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2014 International Conference on Electronic Systems, Signal Processing and Computing Technologies

Enhancement of image retrieval by using

colour, texture and shape features.
Ms. Apurva N. Ganar Prof. C. S. Gode Prof. Sachin M. Jambhulkar
Dept. of Electronics and telecom.Engg. Dept. of Electronics and telecom.Engg. Dept. of Electronics and Engg.
Y.C.C.E, Nagpur, Maharashtra (India) Y.C.C.E, Nagpur, Maharashtra (India) R.G.C.E.R Nagpur, Maharashtra (India)

Abstract—Content based image retrieval technique is done by three

manually enter keywords for images in a large database can beneficent,
primitive methods namely through color, shape and texture. This paper
expensive and may not capture every keyword that describes the
provides specified path to use these primitive features to retrieve the image. Thus a system that can filter images based on their content
desired image. The technique by which we obtain the required image is would provide better indexing and return more accurate results.
CBIR. In CBIR first the color space is quantified to obtain the color
histogram and texture features. Then find their feature results local There is a growing interest in CBIR because of the limitations
range, standard deviation of the retrieved image. Based on this inherent in metadata-based systems, as well as the large range of
principle, CBIR system uses color, texture and shape fused features to possible uses for efficient image retrieval. Textual information
retrieve desired image from the large database and give their Euclidean about images can be easily searched using existing technology, but this
distance and hence provides more efficiency or enhancement in image requires humans to manually describe each image in the database. This
retrieval than the single feature retrieval system which means better is impractical for very large databases or for images that are
image retrieval results. generated automatically, e.g. those from surveillance cameras. It is
also possible to miss images that use different synonyms in their
Keywords— Histogram, RGB, Local range, Standard Deviation, descriptions. Systems based on categorizing images in semantic
Contrast . classes like "cat" as a subclass of "animal" avoid this problem but still
I. INTRODUCTION face the same scaling issues.
The recent tremendous growth in computer technology has also
brought a substantial increase in the storage of digital imagery.
Examples of applications can be found in everyday life, from museums Most of the search engines (, yahoo, etc.,) are
for archiving images or manuscripts, to medicine where millions of based on a semantic search, i.e., the user types in a series of keywords
images are generated by radiologists every year. Storage of such image and the images are also annotated using keywords. Thus the match is
data is relatively straightforward, but accessing and searching image done primarily through these keywords. In the recent years CBIR
databases is intrinsically harder than their textual counterparts. The system have been developed to handle the large image database
goal of Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems is to operate effectively. Basically color, texture and shape have been used for
on collections of images and, in response to visual queries, extract extracting similar images from an image database. Different CBIR
relevant image. The application potential of CBIR for fast and techniques have adopted different techniques. Some techniques have
effective image retrieval is enormous, expanding the use of computer used color and texture features. After that the method is proposed,
technology to a management tool.The more realistic approach taken in where the color feature calculated the histogram value of the image,
the early 1990s was to work with simple low level features instead then contrast level of the image. And then region to region similarity is
such as the color histograms used by Swain and Ballard. Since then done. The regions are closed to human perception and are used as basic
many more sophisticated methods have been developed. However, due building blocks of computation of feature and similarity measurement.
to the difficulties involve most practical approaches are still rooted in These systems are known as region based image retrieval. But image
low level feature extraction and description. segmentation algorithm is difficult in the human perception point of
view. Then for the texture using the standard deviationof the image.
The "Content-based" means that the search analyzes the Shape is another important feature for perceptual object
contents of the image rather than the metadata such as keywords, tags, recognition. Various applications proposed techniques including the
or descriptions associated with the image. The term "content" in this local range of the image. N Grace Selvarni and Dr. S. Annuradai
context might refer to colors, shapes, textures, or any other
information that can be derived from the image itself. CBIR is
desirable because most web-based image search engines rely purely on
metadata and this produces a lot of garbage in the results. Also having

978-1-4799-2102-7/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE 251

DOI 10.1109/ICESC.2014.48
The literature proposed the local range for extraction of shape Colour histogram is a representation of the distribution of colors in an
features from the image and to retrieve the similar image from the image. Colour histogram represents the image but from another
database. This paper uses color, texture and shape information for perspective. It counts similar pixels and store it. Basically, colour
image retrieval to enhance the image retrieval results to a better histogram is a colour descriptor and each descriptor contains a feature
efficiency. extraction algorithm and matching function.Colour histogram is
divided into global colour histogram and local colour histogram. Here,
III. SYSTEM OVERVIEW AND PROPOSED METHODS we are using both the local and global colour histogram and then we
are comparing their results. As our one of the aim is to show how the
1. Colour feature extraction: enhancement of image retrieval can be done by using local colour
histogram instead of global colour histogram.It is colour histogram is
Color is the first and most straightforward visual feature for Indexing the most known colour histogram used to detect similar images. The
and retrieval of images, relatively robust and simple to represent. It is next step is to quantify the images using the following formula:Color
also the most commonly used feature in the field. Color has been an histograms are frequently used to compare images. Examples of their
active area of research in image retrieval, more than in any other use in multimedia applications include scene break detection and
branch of computer vision. The choice of a color system is of great querying a database of images Color histograms are popular because
importance for the purpose of proper image retrieval. An important they are trivial to compute, and tend to be robust against small changes
criterion is that the color system is independent of the underlying in camera viewpoint. In this paper gray level variations are used to
imaging device. This is required when images in the image database compute the histogram of any image. For this purpose the color image
are recorded by different imaging devices such as scanners, camera's is first converted in to gray level image. Then the histogram values are
and cam recorder (e.g. images on Internet). Another Prerequisite computed for gray level variations. According to histogram values,
might be that the color system should exhibit perceptual uniformity images are extracted from the database. Image enhancement techniques
meaning that numerical distances within the color space can be related are used to improve an image, where "improve" is sometimes defined
to human perceptual differences. objectively (e.g., increase the signal-to-noise ratio), and sometimes
subjectively (e.g., make certain features easier to see by modifying the
colors or intensities). Intensity adjustment is an image enhancement
technique that maps an image's intensity values to a new range. To
IMAGE QUERY illustrate, this figure shows a low-contrast image with its histogram.
DATABASE IMAGE Notice in the histogram of the image how all the values gather in the
center of the range. If you remap the data values to fill the entire
intensity range [0, 255], you can increase the contrast of the image.

2. Texture and Shape Feature Extraction

COLOR AND COLOR AND Feature extraction is very crucial step in image retrieval system to
TEXTURE TEXTURE describe the image with minimum number of descriptors. Texture is an
FEATURES FEATURE important property of many types of images. To extract the texture
EXTRACTION features, local range and standard deviation measures are used as
performance parameters. Feature extraction is very important step in
image retrieving system .in feature extraction method describing lots of
descriptors. Color, texture, shape and layout are the property of many
images in color image extraction searching the image with the color
such as contrast. In shape property using the size and shapes such as
correlation rectangle, circle symbols. In
Texture feature extraction using different parameters like entropy, local
range and standard deviation.
A) Standard Deviation: The standard deviation value can be
calculated as:



Where, n=No. of elements in the sample.

B) Local Range LC= (maximum value of chosen pixel-

RESULTED minimum value of chosen pixel).


Figure III: Proposed System Architecture.
Images retrieval can be performed from the digital image database on
the basis of colour, shape or texture. Among all these three features
combination of texture and colour feature works very effectively in
most situations. According to Figure III when a query image is Combined value of color and texture feature works very effectively in
submitted for image retrieval, its color and texture features are most situations. This paper uses histogram, entropy, standard deviation
extracted and matching operation is performed between query image and local range.
features and the image features stored in database, the results closes to
the query image is then retrieved from the database.
This is important when images are to be retrieved which should be
visually similar (e.g. stamps, trademarks and paintings). Image Retrieval=Color feature +Texture Feature
A. Algorithm for Proposed Scheme
Step 1: Load database in the Mat lab workspace.
Step 2: Resize the image for [128. 128].
Step 3: Convert image from RGB to Gray.
Step 4: Normalize the gray image for fixed mean.
Step 5: Generate the histogram of RGB.
Step 6: Find histogram, standard deviation and local range of Gray.
Step 7: Combine the image feature.
Step 08: Load the test image.
Step 09: Apply the procedure 2-7 to find combine feature of test
Step 10: Determine the normalized Euclidean distance of test image
with stored image of database.
Step 11: Sort the normalized Euclidean distance values to perform
Step 12: Display the result on GUI. Figure b: Standard Deviation of Image

According to Figure III when a query image is submitted for image

retrieval, its color features are extracted and matching operation is
performed between query image features and the image features
stored in database then the results closes to the query image is
retrieved from the database. First we load the database in the Mat lab
workspace after loading the database we resize the image for [128,
128] to get the similar size of images after that we Convert images
from RGB to Gray texture and Generate histogram for color image.
Then we normalize the gray image for fixed mean. After this we find
the histogram, standard deviation and local range of each image.
When a test image is loaded we apply the procedure 2-7 to find
combine feature of test image after that we determine the normalized
Euclidean distance between query image and database image with
indexing. The closest values are displayed on GUI as result.

Figure c: Histogram of Image

Figure a: Input Image for Retrieval Figure d: Local Range of Image

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On the basis of previous researches, this paper using three
features histogram, standard deviation and local range of the
image. On the basis of these features retrieved images from
the database and give the retrieved time of images. It gives the
best matching image from the database. For the future work
using different type of features of colour, texture and shape, to
enhance the pixel value of image and give the best image as a
resultant and improve the retrieved time of the images.
provides more efficiency or enhancement in image retrieval
than the single feature retrieval system which means better
image retrieval results.

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