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it’s a new way to look for the historical sides of texts

In a Nutshell
Let’s play parallel universe and suppose for a minute that Shakespeare hadn’t lived in
Elizabethan England but in our own day and age. Maybe he would have experienced
the end of the Cold War, 9/11, Britney Spears, the Iraq War, global warming,
the Mission Impossible movies, and whatever else is important from the past 25 years.
Maybe he’d be “Billy Shakes” on Facebook.
Even if Bill is writing plays, he’d be frustrated because those Tom Cruise movies are
bringing home the bucks and there’s not so much interest in theater. The poor dude’s
having a rough time making ends meet as a playwright.
So, seems clear that a Shakespeare born in our day and age would be a little different
from the guy who lived in the late sixteenth century and wrote stuff like Hamlet, King
Lear, and The Tempest (the prototype for the first Mission Impossible). And that’s
because the circumstances surrounding a twentieth-century Shakespeare would be
very different from the circumstances surrounding the English Renaissance
Shakespeare we all know and love.

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