General Profile 804

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Population Exchange rate GDP
44.223 Millions 26.597 UAH/US$ 112 154 Millions current US$

Land area ¹ CPI growth GDP growth

(n) 579 290 km² 14.44 % 2.52 %


Total merchandise trade
(millions of US$) 2005 2010 2015 2017 +19.0 %
Merchandise exports 34 228 51 478 38 127 43 265
Merchandise exports
Merchandise imports 36 136 60 911 37 517 49 609
growth rate in 2017
Merchandise trade balance -1 908 -9 433 610 -6 344

Export structure by product group in 2017 Top 5 partners in 2017

(as % of total exports) (exports, millions of US$)


Total trade in services ²
(millions of US$) 2005 2010 2015 2017
Services exports 10 442 18 327 12 442 14 087
Services imports 7 575 12 712 11 349 13 325
Services trade balance 2 867 5 615 1 093 762

Services exports by main category ²

(as % of total services) 2005 2010 2015 2017
Transport 43.7 43.6 42.8 41.7
Travel 29.9 20.7 8.7 9.0
Other services 13.8 26.0 38.3 37.8

Economic indicators
(millions of US$ unless otherwise specified) 2005 2010 2015 2017 +2.5 %
GDP, current 89 239 136 012 91 031 112 154
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita, current US$ 1 903 2 970 2 038 2 536
growth rate in 2017
Real GDP growth, y-on-y, % 3.07 0.27 -9.77 2.52
Current account balance, % of GDP 2.84 -2.22 1.78 -2.24
Exchange rate (/US$) 5.125 7.936 21.845 26.597

GDP by expenditure in 2016

(as % of total GDP)
Financial flows
(millions of US$ unless otherwise specified) 2005 2010 2015 2017 0%
FDI inflows 7 808.00 6 495.00 2 961.00 2 202.00
FDI outflows as % of GDP
FDI outflows 275.00 736.00 -51.00 8.00
in 2017
Personal remittances, % of GDP 2.70 4.80 6.42 7.22

Financial flows trends

(millions of US$)


Trade balance indicators ² Labour force by gender in 2017
(as % and index) 2005 2010 2015 2017 (as % of total labour force, all sectors)
Balance, % of GDP 0.76 -2.93 -2.59 -7.94
Balance, % of imports 1.61 -5.72 -4.70 -14.20
Normalized balance 0.008 -0.029 -0.024 -0.076

Trade openness ²
(sum of imports and exports as % of GDP)

Maritime transport indicators
2005 2010 2015 2017 0.020 %
Merchant fleet, national flag (thousands of DWT) 1 132 904 430 377
Share of the total world
Liner shipping connectivity index (maximum 2004 = 100 for China) 10.81 21.06 30.06 30.06
merchant fleet in 2017
Container port throughput (TEU) .. 700 000 478 000 627 000

Information economy indicators

(as % of) 2005 2010 2015 2017
Share of ICT goods, % of total exports 0.51 1.07 0.82 0.93
Share of ICT goods, % of total imports 4.01 3.19 4.01 5.13
Share of workforce involved in the ICT sector .. .. .. ..
Source: UNCTADstat (

1 Land area refers to the total area of a country excluding area under inland water bodies. It differs from the country area, that includes area
under inland water bodies, but excludes offshore territorial waters.
2 Statistics presented correspond to the 6th edition of the IMF Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6, 2009).
n Estimated. Data refers to 2016.

Symbols for missing values:

0 Zero means that the amount is nil or negligible
.. Not available or not separately reported
_ Not applicable
... Not available, including no quotation
# Non-relevant calculation
- Not publishable
*** Negative accumulation of flows; Value included in regional and global totals

Abbreviations & acronyms:

DWT: Dead weight tons
FDI: Foreign direct investment
GDP: Gross domestic product
ICT: Information and communication technology
TEU: Twenty foot equivalent unit
US$: United States dollar

The designations employed and the presentation of the material on UNCTADstat do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the
secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its
frontiers or boundaries.
Where the designations "economy" or "country or area" appear in texts or tables, they cover regions, countries, territories, cities or areas.

UNCTAD strives for the highest level of accuracy and is committed to promptly correcting any errors on its part. It does not guarantee or make any
express or implied representations regarding the accuracy, reliability, correctness, fitness for use for a particular purpose, or otherwise, whatsoever, of
any of the tables in UNCTADstat.

Generation date: 16 April 2019

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