Film Adaptation Presentation

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Presented by:

Lizbedy Cruz Rosa

•  Determine if film adaptation can be used as an
instructional strategy in the classroom in a way that
will help the student improve their understanding of
the material and be beneficial to the development
of the material given in the lesson.
•  Analyze the effect that film adaptations have on
the students and know whether they have
beneficial reaction in the classroom.
•  Evaluate whether this instructional strategy of film
adaptation works and could be used in a regular
manner in a teacher’s regular class planning.
•  Film adaptations have been seen to be beneficial
to the students depending on how the teachers use
it in the classroom, which proves that this method
cannot be disregarded.

•  Can film adaptations be used as an instructional

strategy in the classroom?
•  Instructional Strategy-is a method you would use in
teaching to help activate students' curiosity about a
class topic, to engage the students in learning, to
probe critical thinking skills, to keep them on task, to
engender sustained and useful classroom interaction,
and, in general, to enable and enhance their learning
of course content.
• Film Adaptation-is when there is a transfer or
interpretation of written words, in whole or part, to a
•  Romeo and Juliet
•  The Great Gatsby
•  To Kill a Mockingbird
•  Charlotte’s Web
Resource Research Findings
Cutchins, Dennis Adaptations In The Gave another perspective on how to use
Classroom: Using film adaptations as a tool in the
Film To "Read" classroom. Offered ways that these can
The Great Gatsby." serve distinct purposes such as giving us
examples of bad and good literary
Brown, Jean Film In The Presented how teachers from different
Classroom: The grade levels use film adaptation in a
Non-Print way that can inspire their students.
Golden, John Reading in the Suggest analyzing film techniques used
Dark: Using Film in the film adaptation which can help
as a Tool in the students think differently.
English Classroom
Resource Research Findings

Cutchins, Dennis R., The Pedagogy of Different writers give their

Laurence Raw, and Adaptation. opinions on how film
James M. Welsh. adaptation can be used in the
educational field.
Hartley, Wilson "How Do We Teach It?: A Describes how favorable it can
Primer For The Basic be to add film adaptation into
Literature/ Film Course." lessons given in the classroom
and presents how a class
including this strategy can be
•  Film Adaptation exists as a form of entertainment
film makers use to attract an audience, but here it is
proven that it can also be used as instructional
strategy in the classroom.
•  It is suggested that it can help a student’s
development, further their analytical skills and
broaden their perspective on the effect these films
can have on a audience who has read the
material from which it was adapted.
•  By being presented with these facts it is undeniable
that film adaptation can work as an instructional
strategy in the classroom.
•  Hall, Lynda A. "A Critical History of Film Adaptation." Cultural
History. Web. 20 Mar. 2016.
•  “Companion to Literature, Film and Adaptation.” Somerset,
GB: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.
•  Davis, Hugh H. "I Was a Teenage Classic: Literary Adaptation in
Turn-of-the-Millennium Teen Films." J American Culture The
Journal of American Culture 29.1 (2006): 52-60. Web. 1 March
•  Tierney, Matt. "True to the Spirit." Film Adaptation and the
Question of Fidelity." Film Criticism. Winter 2012. Web. 1 Mar.
•  Mathews, Charles S., Charles J. Fornaciari, and Arthur J.
Rubens. "Understanding The Use Of Feature Films To Maximize
Student Learning." ERIC - Search Results. American Journal of
Business Education, 2012. Web. 3 Mar. 2016.

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