand dan partnership
education. VP Talent Management has to give team minimum management
education. Project Supervisor has to give team management education. Other
kind of project coaching is possible and will be implemented based on the
needs of projects.
The OC Team will have to prepare the Pre-Proposal that includes the project
plan minimally must have:

Photo one team


Action step

Budget (Realistic, Pesimistic, and Optimistic)

Project Measurement of Success (MoS)

Person in Charge (OCs and their basic JDs)
The pre-proposal should be submitted to Executive Boards maximum 2 weeks
after having complete project coaching.
After Pre-proposal is submitted, the functional EB responsible for the project
will have to set the date maximum 3 days after the submission for The project
Presentation and Brand Filtering (Hearing). In this time, the OC will present
the Project Plan to the EB Team. EB Team will give a review on that plan.
The output of the project hearing will be used to make The Final Project
Proposal. It needs to be submitted not more than a week after the Project
Hearing. Result of the Project Hearing will be submitted by the OCP in the
form of MoM
The OC will also have to submit The Project Budget that has been finalized by
VP FGL not more than a week after The Project Presentation.
After submitting The Final Project Proposal, they have to sign contract
with VP FGL maximum 3 days after the submission.

AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948
AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :

After all steps above is fulfilled, the OCs have the right to get The Working
Capital. The maximum of working capital is Rp 500.000,00 on the needs and
quality of project presentation.

II. Standard Policy of Project Tracking

FGL department will have meeting in the basis of needs with the OCP and
OC Finance minimally twice a month for controlling the project budget or
more if it is needed.
OCs of each project should have tracking meeting minimum twice a month or
more if it’s needed by supervisor project
The meeting for the controlling project has a minimum set of points that need to
be fulfilled: - Financial condition (Review on comparison of Revenue and
expenses budgeted to actual condition, revenue generation, book keeping) -
Review Revenue Generation, action step, and timeline - Partners and Other
Project Supports (media partners, speakers, financial partners, etc) -
Administration stuff (letters in, letters out, LoA, MoM, references) should be
collected to Finance and Manager of Administration and Legal
Review planning and goals for every OCs.

III. Standard Policy of Project Closing and Reporting

The OCP should submit the project report to LCVP Finance or Finance
Department maximum 2 weeks after the project is finished. And also 1
hard copy for LC.

The project report shall include the following information:

Each Organizing Committee’s job description

Each Organizing Committee’s SWOT

Each Organizing Committee’s target

AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948
AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :

Each Organizing Committee’s measurement of success

Each Organizing Committee’s timeline and its deviation

Each Organizing Committee’s planning/activity deviation

Budget and its deviation

Marketing list, contact persons, and/or other things related

All invoices, Letter of Agreement, letters, Term of Reference,
physical evidences and/or other documents

Unpredictable things occurred

Conclusion and suggestion

Good Case Practice and Bad Case Practice

Related links to the promotional materials (google drive, media
appereance, video etc)
Report that is submitted, OC team should have final evaluation of the project
with the EB team.
After send the report, OC team should meet Finance functional to having
profit sharing based on agreement.
If OCs submit the report more than 2 weeks, they will get fine Rp 5.000,00
per day.


I. Monthly Expense and Performance Planning:

Every functional (VP) will have to fill “Expense Plan” sheet and should be
submitted to VP FGL by email by the latest on 4th every month for
approximate expenses that each functional going to spend.

Every functional will have to fill the expenses based on predicted performance
for the month.

If they don’t submit it or being late, they are not allowed to claim
any reimbursement for the whole month
AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948
AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :

Each Expense Plan will be reviewed by VP FGL while the performance

predicted filled in the Expense Plan sheet will be reviewed by LCP.

LCP and VP FGL has the right of not approving the expense plan in case
the performance predicted by each functional is not sufficient compared to
expenses proposed.

The feedback of the Expense Plan review will be sent via email to related
VP and cc: LCP and submitted to Entity’s Google Drive, at the latest 3 days
after the submission. (7th every month).

II. Reimbursement Process

All members have the right to ask for reimbursement via Manager Accounting

The person who ask for reimbursement must fill the Expense Report, which
consists of:



Issued by : Name, Position - Proof of payment attached
 To receive reimbursement, any expenses must not exceed 30 days period
(from the day transaction occurred, measured by the date in receipts, until the
day of reimbursement). If there are functionalswhich skip the reimbursement
week, their claim could not be refunded.
 Reimbursement date will be in 15th and 30th in every month
 No reimbursement will be given to expenses without receipts or proof of
payment (photo etc). Any expenses that didn’t fulfill the above requirements
will not receive reimbursement as well.
 Any transactions that didn’t involve receipts, such as public transportation or
other expenses should be requested by filling the Claim without Receipts form.
The same procedure as shown above will follow. LCVP FGL has the right to
examine or even to decline the receipt.
 The review process is LCVP FGL match the reimbursement form list and
the receipts or claim without receipt form. Claim without receipt cannot be
used for lost receipt reason.

AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948
AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :

 Here is the flow of reimbursement from Finance and Governance point

of view:

Administration administration manager Accounting

and accounting
Manager collect the manager Manager calculate total
Expense report form fund needed to
(google form) and via email Reimburse to members reimburse

Accounting and
administration All the forms
LCVP Finance approved
compiled and sent to
the forms and send
Manager review, LCVP Finance to be back the forms to
compile the form and approved Administration manager
confirm to members

AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948
AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :

 The reimbursement forms compiled submitted latest 3 days before

reimbursement date of the current month. Thus General Administrative has
to consider the collection day from all members.
 General Administrative should give the receipt voucher to the
functional correlated after the reimbursement is given.

III. Cash advances process:

 Cash advance procedure is the process when a person needs money
correlated to LC activities before the transactions happened either because:

The transaction requires a lot of money in 1 transaction (more than Rp

The transaction is considered very urgent (will happen within 1 weeks)

The person proposes for cash advance can contact Manager Accounting
to get the money soon and sign the “Cash Advance Voucher” sheet.
 The LC members who are permitted to receive the money from LC must
give the transaction receipts maximum 3 days after transaction happens, or
else, members related have to give the money back within 24 hours and
proposed by VP.
IV. Loans:
There will be no loans made to LC members for personal reason. Only for AIESEC
Activities for which propose to national and local.
*Within 30 days the debt should be pay

V. Expenses funded by BU:

All expenses that already input in BU Monthly Expense Plan

National Conference Delegates (additional), Damage Fees, and Post-

Meeting (EBs Only) depends on Bu financial condition.
Travel cost BU Coaching,MC and speaker or persons who are invited for
special purposes by BU.

AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948
AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :

 Pre or Post-Tour costs.

 Any expense not agreed by either the BUVP FGL or BUP
 Any expense above the budget that’s not approved by the VP FGL or LCP.


Outgoing Global


Phase Price
Normal Approve 3.000.000
LC EB Approve 2.000.000
Member Approve 2.000.000

Included SOMPO Insurance

 Anytime condition stated in column above for the LR, Ex-BUEB,Ex-Member

Second/more exchange, they would not get the right for the special pricing unless
they submit an essay (minimum 2 pages A4) and video of their experiences
related to X+L after they go back to Indonesia. If not, they have to give back to
money given

AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948
AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :


I. Contracts & Agreement

 There will be OGV contract, OGE contract and Partnership
contract. The original copy of the contract and the soft file
should be archieved by Finance Government and Legal .

AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948
AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :

 Before the issuance, every draft of Contracts or Agreement should be sent to

Manager of Legality to be revised and authorized. Only the contracts or
Agreement revised by the Manager of Legality is legal to be issued. Any
non compliance regarding to the issuance of these documents will be fine
 Every contracts or agreement should be numbering by Manager of Legality.
 Every contracts or agreement issued should be legalized by the signatures of
related parties and stamp under the knowledge of the Finance Governor and
Legal Functional
 Every contract or agreement after legalized and signed by both parties, the
original copy must be collected and scanned by Manager Legality. Department
related have right to having the soft copies of contract or agreement and The
hard copy must save in office.
 Every contract must be physical signature , virtual signature is prohibited.
 The position of stamp in every contract or agreement should be horizontal and
in the left of the signature.

II. Numbering
 Every documents (Mail, Contract and Agreement) should be pre-numbered
with the following format : No. XXX/USU/FUNCTIONAL
Example: 001/USU/IGV/SSS/I/2018
 All the letters out that need to be numbering, should be send to
Legalty Manager max 2 days before the letter will be used kecuali
URGENT Letter.

III. Project and Program Proposal

 Every proposal that is objected for any external parties must be attached
AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948
AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :
with logo of AIESEC.

 Every proposal that is objected directly (going to the related companies

directly) for any external parties must be attached with acceptance letter
from BUVP related/OCP and BUP.
Every proposal that is objected directly for any external parties must be
send to the Legalty Manager to revised and authorized. Only the
projects or program proposal revised by the External Relations
Manager is legal to be issued. Any non-compliance regarding to the
issuance of these documents will be fine 50.000/proposal.

IV. Archieving
 Every letter in from any external parties through LC or projects must be
reported to Legality Manager for duplicating and archieving not lately than
D+3. Every letter must be duplicated in softcopy (scan or photo) by Legality
 Every letter out for any external parties through BU or projects must be
reported to the Finance,Governance and Legal for duplicating and archieving.
Every letter out to be duplicated in hardcopy and softcopy (scan or photo).
Softcopy must be sent to Finance,Governance and legal email before
stamping to revised and authorized. Hardcopy and the duplicate is submitted
after stamp and sign.
Every agreement or Contract with any parties must be reported to Finance &
Governance Function for duplicating and archieving not lately than D+3.
Every agreement or contract must be duplicated in softcopy (scan or photo)
by Administration & Legality Manager.

 Project report that has been legalized must be submitted Finance &
Governance Function in hard copy and softcopy format. Softcopy and
hardcopy must be submitted not lately than D+14 of project execution date.

AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948
AIESEC in Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Dr. Hamzah No. 10, Medan Baru, 20154, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | email :

V. Legalization Sheet
 Legalization of any letter out of AIESEC in USU importance must be signed
by LCP and/or LCVP related with format:

President Vice President of Finance and Governance

AIESEC in USU 2018 AIESEC in USU 2018/2019

Merry Rut Patricia Suhendra Adani

 Legalization of any letter out from projects importance can be signed by

Organizing Committee President.
 After signed by LC President / LC Vice President related / Organizing
Committee President , the letter out must be stamped for legalization.

Kontrak dan archieve (flow chart)

AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948

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