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Clark High School Defensive Breakdown Sheet

Team ________________ Games Scouted 1. _______________________

2. _______________________
3. _______________________

What is their base offense? ___________________ Do they personnel group formations? ___________________ Who is the fullback? __________

Do they motion? _____________________ Do they trade the TE? ____________ Do they have double TE Sets? _________________________

F_____ What number is the TE? __________ What number is the second TE? _______________________

What is their most productive play? ________________ Are they heavy Right / Left Field / Boundary Run Team?

Is the Offensive Line Right and Left Side Players or Do they flip personnel? ________________________ Do they Slide Protect or BOB__________

Are they are Spread Offense? _______________ Are they a Spread Team to Run the ball or Throw the ball? _____________________________

How do they get the ball to the Perimeter? Screen _____________ Zone / Stretch _____________ 1 Step ______________ Fly _________________
List Top 5 Running Plays List Top 5 Passing Plays

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Do they have a tendency to play offense on 4th and Short? _____________________________ What is their Play?_________________

2nd and 3rd Long Plays?_____________________________ Do they Draw the Football? ___________________ Screen? _______________

Defensive Thoughts:

New Defensive Fronts / Stunts / Blitz/ Coverage Thoughts:

Game Plan for Week
1st 10 Calls Coming Out to the 50? ____________________________________________

2nd Medium Calls? _________________________________________________________

2nd Short Calls? ___________________________________________________________

2nd or 3rd Long Calls? _______________________________________________________

Goal – Line _______________________________________________________________

Hash Calls? _______________________________________________________________

No Huddle Defense Calls? ___________________________________________________

Checks to any formation Calls? ______________________________________________

Line Mixes for the week on Draw Downs ? _____________________________________

LineBacker adjustments for the week? ________________________________________

Secondary adjustments for the week? _________________________________________

Blitz for the week? _________________________________________________________

Secondary Blitz for the week? ________________________________________________

Coverages for the week? _____________________________________________________

1st 10 Calls Going in + 50? ____________________________________________________

2nd Medium Calls Going in + 50? ______________________________________________

2nd Short Calls Going in + 50? _________________________________________________

2nd or 3rd Long Calls Going in + 50? ____________________________________________

Victory Defense ( End of 1st Half or End of Game ) _______________________________

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