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Paige Estep

ENGL 2010

Mrs. Jackie Burr

23 Jan 2019

Analyzing Rhetorical Situations

The projects I chose to compare was an essay from my 9th grade english

class it was about pirates in Seychelles. I was supposed to be a research essay

but they way my teacher my class write it was more of a persuasive essay. I was

writing because in my geography class I had to pick a country out of a hat but my

class did do anything with because I was in AP. Looking back on my writing it

was structure and did not make complete sense. The second piece of writing I

chose was the research paper I wrote in english 1010. My research paper was

about cultural appropriation. It was my first time writing a traditional research

paper and was learn how to site.

The intended audience for my essay about Seychelles was my

classmates. The goal of the essay was for your classmates to understand your

topic and to learn something new. I did know how to research topics, I did not

know my topic well enough leaving my writing confusing and hard to follow.

Before starting writing my research paper on cultural appropriation I

learned how to research,write,cite more efficiently to get my point across. My

audience when writing my paper was more academic than who I was writing for

in 9th grade. I looked up multiple different source not going to wikipedia and only
using new articles for my research. I did you new article but it was not my only

source for my paper. I learned how to make in-text citations properly and learned

about block quotes. I learned to cite if I used to authors idea not only their exact

words. I became more comfortable with research and how to cite different

sources. My write has improved since 9th grade and became easier to follow.

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