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Email Step by step guide

Sitecore -

In this manual I will explain the following:

1. How to upload a banner

2. How to create an email
3. How to test an email

When opening Content Editor or Media Library in Sitecore, always go through the Sitecore icon, on
the bottom left hand corner.

You can also click on the square icon on the top left hand corner, although, you will not be able to
see the next publish when doing the emails.

Within Sitecore you are unable to upload the banners whilst building the email in the Content Editor.
Therefore, the best thing to do is to upload the Banner before starting the email.
We have created the same folders in the ‘Media Library’ and ‘Content Editor’ to save the banners
into the same folder the Email will be saved. This will allows us to have a predefined structure and
will make our lives easier to find what we’re looking for.

How to upload a banner in Sitecore

1. Click on the ‘Sitecore Icon’ (bottom left hand corner)

2. Click on ‘Media Library’

3. Click on the ‘Images’ folder then ‘Gala Spins CRM’

4. Click on the ‘Gala Spins CRM’ folder

The folder you will be using the most will be the ‘ADHOC’ one.
5. You will then need to click on the relevant folder, month & week.

Actives = Retention
Churn = Reactivation
ROC = Anti Churn
New Player = Conversion
6. Once you click on the last folder – in this case ‘Week 14’ you will have the option to Upload
the files. Name your banner with the campaign code.
Click on ‘Upload files’.

7. Select the file you want to upload and click on ‘Open’.

8. Then click on ‘Upload’.

9. Banner is now uploaded.
Creating an email in Sitecore

1. Once the banner has been uploaded click on ‘Content Editor’ – bottom left hand corner.

If you don’t need to upload any images and want to go straight to ‘Content Editor’, then click on the
‘Sitecore Icon’ (Bottom left corner) and then ‘Content Editor’.

2. Click on ‘Mailing’, ‘Promotional’ and ‘Gala Spins CRM’.

3. Under the ‘Gala Spins CRM’ folder, you will have more or less the same folders as for the
Select the folder you wish to save the email into.
In this case it would be actives, April, Week 14.
4. From the options on the right, click on ‘SmartPromotionalMailing’.

5. You will then be prompt to name the email. Enter the campaign code – campaign name
and click ok.

6. From the ‘SelectionSelector’ only select, ‘SmartMailSection1’. Then click ‘Save&Unlock’.

7. In the Mail section we enter the Subject line.

8. In the ‘Preheader’ section, tick ‘UsePreHeader – Test Short description’, and enter your
pre header. Then click ‘Save&Unlock’
9. ‘Header’ section we leave blank.
10. In ‘SmartMailSection1’ is where we add our banner. Click on ‘Browse’, ‘Images’, ‘Gala
Spins CRM’ and then on whichever folder you actually saved the banner. As below.
11. Click on your banner and then ‘Select’.
12. Under the ‘Title’ section you need to enter the opening sentence of the email, which we
used to have just under ‘Hello Firstname’. The Title is now above the name. Check
13. Enter your CTA URL under ‘Url’

14. Under the ‘Text’ section is where you add your email body. For First Name use:
#FIRST_NAME#. Click on ‘Show editor’ or ‘Edit HTML’. Once you have entered the email
then click on ‘Accept’.
15. In the ‘ButtonTextPreSelect1’ you select your CTA. Once you click you will see all the
available options. If what you need is not there then leave it blank and enter your CTA in
16. ‘Header terms and conditions’ is where we enter the Key Terms. Once you enter the key
terms, click on ‘Save&Unlock’.

17. ‘T and C’ section is where we add the T&Cs. Again you can click on ‘Show editor’ or ‘Edit
18. ‘ExactTarget’ option we need to select the Gala Spins Skin. Click on ‘Edit’.
19. Then click on ‘Cashcade GVC’ and select the ‘Cashcade – Gala – GSPINS’ skin and click on
the > – as highlighted above. Then click OK.

20. Once done click on ‘Save&Unlock’ again and then ‘Proposed’

21. Once you click on ‘Proposed’ it will change to ‘Final’, click on ‘Final’.
22. You can now preview your email. Click on the Publish tab, then preview.

23. You will see the email with Bwins Skin. Change this in the URL to Galaspins.

24. Once you are happy with the email, even though the email has been saved and
proposed we always need to ‘publish’ for the changes to go through. The publish
happens every 3 minutes. You can see the countdown on the bottom right hand corner
of your screen.

25. Click on the ‘publish’ tab.

26. Then click on ‘Publish’ – on the actual writing, not on the icon.

27. Once you click ‘publish’ keep an eye on the countdown, once it reaches 0, it will say busy
and then start the countdown again. Once this happens then your email has been
28. Please note that you need to follow this process everytime you change something within
your email. (‘Save&Unlock’ > ‘Propose’ > ‘Final’ > ‘Publish’)
29. Once we have ‘Published’ we can Export to ExactTarget. Click on ‘Export To ExactTarget’.
The first time you Export you will need to fill the different fields, then it will be
populated for you automatically.

30. Enter the mail code which is the campaign code.

31. Then click on ‘Start Export’

32. Once exported you can click on Preview e-mail if you want to check it.
How to test an email in Sitecore / Exacttarget
1. You will now need to move to ‘ExactTarget’ to test the email.
2. Open ExactTarget and make sure the business unit is ‘Cashcade GVC’.
3. Go to ‘Content Builder’. From the folders on the left select, ‘My Emails’ and then ‘Optimove’.
You will then be able to see your email. Click on it. At this point we’re not able to see
anything. Click on ‘Preview and Test’.
4. Select the ‘Audience’ :
5. You will then have a list of usernames. Select your username and send the test email as

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