5 Year Plan

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Future. It is something we all think about.

Something that we all look forward to

or maybe not. In regards to me, my future I’m hoping will be bright. Everything planned

out at this point, just hoping it all works out. Only time will tell about any of this. Most of

us are the same way. College is the way for many many people. Infact, I’m one of those

many people.

Starting off right after high school is college. I will not be going far, I have chosen

Merced College. Why you may ask, well simply because it has an amazing program for

my passion. My passion being welding. My life will drastically change within a time span

of a year after graduation. By this time I should be working in my profession paying my

own bills. Yes, I said paying my own bills. In my life it is the way it works. I won’t be

babied until I’m older. I will be on my own at that point. Although, I will have some help

on the way there. It’ll be hard to make this change but I believe I can do it. On top of

having a job and paying my own bills, I will hopefully have my girlfriend living with me.

The both of us starting our life together.

Getting college out of the way. A few personal things will have to be done before

we move out of Merced. Which I won’t mention what it is. Although, I can say it’ll be a

few years before we move out. Hopefully it won’t be more than three or four years

before we move out. Not because we don’t like Merced but, we wanna live somewhere

else. That somewhere else is Texas. Texas is a spot for many reasons. Just to keep it

short and simple, it’s because it is easier to become economically successful in Texas

than it is in California. The future's looking bright, now it is just about getting there and

reaching those goals.

My five years after high school seem like a big step, but with hard work we will

get through it. Nothing is given in this life, so I am willing to get up and get what I want.

To reach my dreams and live my best life. In the end I’m hoping to just live my best life

with the best person and eventually have a family. Everything will come at it’s given

time. I just have to take everything step-by-step.

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