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What is said Linguistic inference Semantic meaning Pragmatic meaning

-How many swamp This is an ironic He expresses disdain He does not

rats can you get in question made for toward the Korean understand how can
one room? Walt in order to family and he arrive to his country
describe what disagrees that many a successive wave of
represent immigrant people are in a immigrants that
Korean people in his meeting as animals. causes rejection on
land. him. Besides this
show us how Walt
hate the meetings of
many people, he is a
conservative man
who is fiercely
independent and
wants nothing to do
with his new Hmong
neighbors for that
reason he spit on the
floor as signal of
repudiation against
-what are you gonna She expresses an She expresses a She quietly makes a
do with it when you ironic question doubt about the request for Grand
like, die? about the future of destination that the Torino but she does
grand Torino in case relic Grand Torino not hid her obvious
of her grandfather’s will have in the desire of a funeral of
dead. future. her grandfather for
inherit his car. So
those words made
exasperate Walt who
looks down on her
and spits the floor as
signal of contempt.
Mr. Kowalski is my He makes a sentence Walt put his name at He wants to clarify
name in which he puts his the beginning of the that he do not have
name at the sentences in order to any kind of feeling of
beginning. make emphasis on it. familiarity or
fraternity with the
Father who insists on
calling affectionately
Walt like do his
relatives or friends.
So, Walt make a
signal of distance
ordering him that
pronounce his
complete name as a
signal of respect.
Look, I appreciate This conversation The beginning of the Walt try to start
the kindness you’ve begins with a kind phrase sounds with being polite and
shown to my wife. phrase, then it turns politeness but then giving thanks for the
Now you’ve spoken a little sarcastic he express that he relationship with his
your piece. Why against the labor of does not have wife but he is not
don’t you go tend to the father and his anything else to talk interesting on talk
some of your sheep? job. with the father and with the Father
he suggest him to go because he
and take care for considers they do
other people not have anything in
specifically the common and he
people of the invites him to tend
church. his sheep as signal to
throw him out from
his house in a cordial
way with a tone of
The only reason I Explanation why he The incentive to go He explains he does
was because her. was to the church to the church was his not feel catholic, he
wife nothing else in show us that despite
the life. of it he loved too
much his wife
because he went to
the church for
staying with her.
I wish I could help, This is an ironic I have to go home Walt’s son shows the
Dad, but I gotta get phrase used by with my children for lack of initiative for
the kids home Walt’s son to his that reason I cannot helping his father,
dad. help you Dad. first he send her
daughter to help him
instead of doing him
and then later pause
while he is driving
away his van to
express regret but
we know that he
does not feel
compassion for his
Kill you to buy A satiric expression The workers of the Walt's eldest son
Americans of Walt Japanese car who works as a
company has to salesman at a
work so hard for Japanese car and
buying American Walt see it as a bad
people company because he
worked in Ford An
American company,
he critics the fact of
work so hard the
Japanese companies
trying to buy
American people to
the business.
I want my daughter A desire by part of She wants her because Korean
to find another the mother of the daughter married parents want that
husband. If she Korean woman. soon and she has a young women
married again there man who protects married and they
would be a man in her. can stay with a man
the house that take care of her
and the family
He does whatever A critic that asks The mother of the She really wants for
his sister orders him about the role of Hmong does a her daughter a man
to do. How could he Thao as a real man. question about Thao who can be
ever become the that always is under autonomous, a man
man of the house? the command of her who work so hard
sister. ant has the character
for leading the
home, a man who
does not allow
orders by women.
Jesus. Pilarski would This is a satiric Walt is sorry with Here, Walt brings up
roll over in his grave phrase. Pilarski because he the Pilarski family
if he could see his feels he is suffering who was a well-
lawn now in his grave due to known group of
the actual situation. American ancestors
and he regrets that
his land is invaded by
Hmong people who
increasingly arrive to
the country and
offend his heritage
because they are not
white people and he
considers they
should not be there.
Why does the all That is an offensive She felt that Walt She hates Walt and
man stay here? question by part of should not be in the she felt that the
neighborhood is
All the Americans the mother of the neighborhood
more appropriate for
have moved out of family Hmong. because the most of Hmong people
this neighborhood. American have because they are
moved to other displacing the
places. Americans there.
She felt that is her
property and felt with
power because Walt
lives in a
neighborhood that is
now more Hmong
than American.
He’s haunted by his
memories of fighting
in Korea, and in the
faces of his
neighbors he sees
the dead Korean
soldiers that he and
his compatriots
“stacked like
sandbags.” Walt
hates his neighbors
for not being white.
So as symbol of
contempt he spits the
land while he sees
the woman with hate,
but she also spits
more than him for
showing him the
contempt his
presence produce on

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