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Pharmacology of Central Nervous System
Practice Question Paper (Unit-04)
B.Pharmacy- 4th Semester (New PCI Syllabus)
Note- All these questions are made by “Solution-Pharmacy” which are based on
our video lecture. Our objective for making these practice questions is to prepare
students for their examination. Total marks is- 75
Section 01- Multiple choice questions. (Attempt any 20 questions) 01marks each

1. Which of the following is a criteria for a neurotransmitter.

(A) Synthesised in presynaptic nerve
(B) Present at the nerve ending of presynaptic nerve
(C) Must bind and activate post synaptic receptors
(D) All of the above

2. Acetylcholine is
(A) Excitatory neurotransmitter
(B) Inhibitory neurotransmitter Solution-Pharmacy
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(C) Both Please find us on- Facebook, YouTube-Instagram
(D) None of the above

3. Which of the following is not a step in neurohumoral transmission

(A) Synthesis
(B) Storage
(C) Release
(D) Amplification of nerve impulse

4. Enzyme responsible for the degradation of acetylcholine

(A) Cholinesterase Contat us-
(B) Acetyl cholinesterase Please find us on- Facebook, YouTube-Instagram
(C) Glutamate
(D) Both A and B

5. Anaesthetic which block the perception of pain at local level

(A) Local Anaesthetic
(B) General Anaesthetic
(C) Inhalational anaesthetic
(D) All of the above

6. In major surgery which anaesthetic will be preferred

(A) Local
(B) General
(C) Both Contat us-
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(D) Analgesic drugs will be preferred

7. Mechanism of action of local anaesthetic is

(A) Blockade of Na+ Channel
(B) Opening of Na+ Channel
(C) Both A and B
(D) By blockade of Cl+ Channel

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8. “Agent which cause calmness without inducing sleep” is
(A) Sedatives
(B) Hypnotics
(C) Antianxiety
(D) Anti-epileptic

9. Benzodiazepine mechanism of action is

(A) Hyperpolarization
(B) Increasing the opening time of chloride ions
(C) Both A and B
(D) By blocking sodium channel
10. Muscle relaxant is act at Contat us-
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(A) Nicotinic receptors
(B) Muscarinic receptor
(C) GABA receptor
(D) All of the above

11. Drug which is used for the treatment of alcohol abuse

(A) Disulfiram
(B) Nicotine
(C) Charcoal
(D) All of the above

12. GABA has following number of membrane

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3 Contat us-
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(D) 5

13. Total number of alpha membrane in GABA is

(A) 02
(B) 01
(C) 03
(D) 05

14. Total number of beta membrane in GABA

(A) 1
(B) 2 Solution-Pharmacy
(C) 3 Contat us-
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(D) 4

15. Epilepsy is
(A) Sudden and excessive nerve discharge
(B) Frequent nerve discharge
(C) Balanced nerve discharge
(D) Over activity of chloride channel

16. Generalized tonic-clonic seizers is also called-

(A) Grand mal
(B) Absence
(C) Petit mal
(D) All of the above
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17. Which o the following is possible mechanism of action o antiepileptic drugs
(A) Blocking sodium channel
(B) Blocking low threshold calcium channel
(C) Prolonging the inactivation period of sodium channel
(D) All of the above

18. Alcohol dehydrogenase is inhibited by

(A) Fomeoizole
(B) Disulfiram
(C) Nicotine
(D) GABA enhancer

19. Valproic acid is used for

(A) Epilepsy Solution-Pharmacy
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(B) Angina Please find us on- Facebook, YouTube-Instagram
(C) Malaria
(D) All of the above

20. Sedative-hypnotics are basically differ in

(A) Dose
(B) Potency to cause sleep
(C) Both
(D) None

Section- 02- Long Answer type questions. (Attempt any 02)- 20 Marks
1. Explain neurohumoral transmission in CNS in detail. Explain various type of
neurotransmitter in CNS.
2. Explain General anaesthesia, classify preanaesthetics drugs with their importance
3. Classify antiepileptic drugs. Give mechanism of action of phenytoin

Section 03- Long answer type questions. (Attempt any 07)- 35 Marks
1. Write short note on sedative
2. Explain general anaesthetic with mechanism of action
3. Classify types of seizures
4. Explain pharmacology of alcohol
5. Explain mechanism of action of Disulfiram
6. Explain EPSP and IPSP
7. What do you understand by preanaesthetics drugs
8. Write short note on muscle relaxant
9. Explain GABA receptors
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