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Research Design

Designing a study helps the researcher to plan and study the way that will help the researcher to obtain

the intended results. The proponents decided to use Descriptive method of research to describe the

data and characteristics being studied. Descriptive research involves description, analysis and

interpretation. A descriptive study allows the researchers to make conclusion to data gathered analysis

and allowed the researchers to interact with their respondents through surveys and interviews to collect

the necessary information.

System Development Method

Agile methodology is a type of project management process which is mainly used for software

development where with the collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams and the

client the demands and the solutions evolve. Agile is commonly used to deliver complex projects due to

its adaptiveness. The proponents used this methodology because of the fact that the software can be

continuously upgraded throughout the development process.

Figure 1: Agile Scrum Model

Scrum is an Agile framework that is used to implement the ideas behind Agile software development. It

is created by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber which is comprised of five values: commitment, courage,

focus, openness, and respect. The proponents decided to use this because of its goal to develop, deliver,

and sustain complex products through collaboration, accountability, and iterative progress.

Product Backlog

The proponents will list all the requirements needed for the system. It is listed in order of priority. The

lists include the features, functions, requirements and enhancements that are needed to be change to

be made to the product in the future releases.

Sprint Backlog

The proponents made a sprint list task board which is divided into three parts: To-do, doing and done.

The sprint backlog includes the lists of requirements that should be done in the next sprint.

Sprint is the iterative time boxes where a goal is accomplished. This is where the proponents do the

tasks and requirements listed to make a progress for the system.

Working increment of the software

This part is the features done during the sprint which made the system more functional.


The respondents are the one who are knowledgeable enough to answer the problems stated by the

proponents to develop the system. The respondents will be gathered from 389 chosen residents from

different Puroks of Barangay Sinalhan in Santa Rosa City, Laguna. The proponents will ensure that the

respondents are those who are always affected by flood during heavy rains and storms just because

they are near Laguna de Bay.

Data Gathering Procedure

The proponents will utilize survey questionnaires relevant to the study to be answered by the

respondents of the study. After preparing the questionnaires, the researchers will give it to the

respondents personally so the researchers can also able to conduct an interview for additional

information that can be helpful for the study. The researcher will collect in a manner that no moral

pressure was imposed to the respondents and analyze the data given by the respondents with the help

of the statistician. The proponents also gathered information by interviewing the Barangay Officials and

by thorough observation.
Research Instruments

The research instrument or tools that will be used by the researchers is questionnaire to determine the

functionality of the system. The proponents prepared questionnaires which contains the demographic

of the respondents and questions relating to the effects of water level monitoring system to their living.

The questionnaires were validated first by the grammarian before handling it to the respondents. The

researcher also conducted an interview with the Barangay Staffs who will use the system and who are

knowledgeable about the current problems when there’s a flood during heavy rains and storms.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Statistical treatment of data is important to make use of data in the right form. Organization of data is

essential so that the appropriate conclusion can be drawn. The researchers use Slovin’s Formula to

calculate the sample size of the respondents since it was very impossible for the researchers to conduct

a survey to 14,000 total population of Barangay Sinalhan Santa Rosa City, Laguna.

Slovin’s Formula:

1 + 𝑁𝑒 2


N= Population Size

e= margin on error

In computing the answer of the respondents, the proponents decided to use Paired T-Test to compare

the difference of two samples which is:


𝑥1 = Mean of first set of values

𝑥2 = Mean of second set of values

S1 = Standard deviation of first set of values

S2 = Standard deviation of second set of values

n1 = Total number of values in first set

n2 = Total number of values in second set.

The formula for standard deviation is given by:

Formula for Standard Deviation


x = Values given

∑= Mean

n = Total number of values

Mean is use to get the average response of the respondents.

x̄ = ( Σ xi ) / n


 x̄ just stands for the “sample mean”

 Σ means “add up”

 xi “all of the x-values”

 n means “the number of items in the sample”

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