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Transportation plays an important role in human life. Think there are no transportation

then what will happen. Human life will be halted and stacked in a place. If we look back the

civilization and the rapid development of civilization all it started rapidly after the invention of

wheel. Wheels are the first step of making transportation easy and the door steps to the

mechanized transportation.

Transportation makes human life easy in many fields like transportation brings the

opportunity to know the world and around the world. It saves time and makes human life faster

moving. If no transportation how people can go to the job in far place from home. Transportation

developed the economy by making business faster with making it worldwide. It is facilitating

faster transportation in many other jobs’ aspects.

There is no advancement or development that does not have any disadvantages. Similarly

the development of transportation was no disadvantage until it adopts the technology and

became mechanized. Modern vehicles have been brought a lot of advantages but it cannot avoid

the air pollution, sound pollution and the garbage of the vehicles are bringing the vulnerability

to the natural environment.

Transportation is important because it facilitates trade, exchange and travel. Without

effective transportation, regions are largely isolated from each other. Effective, affordable

transportation also plays a role in letting people move to new areas.

The beginning of the 21st century made the world stop and think about the major

problems and concerns of the modern society with the environmental pollution being one of the

most acute ones. Being one of the most burning issues of the present-day world, ecologic disaster

troubles a lot of ordinary people and famous scientists, who are trying to invent products less

harmful to the nature. Air pollution and greenhouse effect became a concern for many countries,

who are now trying to find ways out in order to improve the situation. Though air is being polluted

with great variety of harmful substances, the pollution of it with exhaust fumes coming from

automobiles contributes a lot to the creation of greenhouse effect. For this reason many

researches have been conducted to find out ways to prevent the air from being polluted even


There is no secret that automobiles are major contributors to the air pollution. Every day

millions of cars all over the world serve millions of people, who later suffer incurable diseases

resulted from polluted environment they live in. Having realized the problem, scientist offered

an alternative to an automobile working without the help of fuel. They created a car, which could

work by means of electricity. To be exact, such cars already existed in the early 1900s; however,

they were replaced by gasoline powered vehicles, which stay very popular nowadays. With the

increasing prices for gasoline and harm that is done to environment by the usage of gasoline

powered vehicles major automobile makers started to think about producing electric vehicles.

An electric vehicle (EV), also referred to as an electric drive vehicle, is a vehicle which uses

one or more electric motors for propulsion. Depending on the type of vehicle, motion may be

provided by wheels or propellers driven by rotary motors, or in the case of tracked vehicles, by

linear motors. Electric vehicles can include electric cars, electric trains, electric trucks, electric

Lorries, electric airplanes, electric boats, electric motorcycles and scooters, and electric


On the other hand, to be practical for transportation, we need carriers that are energy-

dense, inexpensive and easy to handle. These are called Alternative Fuel Vehicle. Alternative Fuel

Vehicle refers to a vehicle that runs on a fuel other than traditional gasoline or diesel; any method

of powering an engine that does not involve petroleum. These requires a wide range of

maintenance, from frequent oil changes, filter replacements, periodic tune ups, and exhaust

system repairs, to the less frequent component replacement, such as the water pump, fuel pump,

alternator, etc.

In the Philippines, commuting is very much a part of the Filipino lifestyle but unlike in

other countries, walking is hardly a part of it. A typical Filipino commuter does not expect to

tolerate the heat of the sun or to drench in a heavy pour of rain that is why all sorts of PUV’s

(public utility vehicles) are just around the block. There are buses traveling the big roads in the

metro, speeding jeepneys, and passing cabs along the avenues, and motorized tricycles just at

the end of the streets (The Filipino Commuter, 2012).

Motorized tricycles are a common means of passenger transport everywhere in the

Philippines, except on busy major highways and very busy city streets. The tricycle is the most

popular means of transport in small towns and cities, especially in the rural areas (Boracay Budget

Travel, 2012). Most motorized tricycles in the Philippines are used to service as a kind of taxi.

These can be seen in many different forms and length and its engines range from 50cc up to

about 125cc. These are motorcycles with a sidecar (passenger-cabin) attached on the third wheel

and are often utilized on roads where jeepneys or buses are not supposed to operate.

The Department of Transportation and Communications reported that more than 60% of

passengers use public utility vehicles as opposed to private vehicles. 'Land-based vehicles for

public use include jeepneys, buses, trains, mini-buses, and tricycles. Tricycles, in particular, have

been occupying a larger role in the public commuter's life. In a study conducted by the Asian

Development Bank on the transport industry in Quezon City and Palawan with particular focus

on the tricycle sub-sector (1999), it was found that jeepneys and buses dominate the primary

roads of Quezon City; on the other hand, tricycles ply within the inner areas and communities.

Most of the time, tricycles provide supplementary services by transporting the commuting public

from tertiary roads to the primary roads, and vice versa, where four-wheeled vehicles operate.

Furthermore, many commuters were found to have preferred the use of tricycles for the

following reasons, such as (i) high accessibility; (ii) availability; (iii) affordability; (iv) no waiting

time; and (v) convenience.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine commuter patronization of E-Tricycle and Fuelled

Tricycle at Downtown Area.

Specifically, this seeks answer to the following problem:

1. Which of the two types of tricycle (E-Tricycle and Fuelled Tricycle) meets the expectation

of the commuters?

2. Which of the two types of tricycle (E-Tricycle and Fuelled Tricycle) is preferred by the


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The coverage of this research is focusing on determining which of the two types (E-

tricycle and fuelled tricycle) meets the expectation of the commuters and which of the two is

preferred by the commuters. The data that will be gathered is focused mainly on the

Commuter’s Patronization of E-tricycle and Fuelled tricycle at Downtown area.

Significance of the Study

This study will be helpful to the students, employees and other commuters. This will

help them recognize the characteristics of E-Tricycle and Fuelled Tricycle. It will also serve as

a future reference for researchers on this subject.

Conceptual Literature of the Study

The Department of Energy’s E-Trike Project aims to (1) deploy 100,000 e-trikes

nationwide to replace the same number of traditional gasoline-fed tricycles; (2) reduce the

transport sector’s annual petroleum consumption by 2.8% (equivalent to 89.2 million liters) per

year; and (3) achieve 79% carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint avoidance.

The US$504-million project is being implemented for five years. Largely financed by the Asian

Development Bank (ADB) and the Clean Technology Fund (CTF), the project seeks to help ensure

energy security through the promotion of energy efficient and clean technologies.

Specifically in the Philippines, it started with the deployment of the first electric jeepneys

and tricycles about 5 years ago. Today, electric vehicles are the rage in the Philippines with public

transport being the main application of the e-vehicles. Makati already has 3 operational e-

jeepney routes including the first e-vehicles to be registered and the first franchise for public

transport. E-trikes have been operating in Bonifacio Global City in Taguig as well as in limited

numbers in Puerto Princesa, Surigao and Boracay. During the 2nd Electric Vehicle Summit held

last May 24-25, 2012 at the Meralco grounds, models of various electric vehicles for private and

public transport use were on display for people to inspect and appreciate. These included cars,

motorcycles, tricycles, jeepneys and a bus. Special mention goes to the Segway booth and its

clone, which featured more personalized modes that are not really in the same category as most

of the e-vehicles on display.

Currently, there are 28 firms engaged in the manufacturing of various electric vehicles.

Complementing these companies are 11 parts and component manufacturers and seven

importers. The industry currently provides employment to 14,840 individuals. As the

government continues to support the use of electric vehicles, the industry is expected to grow

in the coming years.

With sustainable development as one its main thrusts, the Philippine government has

been promoting the use of electric vehicles across the country, including as a form of public

transportation. Executive Order 488 (s. 2006) was issued to support the manufacturing of e-

vehicles, as well as to further reduce the country’s fossil fuel consumption. This issuance

reduced the tariff rate for e-vehicle components to zero, thereby allowing e-vehicle

manufacturers to import components at a more affordable price.

In Metro Manila, major cities have started to make use of e-vehicles to transport local

residents and transient workers. Electric jeeps and electric tricycles are also getting more and

more common in the country’s major business districts and urban areas. The establishment

of “green cities” is also expected to generate higher demand for e-vehicles for public


The steady increase in the number of tourist arrivals in the Philippines has led to an

increased demand for environmentally sound transport services. Resorts and local

government units have started to invest in e-vehicles, such as electric tricycles and electric

jeeps, to reduce carbon emission, to preserve the natural beauty of the environment, and to

provide transportation to the growing number of tourists. This trend is now gaining

momentum due to heightened environmental awareness. E-vehicles can be found in key

tourist spots such as Boracay and Palawan.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally to give their natural meaning in this study.

Electronic vehicle. It is an automobile that is propelled by one or more electric motors, using

electrical energy stored in rechargeable batteries or another energy storage device. They are also

around three times as efficient as cars with an internal combustion engine.

Fuelled vehicle. It is a vehicle that runs on a fuel other than traditional petroleum fuels (petrol or

Diesel fuel) and also refers to any technology of powering an engine that does not involve solely

petroleum (e.g. electric car, hybrid electric vehicles, solar powered).

Commuter. A person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis.



Research Design

This study makes use of the descriptive survey method approach. This method is

considered appropriate because to get the most accurate data, the respondents needs to be as

open and honest as possible with their answers.

Research Instrument

A self-structured survey questionnaire will be used to gather data needed in this study.

Part 1 will collect personal data and information of the respondents. Part 2 is intended to gather

information about commuter’s patronization of E-Tricycle and Fuelled Tricycle at Downtown

area. It includes the following:

1. Which of them is more eco-friendly?

2. Which of them runs smoothly?

3. Based on your experience which of them is more comfortable?

4. Which is more ventilated?

5. Which of the two tricycle is more approachable or accommodating?

6. Which of the two types of vehicles (E-Tricycle and Fuelled Vehicle) is preferred by the


The questionnaire is constructed with the help and suggestions of advisers and experts in

questionnaire construction. The revision and improvement will be made according to the result

of the analysis and suggestions of these experts. The final form of the questionnaire will be

administered to the respondents of this study.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted in Tacloban City. Specifically in Downtown Area.

Research Respondents

The research respondents of the study will include 50 people including students,

employees and other commuters.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the necessary permission is secured from the respective commuters in the locale,

where the study will be conducted, the researcher will personally administer the

questionnaires and conduct interviews to the respondents. After the respondents answer

the questionnaire and interview questions, the questionnaires will be retrieved


Method of Scoring

After the survey, the data will be gathered and is now ready to be analysed.

Analysis of the data for this research were carried out using descriptive statistical


10 | P a g e
Survey Questions E-Tricycle Fuelled Tricycle Undecided

1. Which of them is more eco-friendly? 32 13 5

2. Which of them runs smoothly? 19 26 4

3. Based on your experience which of them is 15 33 3

more comfortable?

4. Which is more ventilated? 27 19 4

5. Which of the two tricycle is more 20 23 7

approachable or accommodating?

6. Which of the two types of vehicle (E- 15 35 0

Tricycle and Fuelled Vehicle) do you


11 | P a g e


Based from the findings on the survey, the researchers come up with the following analysis and


5, 10%

13, 26%
Fuelled Tricycle

32, 64%

Fig. 1 Which of them is more eco-friendly?

12 | P a g e
In Item 1 of the survey questionnaire, 32 out of 50 respondents chose E-tricycle as more

eco-friendly, 13 respondents chose Fuelled tricycle and 5 respondents were undecided.

4, 8%

19, 39%
Fuelled Tricycle

26, 53%

Fig 2. Which of them runs smoothly?

In Item 2 of the survey questionnaire, 26 out of 50 respondents chose Fuelled tricycle as

one who runs smoothly, 19 respondents chose E-tricycle and 4 respondents were undecided.

13 | P a g e
3, 6%

15, 29%

Fuelled Tricycle

33, 65%

Fig 3. Based on your experience, which is more comfortable?

In Item 3 of the survey questionnaire, 33 out of 50 respondents chose Fuelled tricycle as

more comfortable, 15 respondents chose E-tricycle and 3 respondents were undecided.

14 | P a g e
4, 8%

Fuelled Tricycle
19, 38% 27, 54%

Fig 4. Which is more ventilated?

In Item 4 of the survey questionnaire, 27 out of 50 respondents chose E-tricycle as more

ventilated, 19 respondents chose Fuelled tricycle and 4 respondents were undecided.

15 | P a g e
7, 14%

20, 40%
Fuelled Tricycle

23, 46%

Fig 5. Which of the two tricycle is more approachable or accommodating?

In Item 5 of the survey questionnaire, 23 out of 50 respondents chose Fuelled tricycle as

more approachable or accommodating, 20 respondents chose E-tricycle and 7 respondents were


16 | P a g e

15, 30%

Fuelled Tricycle

35, 70%

Fig. 6 Which of the two types of vehicle (E-Tricycle and Fuelled Tricycle) do you prefer?

In Item 6 of the survey questionnaire, 35 out of 50 respondents chose Fuelled tricycle as

their preferred vehicle, 15 respondents chose E-tricycle and 0 respondents were undecided.

17 | P a g e



This research studied the Commuter’s Patronization of E-tricycle and Fuelled tricycle at

Downtown area.

Based from the data gathered from the 50 respondents which includes students,

employees and other commuters, 32 out of 50 chose E-tricycle as more eco-friendly, 13

respondents chose Fuelled tricycle and 5 respondents were undecided. This implies that, 64% of

the commuters think that E-Tricycle is more eco-friendly than Fuelled tricycle. On the other hand,

26 out of 50 respondents chose Fuelled tricycle as one who runs smoothly, 19 respondents chose

E-tricycle and 4 respondents were undecided. This implies that, 53% of the commuters think that

Fuelled tricycle runs smoothly than E-Tricycle. Then, 33 out of 50 respondents chose Fuelled

tricycle as more comfortable, 15 respondents chose E-tricycle and 3 respondents were

undecided. This implies that, 65% of the commuters thinks that Fuelled Tricycle is more

comfortable than E-Tricycles. Moreover, 27 out of 50 respondents chose E-tricycle as more

ventilated, 19 respondents chose Fuelled tricycle and 4 respondents were undecided. This

implies that, 54% of the commuters thinks that E-tricycle is more ventilated than Fuelled tricycle/

Furthermore, 23 out of 50 respondents chose Fuelled tricycle as more approachable or

accommodating, 20 respondents chose E-tricycle and 7 respondents were undecided. This

implies that, 46% of the commuters thinks that Fuelled tricycle is more approachable or

accommodating than E-tricycle. Lastly, 35 out of 50 respondents chose Fuelled tricycle as their

18 | P a g e
preferred vehicle, 15 respondents chose E-tricycle and 0 respondents were undecided. This

implies that, 70% of the respondents prefer Fuelled Tricycle than E-Tricycle.


This section of the research paper simply answer the objectives of the study. The

conclusion enumerates the findings and categorizes regarding to what objective of the study is

justifiable. After this study was conducted the objective was obtained. The core of these objective

is to determine which of the two types of vehicle (E-Tricycle and Fuelled Tricycle) meets the

expectation of the commuters.

The researcher was able to arrive at these conclusions based on the findings of the study.

1. Based from the data gathered from the study, commuters think that E-Tricycle is more

eco-friendly and more ventilated than Fuelled tricycle.

2. On the other hand, fuelled tricycle run smoothly, more comfortable and

accommodating than E-Tricycle.

3. 70% of the respondents prefer Fuelled Tricycle than E-tricycle.


The following recommendations are offered

1. The result of the study suggest that the government should aim to have a nation where the

use of electric vehicles and fuelled vehicles are highly promoted, encouraged and supported

by its government and society in order to develop a transportation landscape that is one with

the environment, ecologically and economically.

19 | P a g e
2. Local government should be sensitive to the environment and the growing population in the

City, a combination of the two vehicle concept should be the next move.

20 | P a g e

INTERNET REFERENCES:,%20Jonas%20Rafael%20E.pdf, July 2013

21 | P a g e


Republic of the Philippines

Eastern Visayas State University
Tacloban, City
College of Engineering
Industrial Engineering Department



Part I. Profile of the Respondents

Direction: Please fill the blanks provided for each item or check the appropriate information.

 Student  Employed  Unemployed  Retired

Name (optional):
 Male
 Female
 12-15
 16-18
 19-21
 22 and up

Socio-Economic Status:
 3000php-5000php
 6000php-10000php
 11000php and up
 Others

Please spare your valuable time to answer this simple questionnaire.

Questions Tricycle Undecided
Which of them is more eco-friendly
Which of them runs smoothly

22 | P a g e
Based on your experience which of them is more
Which is more ventilated
Which of the two tricycle is more approachable or
Which of the two types of vehicle (E-Tricycle and Fuelled
Vehicle) do you prefer?

In one word express your reaction on this Tricycle:

E-Tricycle: _____________________________
Fuelled Tricycle: ________________________

Thank you and God Bless!

23 | P a g e

Republic of the Philippines

Eastern Visayas State University
Tacloban City

College of Engineering
Industrial Engineering Department

October 13, 2016



The following undersigned students of Eastern Visayas State University, Tacloban City
taking up Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering is conducting a research study on
“Commuter Patronization of E-Tricycle and Fuelled Tricycle at Downtown Area Tacloban City” as
a partial requirement for the subject IE 343 (Industrial Psychology).

In view of this, we would like to ask permission to conduct a survey to you for being a
commuter of E-Tricycle and Fuelled Tricycle at Downtown Area, Tacloban City in line with this
study. If the request is granted, all the data result of the survey will be treated with utmost
confidentiality and will be solely used for our study.

Hoping for your kind consideration and approval. Thank You and god bless!

Respectfully yours,




Noted by:

24 | P a g e
Instructor, IE 343 (Industrial Psychology)


Head, Industrial Engineering Department


Dean, College of Engineering

25 | P a g e

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