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Clinical Nephrology, Vol. 84 – No.

5/2015 (301-306)

Two cases of successful pregnancy in patients

with Gitelman’s syndrome
Dia R. Waguespack1, Riyaj Kasekar2, Khaled Abdel-Kader1, and Rachel B. Fissell1
Education 1Division of Nephrology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, and
©2015 Dustri-Verlag Dr. K. Feistle 2Division of Nephrology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
ISSN 0301-0430

DOI 10.5414/CN108526
e-pub: August 7, 2015

Abstract. Gitelman’s syndrome (GS) is a mild volume contraction. This leads to acti-
Key words distal convoluted tubule (DCT) defect clini- vation of the renin angiotensin aldosterone
Gitelman’s syndrome – cally characterized by hypokalemic meta-
pregnancy system. The increased aldosterone in turn
bolic alkalosis. Pregnancy in women with
increases sodium reabsorption via the epi-
GS often results in severe hypomagnesemia
and hypokalemia. We report two cases of thelial sodium channel (ENaC) with subse-
successful pregnancies, after previous fe- quent secretion of potassium and hydrogen
tal loss, in patients with GS managed with ions [2]. Volume contraction is responsible
aggressive oral and intravenous electrolyte for passive reabsorption of calcium and re-
repletion. These cases illustrate increased sultant hypocalciuria. Decreased epithelial
potassium and magnesium requirements
over the course of the pregnancies and are magnesium channels, TRPM6, lead to the
notable due to the high doses of electrolytes observed hypomagnesemia [4]. Together
required. They also demonstrate the pos- these changes can significantly alter the elec-
sibility of successful pregnancy outcomes trolyte homeostasis in an individual.
with frequent laboratory monitoring and ag-
gressive titration of electrolyte replacement The phenotypic penetrance and expres-
either orally or intravenously to maintain ap- sivity varies and thus the clinical presentation
propriate serum levels necessary to provide a of affected patients varies. Symptoms can in-
suitable environment for fetal development. clude muscle weakness, tetany, salt craving,
thirst, nocturia, paresthesias, and abdominal
pain [5]. In severe cases with greater pheno-
Introduction typic penetrance, electrolyte replacement,
and resultant symptom management can
Gitelman’s syndrome (GS) is generally a be challenging for a clinician. These chal-
distal convoluted tubule defect (DCT) caused lenges are often amplified in the setting of
by an inactivating mutation in the SLC12A3 pregnancy. Renal physiologic changes in
gene that encodes the thiazide sensitive so- pregnancy not complicated by GS include
dium chloride co-transporter (NCCT). The volume expansion, increased renal blood
loss of function at this transporter is respon- flow, an increase in glomerular filtration rate,
sible for the observed metabolic derange- and altered tubular function. These changes
ments. Over 180 different putative loss-of- are due in part to altered hormonal balance
function mutations have been identified [1]. from that of the pre-pregnancy steady state
The gene is inherited in an autosomal reces- [6]. Many women with GS are unaware they
Received sive pattern with phenotypic variation. The have the disorder until it is unmasked by the
November 10, 2014;
accepted in revised form disorder affects ~ 25 people per million [2]. physiologic changes in renal function caused
June 8, 2015 Mutations in the SCL12A3 gene result in a by pregnancy. Pregnancy in a patient with
clinical syndrome of hypokalemia, hypo- GS may result in a dramatically increased
Correspondence to magnesemia, hypocalciuria, and metabolic need for electrolyte replacement to maintain
Dia R. Waguespack, MD
Vanderbilt University, alkalosis [3]. safe levels. As GS is a rare disease, incidence
Medical Center, 1161 Clinical effects are observed due to of pregnancy in GS is not well defined. To
21st Ave South, MCN physiologic disturbances in the setting of the date there are 25 reported cases in the litera-
S-3307, Nashville, TN
DCT malfunction. Without proper function ture [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
37232, USA
Dia.R.Waguespack@ of the NCCT there is increased delivery of 18]. When pregnancy in a GS patient occurs, sodium to the collecting duct and resulting appropriate management of electrolytes can
Waguespack, Kasekar, Abdel-Kader, and Fissell 302

Figure 1.  Magnesium supplementation (depicted by the bar graph) and corresponding week during preg-
nancy (dose in mEq is given above each bar). Serum magnesium levels (depicted by the line graph) and
corresponding week during pregnancy. Downward arrow indicates patient 1’s transition from oral to intra-
venous supplementation.

Figure 2.  Potassium supplementation (depicted by the bar graph) and corresponding week during preg-
nancy (dose in mEq is given above each bar). Serum potassium levels (depicted by the line graph) and
corresponding week during pregnancy. Downward arrow indicates patient 1’s transition from oral to intra-
venous supplementation.

affect the outcome. We present two distinct trolyte repletion and we propose suggestions
patients with GS complicating their pregnan- for clinical management of similar challeng-
cies. Both patients required aggressive elec- ing cases.
Two cases of successful pregnancy in patients with Gitelman’s syndrome 303

Case 1 tassium of 2.5 – 3.3 mEq/L, and serum mag-

nesium of 1.7 – 2.5 mg/dL (normal lab range
A 25-year-old woman with GS presented 1.6 – 2.6 mg/dL), close to our previously
at 6 weeks gestation with asymptomatic hy- defined targets. Her maximum repletion re-
pokalemia and hypomagnesemia. This was quirements were 120  mEq of IV potassium
her fifth pregnancy. The prior pregnancies and 19 g (154 mEq) of IV magnesium sulfate
had been unsuccessful with the first three per day. At 28 weeks gestation, due to severe
resulting in spontaneous abortion before 20 intrauterine growth restriction and reversed
weeks and the fourth pregnancy compli- end-diastolic placental flow, she was hospi-
cated by fetal demise at 23 weeks. Her ini- talized and delivered via cesarean section a
tial diagnosis of GS was made after the first viable, 636 g infant.
pregnancy based on clinical presentation
and laboratory data. Pre-pregnancy, she was
maintained on oral electrolyte replacement.
Case 2
Late into her first trimester she became
symptomatic with three separate emergency The second patient is an otherwise
room visits for abdominal cramping. Symp- healthy 34-year-old woman referred to ne-
toms of nausea, vomiting, perioral paresthe- phrology for evaluation of hypokalemia and
sias, and tetany were absent. Electrocardio- hypomagnesemia. She was diagnosed with
gram was normal. At 10 weeks gestation, GS after presenting with a serum potassium
on an oral regimen of 60 mEq of potassium of 2.6 mEq/L, serum magnesium of 0.9 mg/
chloride and 2,400  mg (119  mEq) of mag- dL, metabolic alkalosis, modestly low blood
nesium oxide per day, she was unable to pressure, and additional testing that revealed
maintain serum potassium levels greater than an elevated urine potassium and chloride, in-
3 mEq/L and serum magnesium levels greater creased fractional excretion of magnesium,
than 1 mg/dL. Due to her clinical symptoms, hypocalciuria, and negative diuretic screen.
laboratory data, and prior failed pregnancies Interestingly, she had been maintained on an
in the setting of electrolyte derangements, oral contraceptive pill containing drospire-
she was started on thrice-weekly intravenous none until shortly prior to her initial presen-
(IV) potassium and magnesium supplemen- tation for hypokalemia. Genetic testing was
tation, as an outpatient at a local hospital, not pursued.
in addition to her oral regimen. Nephrology One year later, at the time of her first
was then consulted to further guide manage- pregnancy, she presented with serum potas-
ment of her care. sium and magnesium levels of 2.9  mEq/L
Despite her aggressive oral regimen and 1.4  mg/dL, respectively. Her oral reple-
and thrice weekly IV supplementation she tion was increased to 200 mEq/day of po-
was unable to maintain a serum potassium tassium chloride and 640  mg/day (53  mEq)
greater than 3 mEq/L and a serum magne- of magnesium chloride. Spontaneous fetal
sium greater than 1.5 mg/dL. Outpatient, demise occurred at 7 weeks and 6 days. Her
continuous IV electrolyte supplementation serum potassium and magnesium levels were
was started at 13 weeks gestation. Home 3.6 mEq/L and 1.0 mg/dL at the time of this
health care services were arranged. She was event.
started on a 24-hour infusion of magnesium She became pregnant again 1 year later.
and potassium. Initial dose of magnesium At the time of her second pregnancy, oral
was 10 g of magnesium sulfate and 20 mEq potassium and magnesium replacement
potassium chloride. The electrolyte solution were increased from pre-pregnancy doses of
was reconstituted in 240  mL of normal sa- potassium chloride 160 mEq/day and mag-
line and infused at a rate of 10 mL/h via con- nesium chloride 512  mg/day (43  mEq) to
tinuous pump through a peripherally inserted potassium chloride 200 mEq/day and mag-
central catheter. The patient had labs moni- nesium chloride 768 mg/day (64 mEq). Se-
tored initially twice a week and then once a rum potassium and magnesium levels were
week, with continuously increased doses of monitored at 3-week intervals throughout the
electrolyte solutions (Figure 1, 2). With this pregnancy. Goal levels were achieved with a
regimen she was able to maintain serum po- serum potassium of ~ 3.2 meq/L and serum
Waguespack, Kasekar, Abdel-Kader, and Fissell 304

magnesium levels greater than 1.0 – 1.1 mg/ ties may predispose to cardiac arrhythmias.
dL (normal lab range 1.5 – 2.5 mg/dL). She Screening electrocardiograms should be
was asymptomatic throughout her preg- obtained in all patients [2]. This becomes
nancy and her electrocardiogram was unre- particularly important at time of delivery as
markable. She delivered a healthy infant at pharmacologic therapy varies based on de-
33 weeks gestation via cesarean section. livery method. Anesthetic complications can
be avoided with careful consideration and
monitoring of electrolytes and electrocardi-
ography [10].
When presented with the clinical respon-
Although the exact cause for the sub- sibility of the management of a pregnant
stantial increased electrolyte need during patient with GS, crucial decisions related to
pregnancy in patients with GS is not entirely electrolyte repletion must be made to ensure
clear, possible contributors can be inferred successful maternal and fetal outcomes. Past
from the renal physiology of pregnancy and failed pregnancies may deter future repro-
studies examining the effects of sex hor- ductive planning. However, our cases and
mones on NCCT expression. Pregnancy re- prior reports demonstrate that success is
sults in an increase in GFR and renal plasma possible with aggressive management and
flow (RPF) along with an upregulation of close laboratory monitoring [24]. Reports
the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system present in the current literature suggest that
[19]. In typical pregnancy, an increase in close laboratory monitoring and aggressive
aldosterone would be postulated to produce electrolyte repletion can contribute to a suc-
a kaliuretic effect. However, this effect is cessful pregnancy outcome [12]. The data at
not normally seen due to antagonism from this time is all observational and anecdotal,
progesterone [20]. Perhaps to mitigate the and thus a causal association is suggested,
sodium loss from these antagonistic effects, but cannot be supported by the current litera-
estrogens are believed to upregulate NCCT ture. We acknowledge that the lack of labora-
expression [17]. In the presence of GS, such tory information regarding the patient’s prior
upregulation along with fetal demands and pregnancies prevents us from drawing a firm
losses associated with hyperfiltration, may conclusion on whether aggressive electrolyte
in part explain the drastic increased need repletion and management alone explains
for electrolyte replacement in our two cases her improved outcome in case 1.
and those reported in the literature [15, 21]. A choice of IV electrolyte replacement
Although the exact mechanism remains un- versus oral or some combination should
clear, tubular defects in GS clearly disrupt be individualized based on the gestational
the normal physiologic adjustments to elec- course of the patient and the development
trolyte handling, a stark contrast to unaffect- of complications (e.g., hyperemesis gravi-
ed pregnant women. darum, symptomatic hypokalemia, etc.).
Magnesium levels have been shown Transition to IV electrolyte repletion should
to decrease in normal pregnancy [22]. Al- be considered when oral doses are not sus-
though the precise physiologic reasons are taining goal electrolyte levels or the side ef-
not clear, increased magnesium demands are fect profile limits increased dosages. Based
seen in patients with GS who then become on our experience along with published cas-
pregnant. This is consistent with what was es, we recommend targeting a serum potas-
observed in our two cases and prior pub- sium level > 3 mEq/L and serum magnesium
lished literature. Murine models have shown levels at or near the laboratory’s lower limit
fetal complications and increased mortality of normal [25]. Frequent laboratory moni-
in pregnant mice that are deprived of dietary toring is critical for appropriate dose adjust-
magnesium [23], suggesting that threshold ments. The growing fetus and the mother’s
magnesium levels are needed for successful increasing progesterone and estrogen levels
fetal outcomes. induce a dynamic state with changing elec-
Severe hypokalemia and hypomagne- trolyte balance throughout the pregnancy.
semia also have potential adverse maternal Based on our experience, we would suggest
health consequences. Electrolyte abnormali- frequent lab monitoring, particularly in the
Two cases of successful pregnancy in patients with Gitelman’s syndrome 305

beginning as initial goal levels are estab- Conflict of interest

lished. As pregnancy progresses, clinical
judgment and patient response to therapy The authors have no conflicts of interest
should guide interval laboratory monitoring. to disclose.
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