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1. I will prepare for my interviews, if I miss one, I will be removed from the program.

2. I am open to be placed in two positions.

3. I am flexible in terms of specific location within my destination.

4. I am open to be placed in a second destination in case an establishment has not accepted my

profile by week 8.

5. I understand that if I reject an offer, my process will begin from week 1.

6. I will read all the documents provided by the agency in detail.

7. I agree to respond in Podio within a maximum period of 48 hours.

Worldwide Internships Ltd. company registered under the laws of England and Wales with the Tax id: 10120134.
Hereinafter called, THE AGENCY.
A graduate or undergraduate student who is looking for an internship experience in THE COMPANY. Hereinafter called
Refers to the Organization, Company, Business or Institution partner of THE AGENCY where THE CANDIDATE has the
opportunity to do an internship. Hereinafter called “THE COMPANY”.
Refers to all the necessary tasks and aspects required by the CANDIDATE in order to successfully complete an internship
in the COMPANY. Hereinafter called “THE PROGRAM”

2. THE CANDIDATE agrees:

A. All information provided by the CANDIDATE for the Program Enrollment and Visa applications are true, any falsehoods will
automatically terminate the PROGRAM at any point
B. To attend and prepare for the interviews, one “no-show” will terminate the placement process without any refund
C. To accept or reject an offer within 48 hours. If offer is rejected, placement process will begin from week 1
D. To follow THE COMPANY’s rules and regulations during the PROGRAM
E. Compensation will depend on the COMPANY’s policies and it is not part of THE PROGRAM
F. THE COMPANY has the right to terminate the internship of the CANDIDATE in case of low performance. A previous
notification and only warning will be sent to THE CANDIDATE and THE AGENCY before internship termination
G. THE CANDIDATE is explicitly forbidden to walk out of THE COMPANY without notifying THE AGENCY beforehand
H. Visa approval depends on the Embassy of application and the profile of the CANDIDATE
I. CANDIDATE must have a return ticket before departure (except US programs)

3. THE AGENCY agrees:

A. To place the CANDIDATE in the first two positions of interest
B. To a “Placement Guarantee”: issuing an internship offer (draft) within 12 weeks (for all destinations) and 16 weeks (for
US programs) after “Placement Begins” date
C. To place the CANDIDATE in a legally registered company in the country of PROGRAM destination
D. To assist THE CANDIDATE during all the placement, visa and arrival process
E. To provide THE CANDIDATE with all necessary documents for visa application process
F. To coordinate the documents required between, by and/or for THE CANDIDATE, and COMPANY

4. Payment policies and legal terms

A. In case of visa denial, the CANDIDATE is entitled to be placed in a second PROGRAM and the following refund policies

If eligible for If not eligible for

a second program a second program
All programs 0 USD 40%
USA 1,000 USD 40%
Professional All-inclusive N/A 100% of (900 USD)

B. Percentage of the refunds are based on Program Fees and not including the Enrollment fee
C. Enrollment fee is refundable just if THE AGENCY is not able to meet the “Placement Guarantee” deadline
D. No refund will be given once THE CANDIDATE begins the internship PROGRAM
E. Written proof of visa denial must be presented within 30 days after visa denial. For US programs, all forms need to be
shipped back to the US within maximum of 7 days after visa rejection, shipping cost is paid by CANDIDATE
F. All payments and refunds involve a 5% transaction fee and international transactions to a 25 USD bank fees
G. This agreement terminates once THE CANDIDATE has started the PROGRAM at THE COMPANY. At this point THE
AGENCY will not assume any responsibility for any cost, loss and/or damages or any claim coming from THE CANDIDATE
I have read and agree with the Terms and Conditions ______________________________


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