The Forum Day - Programme Outline: Mark Brown

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a: c/o Cambridge Hub,

10 Pembroke Street,
Cambridge, CB2 3QY
t: 01223 350365

(3) The Forum Day - Programme Outline

** Please note that the programme is still subject to changes. If there are any major changes,
we will inform you as soon as possible.

from 0845
Early Bird Coffee & Registration
Entrance foyer

Welcome Address
Lecture Theatre 0
Mark Brown
Forum Committee Coordinator

Opening Keynote
Lecture Theatre 0
Dr. Candice Howarth
Global Sustainability Institute, Anglia Ruskin University

Technology Quickfire
Lecture Theatre 0
How to build a sustainable Future? - A Toolkit for Change

Chair: Eleni Soulti

Centre for Sustainable Development

Dr. David Reiner - Dr. Erwin Reisner - Dr. Hugh Hunt - Jose Vallejo Bermeo
Judge Business School - Dept of Chemistry - Dept of Engineering - The EcoHouse Initiative

Coffee Break
Lecture Room 4

Pecha Kucha
Lecture Theatre 0
How to take Action today - Initiatives at your Doorstep

Energise Cambridge - Cambridge Zero Carbon Society & Greenzine

The Living Lab -Transition Cambridge - UKYCC - RSPB - Connect4Climate

Lunch (provided)
Lecture Room 4

Cambridge  Hub  is  a  branch  of  Student  Hubs,  a  registered  charity  in  England  and  Wales,  number  1122328.
a: c/o Cambridge Hub,
10 Pembroke Street,
Cambridge, CB2 3QY
t: 01223 350365

Various locations
1. Making Climate Change Personal - Ross Harrison and Maxi Freund

2. Building Sustainable Groups - Tara Clarke - People & Planet

3. Low Carbon Choices - Tom Bragg and Jane Heal - Cambridge Carbon

4. Environmental Consultancy: Cambridge and beyond! – Abhishek Jain

and Mark Robinson - Cambridge University Environmental Consulting Society

5. How do you make an organisation more sustainable? - Olly Watts – RSPB

Coffee Break
Lecture Room 4

Special Keynote
Lecture Theatre 0
Wendy Foden
International Union for Conservation of Nature

Panel Debate (hosted by Energise Cambridge)
Lecture Theatre 0
Local Action. Global Change?

Chair: William Day

Chairman of Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor

Jo Dicks - Philippa de Boissiere – George Bartley

Prof. Douglas Crawford-Brown – Lucia Grenna (Q&A only)
Cambridge City Council - People & Planet - Building Sustainability Ltd
Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation & Research (4CMR) – Connect4Climate

Feedback & Quiz results
Lecture Theatre 0

Closing Keynote
Lecture Theatre 0
Tony Juniper
Special Advisor to the Prince of Wales Charities’ International Sustainability Unit

Cambridge  Hub  is  a  branch  of  Student  Hubs,  a  registered  charity  in  England  and  Wales,  number  1122328.
a: c/o Cambridge Hub,
10 Pembroke Street,
Cambridge, CB2 3QY
t: 01223 350365

Cambridge  Hub  is  a  branch  of  Student  Hubs,  a  registered  charity  in  England  and  Wales,  number  1122328.

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