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Focus: Teaching Listening, Speaking,

Reading and Writing
By: Ms. Amor Babe S. Tabasa

Name: ____________________________________ Score:________________

General Directions:
1. Read and analyze each questions carefully. Do not rush things; you will end
up hurt.
2. No erasures. Think first before answering. Not all mistakes can be corrected.
And even though you tried to erase it, it will still leave a mark just like scars in
your heart.
3. Do not cheat. Cheating is not a mistake; it is a choice.
4. Encircle the letter of your answer. Life is like that – it’s a merry-go-round!
5. Finish the exam in 1 hour. You should know when to fight and when to stop. If
it’s done, then it’s done.

1. It is an active process by which students receive, construct meaning from, and

respond to spoken or nonverbal messages.
a. Viewing
b. Writing
c. Listening
d. Speaking
2. Karina is attending a seminar. She wants to get some information so she can
present it to the student leaders. What type of listening will she use?
a. Therapeutic
b. Comprehensive
c. Critical
d. Appreciative
3. What type of listening is when students listen to support others and to not judge
a. Therapeutic
b. Comprehensive
c. Critical
d. Appreciative
4. Which among the following activities use appreciative, critical and
comprehensive listening?
a. Listening to a talk in a seminar
b. Listening to a student’s problem
c. Listening to literature read
d. Listening to a complaining parent
5. Which among the following does not belong to enabling skills?
a. Following instructions
b. Making predictions
c. Drawing inferences
d. Listening for gist
6. Which among the following are listening outcomes?
I. Transfer information into graphic forms
II. Take effective notes
III. Reconstruct original text
IV. Mental evaluation

a. I,III, IV
b. II, III, IV
c. I, II,III
d. I, II, 1V
7. It is the process by which utterance is segmented according to syntactic
structures or meaning cues to create a mental representation of the combined
meaning of words.
a. Perception
b. Parsing
c. Utilization
d. Processing
8. Alice is watching a basketball game together with her friend Cindy. While the
game is almost at its peak, and the crowd is cheering as suspense is building,
Cindy talks about how she and her brother started to love basketball. Base on
the situation, what kind of listening approach should Alice use?
a. Top-down
b. Bottom-up
c. Parallel
d. Interactive
9. Rechelle already had a background knowledge of the topic and knows the
speaker as well. When listening, what kind of will she use?
a. Top-down
b. Bottom-up
c. Parallel
d. Interactive
10. Teacher Jenny let her students predict the content of a listening activity using
pictures and key words. What approach will her students use?
a. Top-down
b. Bottom-up
c. Parallel
d. Interactive
11. Alyssa is a Grade 7 student. He is listening as her teacher reads ad excerpt from
Hamlet by William Shakespeare. At the end of the activity, a test was
administered and he got a low mark. What factor influenced his listening?
a. Schematic
b. Contextual
c. Systemic
d. Phonetic
12. What stage in a listening lesson should teachers activate their students’
knowledge about the lesson/activity?
a. Pre-listening
b. While-listening
c. Post-listening
d. Not listening
13. Before the start of a listening activity, May Ann asked herself, am I listening to
understand, to evaluate or to be entertained? What strategy did she use to
prepare herself for the listening experience?
a. Review standards for learning
b. Activate existing knowledge
c. Establish purpose
d. Build prior knowledge
14. While listening, students should try to read between the lines to know what the
speaker does not actually say. What characteristic of an effective listener Wis
a. Connect
b. Make inferences
c. Reflect and evaluate
d. Find meaning
15. What is listening with a pen in the hand?
a. Transcribing
b. Drawing
c. Note-making
d. Doodling
16. This is writing down live or recorder speech to sharpen students’ listening,
spelling, and punctuation skills.
a. Transcribing
b. Drawing
c. Note-making
d. Doodling
17. Harry lives in London and visited his childhood friend Ron in the Philippines.
Because Harry has a British accent, Ron cannot fully understand him. What
problem did Ron face during this listening situation?
a. Text
b. Task
c. Interlocutor
d. Listener
18. What type of listening task wherein one does not have to interact wih the speaker
while listening and is mainly concerned with obtaining information and
a. Transactional
b. Interactional
c. Directional
d. Discourse oriented
19. What type of listening task are the following: simulation, presentation, creative
dictation, description.
a. Transactional
b. Interactional
c. Directional
d. Discourse oriented
20. Which among the following are examples of authentic listening activities?
I. Acting out a story
II. Evaluating products from commercials
III. Critiquing a peer’s draft of a story
IV. Evaluating candidates from their campaign speeches
a. I, II
b. I, II, III
21. According to David Nunan, a learner’s performance is always colored by that
person he/she is talking with.
a. Conversational discourse
b. Accuracy
c. Interlocutor effect
d. Interaction effect
22. Sheena answered the question asked by her teacher but instead of saying part,
she said fart. Her classmates laughed at her. From that moment on, she does not
participate in class discussions anymore because of the fear and anxiety of
blurting out the wrong things again. What factor affects her speaking practice?
a. Fluency
b. Affective
c. Accuracy
d. Pronunciation
23. Lakas lives in America for five years but wasn’t able to interact with the people
because of his being introvert. On the other hand, Ganda just visited America for
a week but interacted with the people everyday. Hence, an extrovert. They then
went back to the Philippines together. Who do you think became acquainted with
the English language more?
a. Lakas, because he lived there longer.
b. Ganda, because she interacted with the people everyday although her
visit is short.
c. Lakas, because even though he did not interact with the people, he can
still hear them talking.
d. Both, because they were able to visit America.
24. Fluent speech is phrasal, not word by word.
a. Clustering
b. Redundancy
c. Colloquial language
d. Intonation
25. ‘That’s the pot calling the kettle black’ is an example of
a. Clustering
b. Redundancy
c. Colloquial language
d. Intonation
26. Record which means to write something and record which means an official
document will differ base on
a. Rhythm
b. Intonation
c. Stress
d. Rate of delievery
27. Teacher Ella lets her students imitate and follow the words and phrases she says
during their speech activity. What speaking task did the students do?
a. Responsive speaking
b. Interactive speaking
c. Imitative speaking
d. Intensive speaking
28. Gale presented her short speech in front of her classmates. What speaking task
did she do?
a. Extensive speaking
b. Imitative speaking
c. Intensive speaking
d. Personal speaking
29. It is a process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among
the reader’s existing knowledge, the information suggested by the written
language, and the context of reading situation.
a. Reading
b. Writing
c. Listening
d. Speaking
30. Making sense of new information in light of what the students already know and
make necessary connection between the two is what we call
a. Vocabulary development
b. Comprehension development
c. Understanding text organization
d. Schema activitation
31. Before ending the reading activity, teacher Gerselle see to it that students see
the relevance of the story to their own life and show appreciation of the text read.
What type of application did she do?
a. Questioning
b. Valuing
c. Appreciating
d. Linking
32. Teacher Christine poses questions to get the student thinking about the coming
activity. This is used as a lead into the main activity. What part of a language
lesson is she now?
a. Perspective phase
b. Simulation phase
c. Instruction phase
d. Closure phase
33. A developmental language model based on the premise that youngsters acquire
language as naturally as they learn to walk and talk when they are engage in
self-motivating activities that are stimulating, interesting, social, meaning-based,
purposeful, interactive, and most of all enjoyable.
a. Whole Language Approach
b. Language Experience Approach
c. Language Acquisition Approach
d. Natural Approach
34. The word polygamous can be broken down into three: prefix, rootword and
suffix. This is an example of
a. Context clue
b. Apposition
c. Structural analysis
d. Definition statement
35. This is an instructional approach that consists of analysing words surrounding an
unknown words to determine its meaning.
a. Context clue
b. Apposition
c. Structural analysis
d. Definition statement
36. Sir Ethan reads the introduction of the story. Before continuing, he lets the
students ask questions about the characters, setting, and plot. He then continue
reading short sections and asking students some questions in between like “do
you think the characters are acting in the way they should? What would you have
done in this situation?”
What reading strategy did Sir Ethan use?
a. Anticipation guide
b. ReQuest
c. K-W-L
d. P-L-A-N
37. This is a graphic organizer in which students create a map to visually organize
and better understand the information that has been covered. Students predict
contents, locate known and unknown information, add words or phrases andnote
new understanding.
a. Anticipation guide
b. ReQuest
c. K-W-L
d. P-L-A-N
38. It is similar to impromptu speaking which involves very little planning or revision.
This is the kind of writing which is natural and problematic.
a. Knowledge transformation
b. Knowledge writing
c. Knowledge telling
d. Knowledge viewing
39. It involves much more effort and skill, and is not achieved without a great deal of
a. Knowledge transformation
b. Knowledge writing
c. Knowledge telling
d. Knowledge viewing
40. Which among the four writing foci can be linked to expressionism and
a. Focus on form
b. Focus on content
c. Focus on the reader
d. Focus on the writer
41. Focus on the reader can be linked to what school of thought?
a. Social constructionism
b. Current-traditional rhetoric
c. Expressionism
d. Cognitivism
42. In the following dialogue, what Filipino value was affirmed by Mario’s statement?
Gloria: So, for a measly apple, you lost a job you needed as much-
Mario: I wouldn’t mind losing a thousand jobs for an apple for my daughter!
a. Parental sacrifice for children
b. Material comfort for the family
c. Family happiness over job security
d. Child’s care above morality
43. Which question falls under literal comprehension?
a. In the story, who is short?
b. Why is it good to be short?
c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being tall and short?
d. Do you agree when the horse said that it is good to be who you are?
44. Which word contains G as /g/ the hard sound?
a. Beige
b. Teaching
c. Gate
d. Giant
45. Which word is accented on the second syllable?
a. formidable
b. Petrichor
c. altruistic
d. Pandemonium
46. If someone shrugs his/her shoulders, which of the following does he/she
a. Impatience
b. Despair
c. Puzzlement
d. Indifference
47. Which phrase should be used to accept diversity?
a. Please use ideas that fit in what I say in class.
b. That’s not the kind of answer we can accept around here.

c. That’s not how I see it, but I can understand how others might see it
d. I’ve never heard that expression before, so let’s not start something new.
48. Which error is made when the student reads FEATHER for FATHER?
a. Graphophonic
b. Pragmatic
c. Semantic
d. syntactic
49. Which should be the cause of poor comprehension?
a. Limited knowledge
b. Lack of automaticity
c. Limited vocabulary
d. Insufficient experiences

50. Which instructional procedure makes use of children’s language and

a. Directed-Reading-Thinking Activity
b. Language Experience Approach
c. Mastery Learning
d. Individualized Method
51. Which is an informal tool in determining students’ reading levels?
a. Informal Reading Inventory (IRI)
b. Double-Reading-Thinking Activity]
c. Double-Entry Journal
d. Mastery Learning
52. Which reading takes place when two students read a text together?
a. Shared
b. Independent
c. Guided
d. Buddy

53. Which instructional procedure is used when teachers gather information about
readers’ abilities to deal with the content and structure of texts read?
a. Cubing
b. Grand conversation
c. Cloze procedure
d. K-W-L Chart
54. Time is a pair of scissors
And life, a bolt of brocade
When the lost section is done
The scraps are committed to a bonfire

The key idea expressed in the stanza above is the _________.

a. Transitories of life
b. Cruelty of time
c. Beauty of life
d. Destruction of beauty
55. “ Yes, thou shalt die
And lie
Dump in the tomb;
Nor of thy name
Shall these be any fame”
-To An Uncultured Lesbian Woman by Sappho-

What does the person tell the lesbian woman about her death?
a. She will not be famous in death
b. She will find peace
c. She will be placed in a tomb
d. She will be forgotten

56. AFRICA by David Diop

Africa, my Africa
Africa or proud warriors
In ancestral savannah
Africa of whom my grandmother sings

The lines above describe Africa as that is –

a. Free and beautiful
b. Mysterious and unexplored
c. War town and undeveloped
d. Primitive and uncivilized
57. “Are you dark? Or very light??” revelation came.
“You mean like plain or milk chocolate?” Her assent was clinical, crushing its light.

Impersonality. Rapidly, wave length adjusted, I chose, “West African sepia” – and as an
afterthought, “Down in my passport.”

This excerpt from Soyinka’s Telephone Conversation indicates the universal issue of
a. Gender discrimination
b. Colonial mentality
c. Human rights violation
d. Racial discrimination
58. Among models of reading strategies, what did the student Mina adopt when she
began with what was in her mind by making predictions or hypothesis from the
title of an essay she was going to read?
a. Interactive
b. Top-down
c. Bottom-up
d. Down-top
59. Among models of reading strategies, what did student Lina adopts when she
reads back and forth, attending to both what is in her mind and what’s on the

a. Interactive

b. Top-down

c. Bottom-up

d. Down-top
60. In the instructional framework for learning strategies, which components is
demonstrated by teacher Jose who identifies the skills required in writing a
personality essay and shows his personally written essay while showing the
steps he used to complete it?
a. Consolidation
b. Review
c. Modelling
d. Application
61. In teaching listening comprehension, every language teacher must:
a. Need to aid students to pick out manageable clusters of words
b. Need to aid students not to pick up manageable clusters of words
c. Need to aid students to pick out manageable clusters not that of words
d. Need not to aid students to pick out manageable clusters of words
62. They appear both in monologues and dialogues
a. Reduced forms
b. Interaction
c. Rate of delivery
d. Colloquialisms
63. They are both significant goals to pursue in Communicative Language Teaching
a. Accuracy and pronunciation
b. Conversational discourse
c. Affective factors
d. Accuracy and fluency
64. It is a speech which is phrasal, not done through word by word.
a. Fluent speech
b. Affluent speech
c. Direct speech
d. Indirect speech
65. It involves two or more speakers and can be subdivided into those exchanges
that promote social relationship (interpersonal) and those for which the purpose
is to convey propositional or factual information (transactional).
a. Prologue
b. Decalogue
c. Monologue
d. Dialogue

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