Volume 48 Number 3

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T h e B r y a n H i g h S c h o o l

Volume 48, Number 2 • February 2019
3450 Campus Drive • Bryan, TX 77802

Staff recognizes inaugural Students of the Year

Norseman Staff worthy of the honor and also recog- Students recognized the honor of
Eight students, one male and one nize those students that are phenom- being named Student of the Year and

ONLINE female from each cohort, were named

Students of the Year by faculty and
enal, but may go overlooked,” Reese
said. “The goal for years to come will
appreciated the gesture.
“Being presented with Student of
BREAKING NEWS staff members. This is the inaugural be to display the student’s names and the Year made me feel like I made a
The ‘News’ category of The year for this award which was present- photos in a commonplace for recogni- difference in my school for my teach-
Norseman is the best way to ed to students who exemplified the tion on campus for anyone who walks ers and my classmates,” junior Grace
stay up-to-date with the news Essential 8 characteristics and what it into the doors at Bryan High to see the Gutierrez said. “I felt both honored
& information at Bryan High. means to be a Viking. prestigious honor.” and surprised by the awarded.
“The idea was a collaborative Buban sees this award as a way to Other students recognize the impact
brainstorm agenda item for our PBIS recognize the accomplishments and the award has the potential to have
Other features and news stories (Positive Behavior Interventions and behavior of students in a positive way on future generations of Vikings and
can be found online. Upcoming
Support) Leadership team in March,” that will have a lasting impact on the hope that others strive to be the next
stories include articles on liter-
PBIS member Jerron Reese said. campus as a whole. recipients.
ary and the schools response to
“[We] thought it would be a good idea “I felt that we needed to find ways “As a senior, it meant a lot to me to
concussions through the ath-
letic training department.
to recognize a few of our students that to honor our students who exemplify be given this award in it’s first year,”
are considered to be the upper ech- the Essential 8, have good attendance, senior Nick Kaspar said. “It’s cool to
SPORTS elon, go above and beyond of what is are in good standing with grades, and feel like I am leaving a legacy at the
To stay up-to-date with required, and do not seek the recogni- involved in a campus organization school.”
the latest sports scores for tion. Similar to our End of the Year or club,” Buban said. “I would like to
Bryan High School athlet- Employee Awards, [we] wanted to see something similar done for our Pictures of each student and a short
ic programs, be sure to visit start a new tradition for the students.” outstanding teachers in the future as excerpt from their nomination can be
bryanhighnorseman.com/sports. Each student was recognized in well.” found on page 2.
front of the staff and their families
PHOTOS during a faculty meeting. Superinten-
We want YOUR photos! dent Dr. Christi Whitbeck and princi-
We want you to be a part of pal Lane Buban presented the award
BHS Publications. Share your to each student, recognizing their
photos with us and look for a character and leadership at school.
new slideshow of fan pictures “I see Student of the Year as an
soon. http://bryanhighnorse- opportunity to recognize students
man.smugmug.com/upload/ who will leave a legacy of exemplary
B7X8sB/vikings performance at Bryan High,” Buban
said. “It will be something that re-
Follow Us
turning alumni can look back on and
Facebook remember some of the students who
have made a lasting impression on the
Twitter Over 40 students were nominated
https://twitter.com/bhsnorse- by teachers before the PBIS team
man reviewed the nominees and voted.
“We saw this as a way for our teach-
ers to take the time to brag on their Student of the Year Recipients with the Superintendent: Allison Young, Mackenzie Eppers, Keeton
http://www.bryanhighnorse- Scott, Grace Gutierrez, Dr. Christi Whitbeck, Kayla Cruz, Nick McDaniel, Nick Kaspar, Jaylon Guyton
students that they believed to be
Page 2 - Student of the Year

BHS Student of the Year

This is the inaugural year for Bryan High to recognize a male and female student of the year from each grade level. Faculty and staff were asked to nominate students who embody the Essen-
tial Eight characteristics and represent the school well. Below are excerpts from the nomination forms about why each student was selected as student of the year.

“Nicholas is a great example of what our mascot “Mackenzie has grown into an amazing leader
the Viking represents. He is academically success- both in & outside the classroom and her work ethic
ful, well-liked by staff and his peers, and is always is unmatched. She is always willing to help any
willing to do what is asked of him with no ques- student, even if it means taking time away from her
tions. Nick was a senior leader for the boys basket- studying. She is a leader outside the classroom by
ball team this year and he will be greatly missed. serving as an officer in our HOSA Chapter and be-
Outside of athletics, Nicholas takes great pride in ing one of the first to volunteer for community ser-
his academics. He was recognized by the UIL for his vice opportunities. Mackenzie goes above & beyond
efforts as a member of the 2018-2019 All-State Aca- her officer duties to help the other officers organize
demic team. Nick will graduate from Bryan High in volunteer opportunities & meetings. She sets a
May with Magna Cum Laude honors. Nicholas will wonderful example for other students to follow & I
attend Texas A&M University in the fall of 2019.” cannot wait to see where her future takes her.”
Nicholas Kaspar Mackenzie Eppers
Senior Senior
“Nicholas is a bright, ethical, strong leader and rep- “Grace embodies every Essential 8 characteristic.
resents himself and BHS with integrity at all times. She goes above and beyond in her school work,
He is the epitome of a strong student/athlete and leadership of peers, and personal character. All
demonstrates great leadership qualities in and out of our students respect Grace immensely and she
of school. His dedication to his religion and family continues to stay humble. She is a one-of-a-kind
is apparent in the way he treat others. He currently student and deserves to be recognized. She wrote
serves as the VKOT President as well as represent- the entire script for the Fine Arts production this
ing BHS and Texas Youth as a member of Texans year and served as a student director. She consis-
Standing Tall Youth Leadership Council and as a tently works hard in class, and leads by example.
Texas Tobacco 21 Ambassador. Nicholas has owned Grace doesn’t seek recognition, but receiving this
his role as a positive role model and is always ready award would be an honor and a testament to all of
to lend a helping hand to anyone.” her hard work.”
Nicholas McDaniel Grace Gutierrez
Junior Junior
“Jaylon is a student that walked into class with “Allison is a selfless student who often attends
a purpose and a plan on the very first day and church meetings in the mornings before she ar-
continues today. His demeanor has not changed. rives to school. She enjoys spending time with her
He is a quiet young man that displays leadership younger siblings and is very active in extracurricu-
in a humble way that other students have noticed. lar activities such as the animation club and track.
Jay has developed a tremendous work ethic that Allison is concerned about current events to an ex-
is on display daily while in class. Jay takes classes tent that other students do not display. She clearly
that will allow him to grow in preparation for col- wants to change the world and hone her skills to
lege. He also plays football which teaches him the help solve the problems confronting us today, like
value of hard work and commitment. Jay has a climate change, poverty, and education. She shows
very bright future and I know this recognition will maturity beyond her years and her vibrant person-
further motivate him to continue.” ality can change the climate in a classroom.”
Jaylon Guyton Allison Young
Sophomore Sophomore
“Keeton has impressed as a student athlete from “Kayla Cruz has been an excellent student in class
the first day he walked onto campus at Bryan High from day one. She is always on task and working
School. His work ethic is unprecedented in our pro- diligently at whatever it is she is doing. She is a
gram. It isn’t often that a freshman comes along, dedicated, hardworking, and committed individual.
sets the bar and challenges the upperclassmen in Kayla has put so much effort into her writing and
a program, but he has managed to do so. Keeton is she has grown immensely as a writer. Kayla is
often the first to the gym in the mornings and often quiet, respectful, and humble. At the beginning of
the last to leave, embodying our ‘first to land, last the year, Kayla would refuse to accept any rewards I
to leave’ mantra in athletics at Bryan High. He con- would offer and would simply shake her head when
tinues to absorb knowledge, push himself and also I came around with candy or tickets. It is very clear
push others to reach new heights on the floor.” that Kayla works hard not for a reward, but because
it is simply part of her character.”
Keeton Scott Kayla Cruz
Freshman Freshman
Community Service - Page 3
Community members unite to benefit local charity
Savannah Arenas Way each year is “United We Serve”, which collabo- Leadership day that is open to anyone interested in
Staff writer rated with local Double Dave’s Pizzaworks locations learning more about United Way.”
Although originating in Virginia, United Way to raise money. Participating in United Way events has a reward-
has grown to have over 1,200 local offices across “One of my students asked me to be a server at ing effect on those involved and creates positive
the country. Brazos Double Dave’s, and I was memories for members.
Valley has its own local happy to help,” choir “I really enjoy the end-of-the-year check presen-
office and has created director Mark Medlock tation when we take all of our funds and decide
many opportunities for said. “I would recom- where to distribute them,” Stephenson said. “We
youth to get involved mend this to someone distribute them to the individual organizations in
and learn how to be an else because serving oth- town and I think that’s a really great and fulfilling
active member in the ers is a great way to make thing to experience.”
community. a difference in The Brazos Valley
The Brazos Val- your commu- Youth Leadership
ley Youth Leadership nity.” Cabinet for United
Cabinet for United Many Way is always
Way sponsors many unique events in coordination of The Brazos Valley Youth Leadership accepting new
with Bryan High in order to help raise funds for the Cabinet for United Way are students at members who want
community such as Over the Edge. Bryan High who recognize the impor- to help positively
“Over the Edge focused on raising money for tance of non-profit organizations. impacting our com-
United Way and in turn our community,” French “Especially now, a lot of our social munity through all
teacher Tara Bailey said. “Together, as a school, we services are not up to par, and a lot of kinds of acts.
ended up raising just over $1,000 by the end of the people have to rely on organizations like “All contributions
event.” United Way to seek assistance.” senior and donations make
Over the Edge offered the first 65 people who Logan Stephenson said. “We can all come a real difference in
raised $650 the chance to rappel off the top of the together and use our minds to help the the lives of those
Hilton, and gathered many participants among the community.” around us,” Bailey
Bryan High faculty and student body, including The Brazos Valley chapter of United said. “I feel it is so
Bailey. Way provides many opportunities for important to help
French teacher Tara Bailey goes “Over
“We expanded it to all of Bryan High and had an students and other young citizens to get the Edge” at the Hilton after helping raise others and when
advisory class competition in which the winning involved. money for United Way. you have the oppor-
class with the most money raised would receive “We are involved in a lot of activities,” tunity do something
a pizza party,” Bailey said. “ Many classes raised said junior Claire Beesaw. “We have the to make a difference
money, but Mrs. Allen’s class was the ultimate win- United Day of Caring, which we just did a little in someone’s life - no matter the size - you should
ner, raising over $100.” while back where we go out into the community and take it.
Another successful event sponsored by United help different non-profits, and we also have a Youth

How do you give back to your community?

“I volunteer at Crestview “I help by working around “I helped with the “I enjoy sharing my culture “I donated canned goods to
retirement home on the my neighborhood a lot.” Salvation Army this year.” with those around me by the food bank to help those
weekends to work with the Arthur Harrison, 11 Noah Garcia, 11 being a part of mariachi in need.”
elderly.” group at school.” Alexis Nicholson, 11
Mia Macias, 11 Judith Esquivel, 11
Page 4 - Student Spotlight

International mindedness
Foreign exchange students experience American culture
Abby Mendez fort zone to speak a different language minded,” Kathi said. “Germans are “My favorite memories have been all
Assistant Editor in a different country. An exchange is not rude or anything, but they are the weekends with my friends because
Language barriers. Cultural faux the best thing a student could ever do, more reserved and not so outspoken, I found a really good friend group
paus. Distance from loved ones. because learning new things is amaz- and I got to experience a lot with the here who has helped me adapt,” Kathi
Change is frequently difficult no ing.” people I met in America.” said. “I’ve also done a lot of stuff with
matter how small, but embracing a Coming from Germany, the girls Although the language barrier can my host family like going to Mexico
new country as a teenager creates had a certain idea about what Ameri- be one of the most intimidating chal- and Colorado. I love traveling, and I
a unique set of obstacles. lenges in a new country, both stu- like getting to do neat stuff and getting
Katharina Pahl and Suse dents found a way to overcome it. to know things from the American
Lalla are both exchange culture I didn’t know before.”
students from Germany Suse has had a similar experi-
who have made the deci- ence since coming to America.
sion to move from their “I experienced that I can con-
home all the way to Bryan. nect with people on a different
They made that choice to level and I found a lot of friends
experience America and its here by spending time in school
culture while finding that and in cheer,” Suse said. “Going
the obstacles are eclipsed by to football games is a big part
the adventure of something for me, and experiencing that is
new. completely different from what
Though visiting a new it’s like in Germany.”
country and culture is excit- The girls have both benefited
ing, saying goodbye to friends and cans were like from various from this trip and have created
family was a struggle for both girls. stereotypes. friendships that will last a life-
“The hardest part was to leave my “I thought that there was a lot of fast “I started learning English in the time.
friends and all the family because I food, and I thought everything was third grade and so I was eight or nine “I would definitely recommend an
knew I wouldn’t see them for a long bigger in Texas,” Suse said. “When and we started to learn really simple exchange trip,” Kathi said. “Students
time,” Kathi said. “It’s always hard to my host parents picked me up, I saw stuff,” Suse said. “I wouldn’t say it was will improve their language skills and
say goodbye.” those trucks outside the airport, and hard for me to learn because I was get to experience new cultures, and
Despite the hardships, the girls are they were huge.” interested in it and I wanted to learn it I feel like it’s always a good thing to
thriving in their new environment and They were also aware of more posi- so I put more effort into it and tried to meet new people. The people I’ve met
in school. tive stereotypes surrounding Ameri- do my best.” here have had a great impact on my
“I’ve stepped out of my comfort cans. Since coming to America, both girls life, so I feel like I would be missing
zone,”Suse said. “I have to speak for “I also had a positive stereotype have had the chance to make many out on something if I hadn’t gone on
myself more and step out of my com- that Americans are much more open- great memories. this trip.”

If you could study abroad, where would you go and why?

“I would go to Africa “I would go to New Zealand “I would go somewhere in “I would go to Rome “I would go to Spain
because I want to learn because their culture is in- South America because it because it’s very beautiful because I’m really
about their culture.” teresting and I like sheep.” would be interesting to learn and I’d like to see it.” interested in their culture.”
Oliver Smith, 10 Weston Gary, 10 more about the people.” Isabella Estrada, 9 Izabella Patino, 10
Caleb Sloane, 11
Student Spotlight - Page 5

Rolling along
Senior cycler finds sport both exhilarating, calming
Jaci Siegert Station Composite High School lege at Texas A&M next fall with comes less desirable.”
Staff writer Mountain Bike Team. their club team. Luke encourages others to go
His legs burn from the constant “Luke has a very positive atti- “Right now I’m on a mountain out of their comfort zones and try
pedaling. The wind stings his eyes. tude,” Lightfoot said. “He is also biking team, which means a big- cycling themselves as it is a great
Beads of sweat roll down his face, very determined, which is his ger, beefier bike, and it’s a lot more sport for people of different ages
yet he keeps pushing forward. He greatest strength when cycling.” about the terrain we’re riding on, and abilities.
looks over his shoulder to see if Luke and his teammates practice but in college, I’ll be on a road “A lot of people worry about not
any of his competitors are gaining hours each week to improve their team,” Luke said. “We’ll be on a having a good enough bike, but
ground as he approaches the next skills both mentally and physically. road bike and that’ll be much more realistically, you can start training
change in terrain. The obstacles “We have our designated team about just plain endurance and and going through the motions on
senior Luke McCollum faces while practices an hour and a half on speed and technique, so that’ll be a 50 dollar Walmart bike,” Luke
racing mountain bikes has impact- Tuesday and Thursday, and then less about what I’m riding on and said. “It won’t be the best,
ed his life in a positive way. two hours on Sunday,” Luke said. more about how I’m riding cor- but you can start
Luke has been biking for about 11 “I also go on a roughly 20 mile ride rectly.” now and you’ve just
years after inspiration struck at a every day.” During Lightfoot’s time with got to work up to
family trip. Along with Luke’s commitment Luke, he has seen him develop as where you want to
“One time I was on a campout to riding, he is dedicated to his an athlete. Though Luke doesn’t be.”
with my family at a bike park and I school work in the IB program and have a lot of experience with road
saw this guy who was going about has found learning to balance ev- cycling, his coach believes that
40 miles an hour down a ramp,” erything is another skill cycling has he will transition well into the
Luke said. “He jumped about 20 taught him. sport.
feet into the air, and it was an expe- “A lot of times, it ends up im- “Luke has learned the skills
rience to watch. Later that evening, pacting my sleep a little bit be- to control his bike over dif-
I went and bought a bike for the cause a 20 mile bike ride can take ferent terrain,” Lightfoot
first time.” anywhere from just over an hour said. “Luke will have more
Cycling has become therapeutic to three depending on what I’m do- technical skills than the
for Luke over the years by allowing ing,” Luke said “It’s a challenge to average rider who does
him to use the sport to escape the work that in and my hour and road cycling has
stresses of everyday life. a half practices and still be which will give
“It’s a very calming experience,” able to complete the work him an advan-
Luke said “When I feel stressed or that I have for IB, but I al- tage if the road
pinned up, I can hop either on my ways try to get things done be-
road bike or my mountain bike and when I can.”
listen to my tires hit the ground Luke plans to continue
and have wind running through my cycling in
hair. I don’t really have to worry col-
about what’s happening around
Although Luke loves biking for
relaxation, it can take a lot of work
and pushes him to get better.
“My endurance is horrible,”
Luke said. “It’s challenging to
keep myself going through the
pain, but when someone is in
front of me that I can’t catch, I
want to keep going.”
Luke has been working with
his coach, Robert Lightfoot, for
about a year through the College
Page 6 - Student Spotlight

International communications
Multilingual education opens mind, cultural doors for student
Shannon Keyser experience new cultures. language and appreciates his thirst overseas: one who lives in Germany,
Editor “When you’re someone who speaks for knowledge. one who lives in Russia, and one who
America has the reputation of one language and then another “He’s passionate about languages,” lives in France,” Dylan said. “I’ve
many of its citizens being monolin- person speaks a different language, Krammer said. “He’s been practicing my
gual, but one student is breaking that there’s a wall between you,” Dylan curious and wants to languages with them,
stereotype. Senior Dylan Thatcher said. “Learning new languages is a learn as many of them and they find it really
has studied and practiced multiple way to connect with other people. It as he can. He draws cool that I’m learning
languages for the past several years. helps break barriers between differ- parallels between their languages.”
He is currently learning French and ent people.” them that help him be Dylan wants to use
German, but he knows bits of Span- German teacher Jan Krammer has very effective in that the languages he has
ish, Russian, and Chinese as enjoyed helping process.” picked up to travel
well. He sees lan- Dylan learn Dylan had very and experience new
guage as a way a new little experience cultures.
to reach with languages other “I’m hoping to travel
others than English until he the world,” Dylan
and moved to Texas in said. “I want to see
2010 and started new places and get to
elementary learn new things from
school. other people and be able to express
“I noticed the diver- myself in a different way. My favorite
sity of different cultures, thing is the people you meet in dif-
and I started hearing ferent cultures and getting to learn
people speak different about someone else and their way of
languages,” Dylan life.”
said. “That was my Dylan believes that the exposure to
first exposure to languages helps broaden one’s mind
a language other and is an invaluable experience.
than English.” “People should at least try to learn
Since then, new languages because it expands
he has pursued your mind,” Dylan said. “It furthers
linguistics and your knowledge of other people and
makes a strong helps you get to know more about
effort to increase the history of why you speak a cer-
his fluency how- tain language and why things are the
ever he can. way they are.”
“Dylan’s Krammer also feels that language
German gets bet- is very important to people’s un-
ter every time he derstanding of not only the outside
practices it, and world but their own language.
he practices all the “The more languages you can
time because he seeks speak, the more different ways you
out people around the can express yourself,” Krammer
world to practice with,” said. “By learning a second or a
Krammer said. “He’s gone third language, you actually learn
from basically nothing to be- your own much better and you learn
ing a pretty capable speaker in a different ways to think, and think-
couple of years.” ing in different ways allows you
Some of the people Dylan practices to see the world in different ways.
with include friends he has made Goethe once said, ‘You are as many
abroad through the app HelloTalk. people as languages you speak,’ and
“I have three friends who live I think that’s true.”
Sports - Page 7

Going the distance

Junior earns second at region, improves with personal best
Arissa Mejia ecstatic for him because he’s put in a lot of work.” Blaine said. “Seeing him achieve his full potential at
Staff writer Justin plans on practicing discus throughout area was exciting.”
The discus weighs heavily in junior Justin Sheri- senior year not just during track season, but also Blaine also knew that Justin’s efforts during
dan’s hand as he prepares to launch it across the during football season because the two compliment practices would help him throw well at area and to
field. He begins his spin and then releases as his eyes each other and will help him improve. continue in future meets.
focus on where the discus will land. “I plan on throwing as much as possible through- “As a senior on the team with four years of experi-
At the district meet, Justin threw 137’1” to finish out the year instead of just during track,” Justin said. ence, it came naturally to help Justin improve his
in 3rd place and threw 148’5” at area to place second “Football definitely gives me a lot more endurance skills,” Blaine said. “I’m proud of him for improving
and advance to region. and then track and field builds my strength.” this season and making it to regionals.”
“Honestly, I have no idea how I increased so much Schroeder believes that creating versatile playing Schroeder is excited to see how much Justin will
so quickly,” Justin said. “Practicing and pushing football is an advantage for discus because football improve during his senior year and to see how far he
myself to do my best helped me out.” training helps a lot with building up strength. is going to go.
Discus coach Glen Schroeder was proud of Justin “Football is great for his feet and that’s important “I believe that if we do better in practice and work
for increasing his throw at area and recognizes the as a thrower,” Schroeder said. “Power is also very im- on throws individually, as long as you are compet-
efforts Justin has put in. portant, so all the power lifting they do helps with his ing with yourself everyday to get better and you are
“I don’t think I was happier than him but I was strength a lot. It’s all going to help increase his power. improving personally every day, then that’s really all
really happy for him,” Schroeder said. “I had seen Teammate Blaine Bright recognizes Justin’s im- you can ask for,” Schroeder said. “Justin realistically
it at practice and he’s busted out some even further provements and has seen him grow over time during can improve and that could put him in state right
throws than that, Justin showed that you can’t just their time together throwing discus. now with some of the best, so it’s going to be on us to
do it at practice, you have to do it when it really mat- “In practice before district, I knew he had a throw help him keep working hard because his work ethic
ters and at the area meet he showed out and I was in him that could potentially win the area meet,” is never going to change.”

Bases loaded
Senior captain leads by example in outfield, batter’s box
Owen Gibbs “He’s always been a center ering the entire field. He also enjoy spending time
Staff writer fielder, so we shut him down tells the other two outfielders with my teammates
It’s late in the game and the pitching because we wanted how many outs there are left and having that
Vikings are down by a run him healthy so he could play in the inning. He leads by camaraderie with
with a man in scoring posi- the entire season.” example.” them.”
tion. Senior Michael Barber One of the priorities for Michael’s teammates also Michael enjoys
feels a surge of adrenaline high school coaches is to go look to him for guidance and every aspect of base-
as he steps up to the plate. beyond student athletic skills leadership. ball, including the
The pitcher leans back, and and help them mature and “Michael is encouraging,” daily challenges.
unleashes a fastball. Michael develop as leaders. teammate junior Hunter “Hitting is definite-
swings hard, and sends the “Michael’s matured over Zaragoza said. “Even when ly my favorite part of
ball flying into the outfield. the last couple of baseball we’re down he’s always trying the game,” Michael
This is the moments that seasons and he’s become to pick us up and lead us on said, “but it’s also the
makes all the sacrifices worth more of a leader,” Dillard to play in the field of battle. most difficult part of
it. said. “Michael’s leadership He’s never shy to say any- the game. However,
Michael has been playing abilities stand out to me the thing if anyone’s not doing it definitely feels Senior Michael Barber steps into
baseball since he was four most. He’s a very vocal guy, the right thing or in the right good to get a solid the batter’s box as he stares down
years old. He pitched for the he leads the team by what he place he’ll tell them where to hit.” the pitcher.
Vikings last year, but started says and what he does.” be and what to do.” Sports frequently
having some issues with his Dillard believes Michael’s Baseball is a sport that teaches athletes les- there’s still a lot of time left
pitching arm, so he transi- characteristics make him a requires dedication and com- sons beyond what they learn where you can come back
tioned to center field perma- strong leader in the outfield. posure, but Michael sees it as on the field and baseball is no and things can turn in your
nently. “Michael is a captain,” Dil- the most enjoyable sports. exception. favor,” Michael said. “It’s
“Michael had some discom- lard said. “He goes and gets “Baseball is a big part of my “Baseball has taught me good to stay in things and not
fort in his arm,” head baseball all the balls that are hit in the life and it’s what I really enjoy that even if something bad stay down if something bad
coach James Dillard said. outfield and he’s vocal in cov- playing,” Michael said. “I happens in the beginning, happens early.”
Page 8 - Sports

Softball team shows strength, stamina, support

Scoreboard to earn second place in district 6A play
Tomball Owen Gibbs field, I can just do what I know how to do and feel comfort-
15-1 Staff writer able.”
Underdogs are a part of what makes people love sports and Other teammates agree and appreciate the lifelong bonds
this year, with a move to 6A, most teams found themselves in that were created on the field.
Bridgeland the underdog position. The softball team capitalized on their “This team means everything,” Bri said. “They are my family.
2-4 role as an underdog and showed the other teams what they They are my best friends. I couldn’t imagine doing this year
were made of, earning second place in a highly competitive without them.”
Cypress Lakes district before going on to be bi-district champions. Above all, the team showed that they believed in themselves
“Earning second place in district is a big accomplishment for this season and performed at a high level during each game.
us because nobody expected us to go that far,” senior Lisa Ro- “We have heart, we have dedication, and we are determined
darte said. “Everybody expected us to lose. Everyone doubted to prove people wrong,” Lisa said. “Throughout the whole
Cypress Park us. We were the underdogs of the district.” season, we had many opportunities to give up or feel bad about
14-0 Head softball coach Enrique Luna agrees that the team met ourselves, but we came together as a team to work together
adversity head-on and showed everyone what they could ac- and build off of that. We are able to stay mentally strong and
complish as a team. show that in our performance on the field.”
Cypress Springs
“Obviously, [getting second] wasn’t an easy task,” Luna said.
15-0 “We went up [to 6A] and everybody wasn’t giving us a really
good chance, but our kids did a great job of competing and
Cypress Ranch it’s a really good milestone for us, and we’re excited.”
5-1 Senior Bri Garcia was frustrated by the way others
saw the team before the season started and took it as
a personal challenge to prove them wrong.
Cypress Woods “I was a little mad just because people assumed
6-0 that we were coming up from 5A and not on the
same level as them,” Bri said. “We definitely were
Tomball on their level. We beat the district champions, Cy
Though the team dropped a couple of games
late in the season, they proved they could hang
Bridgeland with the best teams with some dominant perfor-
5-3 mances.
“We’ve had some big wins,” Luna said. “We un-
fortunately lost [the second game to Cy Ranch],
Cypress Lakes
but the first time we went to Cy Ranch, on the
7-1 road, and we beat them, 5-1. We also got a big win
against Bridgeland, which was a big moment for
Cypress Park us, and we really get some big wins that we needed
5-3 down the stretch.”
The team showed depth defensively throughout
the season holding, opponents to low scoring games.
Cypress Springs “Defensively, having Jessica on the mound pitching
11-1 is one of our strengths,” Luna said, “but also defen-
sively, we haven’t made a lot of errors this year.
Cypress Ranch We’ve played really solid defense behind her when
we needed to, and I think that’s been the key to
For many of the players, softball is more than
Cypress Woods just a sport.
4-5 “The team is like a second family to me,” Lisa
said. “They are like a home outside of a home.
The softball team meets at the mound to discuss the next batter.
This team is where I come to have fun and be photo by: Aritha Dutta
myself with no worries. Whenever I’m on the
Sports - Page 9

Family affair Wrestling season in review

The Viking wrestling team placed 4th at district after 12 teams, advancing 9 wres-
Wrestlers succeed at state, tlers to Region II-6A competition.
Individual honors were earned by the following wrestlers:
follow in brother’s footsteps Jenny Thomas (110) - Champion
Ja'Marcus Thomas (182) - Champion
Jaci Siegert can’t help but to hold them to a high Michael Flores (126) - 2nd place
Staff writer standard.” Victor said. “So far, they Joseph Pfromm (170) - 2nd place
For the Thomas’, wrestling is a have both risen to the challenge, and Cristian Urbano (285) - 2nd place
family affair. This year, two of the that makes me very proud.” Colten Murph (160) - 3rd place
members of the Thomas family Both Jenny and Ja’marcus made it Dequinnce Hill (195) - 3rd place
advanced to the 6A state wrestling to state this year and agree that the Micah Samaripas (220) - 3rd place
tournament where they were coached meet was a challenge that pushed Issai Villeda (120) - 5th place
At region, the team took 9th place out of 42 teams with three wrestlers advancing
by their older brother, also a former them to be better athletes.
to the state meet.
Viking wrestler. “It was tough this year,” Ja’marcus Ja'Marcus Thomas took 2nd place after losing only his 2nd match of the season.
“Wrestling is a family sport,” senior said. “Everyone is good at state, espe- Jenny Thomas also earned 2nd place. Christian Urbano placed 4th with Dequinnce Hill
Ja’marcus Thomas said. “It’s our life- cially at a 6A level. Every match is a placing 5th and attending state as an alternate.
everything is wrestling.” battle and I could have won or lost to Other students to place at region include Michael Flores in 6th and Colten Murph in
Older brother and coach, Victor any one, but I came out with a lot of 7th.
Thomas has a positive attitude about wins.” During the first day of the state meet, Ja'Marcus Thomas advanced to the champi-
the family dynamic of the team. Jenny had a slightly different expe- onship semi-final and his sister Jenny Thomas was still alive in the consolation side of
“It’s an awesome feeling getting rience with state this year. the bracket after an early loss.
Ja'Marcus Thomas finished 4th at state with a 62-4 season record.
to coach them.” Victor said. “At first “State meet wasn’t easy.” Jenny
During the winter sports banquet Coach Zito recognized members of the team for a
it was a little nerve racking being in said “I didn’t finish how I wanted to year of hard work and dedication.
their corners. It took some time to but I’m a two time district champ as Ja'Marcus Thomas went 52-1 on the season and earned the best record for the
view them as my athlete and not just a sophomore, I got regional runner boys. Jenny Thoams earned the best record on the girls' side going 31-12.
my siblings.” up, and I made it to day two of state. They both also took home the most pins of the season award with Ja'Marcus earn-
Having her oldest brother as a I was one match away from plac- ing 26 pins and Jenny earning 18 pins.
coach pushes sophomore Jenny ing.” Micah Samaripas recorded the fastest pin for the boys at 16 seconds and Gabriela
Thomas to be the best athlete she can Victor is proud of his two younger Ramirez pinned at 38 seconds.
be. siblings and can’t wait to see them Cristian Ubrano and Ga- briela Ramirez earned the most improved
“It means a lot that he’s my coach” grow as wrestlers in the years to
Gabriela also earned the underdog award while Devon Echendu
Jenny said. “He pushes us a lot come. and Jacob Losack shared the award on the boys' side.
harder than anybody else on the team “I would love nothing better than Kez'nich Moaning per- formed as the most promising
because we’re his younger siblings.” for them to outdo me in their ca- freshman.
Ja’marcus loves wrestling because reers.” Victor said. “With the way
of the dedication and hard work it Ja’marcus has competed this year, I
takes to be part of the team. can say without a doubt that he has
“Having to come in everyday just to shown me up. Jennifer has the talent
get slammed and wrestle and com- to pass us both, and I cannot wait to
pete with your partner,” Ja’marcus see how her career unfolds.”
said. “It is a lot of work, and losing is
really rough.”
When wrestling at BHS,
Victor qualified three
times and placed twice
at state, leaving Jenny
and Ja’marcus a lot
to live up to.
“Since they are
my siblings, I

Above: Sophomore Jenny Thomas performs a single leg take-


Left: Senior Ja'Marcus Thomas immobilizes his opponent with by

running a half. pictures by: Katy Valerius
Page 10 - International Baccalaureate Programme International Baccalaureate Programme - Page 11

IB Learner Profile International Baccalaureate Programme

sets high expectations, rigor for students
Abby Mendez ence that students won’t get within the programme. have earned almost 50 credit
Associate editor through a regular class or “IB curriculum is well- hours from IB,” Patterson
High school is meant to even an AP class.” rounded, and all courses said. “Prestigious universi-
prepare students for college, Additionally, within the IB contain a written compo- ties and scholarship com-
and giving them the best programme, there are two nent, which emphasizes the mittees know the caliber of
preparation is key to suc- different courses of study: importance of writing across IB and give students in IB
cess. The International Bac- diploma and certificate. all subject areas,” IB English special considerations.”
calaureate Programme has “Certificate is the term for teacher Lisa Prejean said. Furthermore, IB is not just
been a success since it was students who take individual “The Diploma Programme a great learning experience,
The IB programme aims to develop internationally-minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and established at Bryan High in IB courses rather than the also requires students to en- it’s a way for students and
shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. IB believes the ten attributes
2010. Students participat- full diploma slate of classes,” gage in CAS (creativity, activ- teachers to come together.
below help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national, and global communities.
ing in the programme have IB coordinator Sarah Patter- ity, and service) experiences, “One of the benefits of IB is
learned superior test taking son said. “Not all IB courses which helps to broaden the having your other IB class-
Inquirers - They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry skills, essay writing, time are open to certificate stu- student’s concept of his/her mates,” Annabel said. “You
and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning management, and many dents. Certificate students place in the world.” all become one big family
will be sustained throughout their lives. other skills that will prepare still earn the weighted GPA The rigorous study has that you build lifelong rela-
them for college. and can earn college credit, helped students prepare for tionships with because you’re
Knowledgeable - They explore concepts, ideas, and issues that have local and global significance. “I chose IB because I felt but they do not experience college, which is approaching all in the same boat. All our
In so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced like it would be the best op- the synergistic effect of the fast for the seniors. teachers are awesome, they
range of disciplines. tion for me and the best path classes overlapping and “I chose IB because I genuinely care about their
to prepare me for college complementing each other in wanted to push myself,” students and want to make
Thinkers - They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and because I plan on going to the diploma.” senior Kristen Paholek said. sure their students succeed.”
approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions. college and getting my de- The IB programme pro- “I wanted to do the most dif- Collectively, students
grees and hopefully getting a vides a well-rounded, rigor- ficult classes I could so that I expressed that they believe
sustainable job,” junior An- ous education for students could also do better through the IB teachers have excel-
Communicators - They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively
nabel Lee said. “It’s a slight with high expectations. college.” lent subject area knowledge
in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and will-
change for sure, but the main “I want to get into a good However, there is the ques- and are passionate about
ingly in collaboration with others.
thing is that you have to school, make my grandma tion of whether or not one teaching. Moreover, they
keep up with your work. The proud of me, and work should do IB when there are care about their students and
Principled - They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect teachers are great and the hard,” junior Deion Johnson AP classes available. push them to excel.
for the dignity of the individual, groups, and communities. They take responsibility for their own ac- programme is amazing, so I said. “IB has helped im- “The way students are “The classes may seem dif-
tions and the consequences that accompany them. definitely recommend it.” prove my study habits, write assessed in IB serves as the ficult at first, but the teachers
The IB programme is a essays, and become more major difference between IB really do help,” Kristen said.
Open-minded - They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are 2-year curriculum in the 11th prepared for college.” and AP,” Prejean said. “The “They’ll always support you
open to the perspectives, values, and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accus- and 12th grade. IB Diploma However, the difficulty analytical skills of my IB and give you the best feed-
tomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the experience. candidates choose one of the courses help develop students are assessed both back they can.”
course from each of the 6 ar- skills that will aid students through written and oral The IB program provides a
Caring - They show empathy, compassion, and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. eas: English, Math, Science, in their other IB courses, as expression over a two-year difficult yet rewarding course
They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of oth- Foreign Language, History, well as prepare them for col- period. Students complete a of study for students who
ers and to the environment. and an elective, as well as lege. guided essay, a prepared oral wish to be challenged within
complete a Theory of Knowl- “They can expect to be presentation, and two timed their high school careers.
Risk-takers - They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, edge course, an extended es- challenged, not only with writings. All of these as- Many students continue to
and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas, and strategies. They are brave and say, and a creativity, action, academic information, but sessments contribute to the reap the benefits of IB both
articulate in defending their beliefs. and service component. also with entertaining and overall IB grade.” in college and in their daily
“I think it presents more evaluating other viewpoints,” Texas state law mandates life.
of a challenge to the young Patterson said. “They will that a student who earns the “Students should choose
Balanced - They understand the importance of intellectual, physical, and emotional balance to
people instead of just going have to reflect on their own IB Diploma with 4s or higher IB because I think it’s the
achieve personal well-being for themselves and others.
through the regular classes strengths and weaknesses (out of seven) on all tests best program,” Annabel said.
each day and getting the and act on these findings.” receive no less than 24 hours “It is prestigious and re-
Reflective - They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able same kind of learning,” se- Along with challenging of college credit at any public warding. Overall, it’s a great
to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and per- nior Troy Chumchal said. “It classes, IB emphasizes writ- school in Texas. experience to have.”
sonal development. is a different kind of experi- ten components and service “Some of our students
Page 12 - Looking Back...

Black History Month contest opens doors,

connects people through social media
Shannon Keyser an impact on so many people. I “That was the biggest surprise,
Editor loved it.” to see that she re-posted the door
Jaci Siegert Many of the students in Bai- and that her quote was ‘impact
Staff Writer ley’s class had seen “Hidden felt,’” Robert said. “She saw it
What started as a competition Figures” and enjoyed it. They and was able to share it with her
for a pizza party ended up in a vi- wanted to feature Johnson on fan base and keep the message
ral post with tens of thousands of their door both because of the going about Katherine Johnson.”
likes and hundreds of comments. movie and because to bring at- The post also reached John-
For Black son’s grandson, and he
History messaged Robert.
Month, “She’s someone whose story is worth “I received a message
the Key
Club held
being told and is not always featured grandson on social media from the
of Katherine
a contest during Black History Month.” Johnson and he said,
for advi-
sory classes
--Bailey Robert ‘Thank you so much for
featuring my grandmother.
where they She valued the arts as well
could decorate their teacher’s tention to her. as math and science and it means
door with a famous African “She’s someone whose story a lot to our family,’” Robert said.
American to win a pizza party. is worth being told and is not “It was really sweet to see how far
Theatre teacher Bailey Robert always featured during Black it can go and be connected.”
and her advisory class decided History Robert sees the
to feature Katherine Johnson on Month,” door’s publicity as
their door, a black female rocket Robert a way to not only
scientist on whom the movie said. “We educate students
“Hidden Figures” was based. wanted about important
The decorations on the door to feature historical figures,
Students in Lisa Prejean’s IB independent study were based on a scene in the some- but also how
class created this door that won first place in the movie when Johnson stands on one who today’s technol-
Key Club contest. a ladder doing calculations on a was not ogy allows us to
chalkboard. When Robert posted as well- connect in ways
Black History facts you may not know an image of their completed door known on like never before.
on Instagram, the post went our door.” “It think it goes
-The month of February was chosen to coin- viral, accumulating over 13,000 As to show how
cide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass likes and around 550 comments. the post much technology
and Abraham Lincoln. “I never would have guessed spread, it has changed and
that it would have gone as many reached what a big part
-Phillis Wheatley was only 12 when she be- places as it did and connect to several of our world it
came the first female African American author the people that it did,” Robert prominent is,” Robert said.
published in 1773. said. “It was really fun to watch people, “I think this is a
the numbers grow as more including really good lesson
-Martin Luther King Jr. improvised the most people shared and connected to Octavia for students about
iconic part of his “I Have a Dream” speech.
it.” Spencer, the power of
Robert’s students were also the actress social media and
-The ban on interracial marriage in the United
surprised by how many people who what you put out
States was overturned in 1967.
were moved by the door’s mes- played there, whether
sage. Dorothy it’s positive or
-Cathay Williams was the first and only known
“I was shocked at first,” fresh- Vaughan negative, it can
female Buffalo Soldier during the Civil War.
man Madison Bailey said, “but I in “Hidden go really far, so it
was also very glad because I was Figures.” She re-posted it, and matters the kind of stories you’re
-Dr. Mae Jemison became the first African
American woman to go into space aboard the in awe with how it spread among her post garnered over 63,000 telling and what you’re trying to
space shuttle Endeavor in 1992. so many people and has made likes and 700 comments. put out in the world.”
Looking Ahead... - Page 13

Career education & technology program

expansion to open new building, classes
during 2019-2020 school year
Megan Krenek “We are running out of the workforce.
Staff writer room in several of our classes “It’s a great opportunity to
A new addition is coming to and we’re turning kids away,” go out there and learn more,”
Bryan ISD for the 2019-2020 Reynolds said. “Lab specific sophomore Guadalupe Hernan-
school year. The district has programs like welding, con- dez said. “My grandfather had
extended the career technol- struction, and automotive were a construction business, so the
ogy program to help students full. This is an expansion.” field has always interested me.”
take the next step The new campus will Taking these courses
in their careers. be accessible by bus and can help students with future
The 6 mil- car, and the students jobs as well as with skills they
lion dollar will have a choice need for their daily lives, which
invest- about their trans- is a driving force for some of
ment the students.
will “I am interested
offer in welding be-
courses cause I can use
like it on our fam-
engi- ily ranch,” junior
neering, Zachary Ponzio
automo- said. “The fact
tive, welding, that it’s a skill
construction, that not many can
and a new robotics portation. The classes take do makes it worth it.”
course. up three class periods, so it The CTE programs will be
“This is an expansion in doesn’t leave much room for open to students outside of
programs,” CTE Director David other electives. Bryan ISD and will eventually
Reynolds said. “The difference “Knowing that welding is reach 160 students at capacity.
is it’s going to be dual credit. going to help me in the
We are going to offer a junior long run makes some
level internship program and of the sacrifices worth
a senior level as well. These while,” sophomore Lexxi
programs are for the kids Estlund said. “I think it’s a
that are focused in on these cool thing to know how to
occupations. We are prepar- do, and I’m really grate-
ing these kids for college and ful that I was chosen
careers. Some of these kids will to participate in the
go to college and some will go program.”
straight into the workforce.” Students see the
These classes will help stu- program as an
dents who are interested in opportunity
these professions earn a certifi- to give them a
cate in the field. The students head start on
were selected for the program their future
through an application process, and provided
grades, and if they truly want them with the
to pursue the occupation in the chance to move
Sophomores Chris Magallanes and Justin Steward look
future. The program is only directly from through scrap metal before practicing their welds during
open for juniors and seniors. high school to their introduction to welding class.
Page 14 - Entertainment

Dark side to Light

Star Wars movie franchise spans the galaxy on quality, entertainment
Owen Gibbs the back door. The look on his face is - Everything with Finn and Rose was was a funny, enjoyable character.
Staff writer absolutely priceless. just...hard to watch...Rose changed her - BB-8’s scene’s were fun to watch.
This version of the article has 2. A New Hope (1977) entire outlook on life and I found that Cons:
been pared down due to limitations 3. The Empire Strikes Back (1980) unrealistic...I wasn’t happy when at - Han Solo’s death left me in tears.
on space. To view the article in its the end she was still alive. Even after I walked out of the theatre
4. Attack Of The Clones (2002)
entirety, please visit www.bryanhigh- - I don’t even like the main character, the first time I saw it, I was finding it
norseman.com. 5. The Phantom Menace (1999) Rey, and I’m annoyed she’s taking over hard to compose myself. I was both-
Star Wars, created by George Lucas 6. Revenge Of The Sith (2003) Han’s ship, The Millennium Falcon. ered by his death for a good month,
in 1977, is my favorite movie franchise Pros: - Yoda, similarly with Luke, was unlike and I would say that it is one of the
of all time. Many fans were opposed to - Probably the most emotional Star himself in the film. main reasons I hate this movie.
Lucas selling the series to Disney, but Wars movie. Overview: - When Rey fought Kylo, she seemed
personally, I couldn’t be more pleased - Intro scene with Obi-Wan and This movie has some extremely good to be his equal. How? She had never
because it will allow the series to con- Anakin was the best part of the movie, parts and some extremely bad parts. even ignited a lightsaber before while
tinue on. as it’s one of the few times Anakin is Overall though, I feel like the movie he was well-trained in the Jedi arts.
There are so many good standalone good. was pretty good. It had a really good - Rey’s character just wasn’t developed
movies in the franchise, I don’t even - The whole movie was really good, ending and middle, despite its disas- in a way that I would have liked.
know where to start. I have ranked other than the fact that it was so sad trous start. And although I liked Yoda - There are no Siths...let me say this
movies from the franchise in order because a lot of characters died. bringing down the lightning, he never again...THERE ARE NO SITHS.
from my favorite to my least favorite. Cons: would have said of the Jedi texts, “that Overview:
1. Return Of The Jedi (1983) - This movie leaves me feeling de- library contained nothing that the girl Overall, this movie doesn’t have much
pressed every time I watch it. Rey does not already possess”, because in its favor. It’s a good movie, I guess,
Overview: she was still learning the ways of the just because it’s Star Wars, but that’s
- Despite the Ewoks inhabiting the
I love this movie, I’m not going to lie. force. And I didn’t mind most of the about all I can say for it. Yes, there are
planet, the Battle of Endor is my sec-
But I have a hard time watching it, jokes, but there was just an excess of some characters who I like, but those
ond favorite battle in the entire series.
because It’s just so hard that everyone them, enough where it was kind of characters didn’t get very much screen
- The entire movie is peppered with
has to die. The movie is just too sad, annoying. time, so for me this movie is the worst
amazing quotes, such as my favorite
which is why I’m putting this as my 9. Solo (2018) Star Wars to date.
quote of all time, where Luke says to
least favorite one of Lucas’s Star Wars Star Wars IX is set to come out this
Palpatine, “You have failed, your high- 10. The Force Awakens (2016)
ness. I am a Jedi, like my father before films. December, and I’m hoping Disney can
me.” 7. Rogue One (2017) - Han Solo had more than just a cameo build on the storyline they created and
- The last 30 minutes of the movie is 8. The Last Jedi (2017) in the movie, and I loved all of his move on from their previous mistakes
arguably the best 30 minutes I’ve ever Pros: scenes, save his death. and make a great film. I hope that they
spent staring at a TV screen. We get - Two absolutely breathtaking scenes - Poe Dameron’s return scene was will continue to make Star Wars films
the Battle of Endor, Luke vs Vader, take place in this movie: When Admi- breathtaking and shocking at the same in the future, and for that to happen,
Palpatine’s demise, and even a celebra- ral Foldo sacrifices herself to save the time. It was just like, “What?! He’s not Star Wars fans need to realize that Dis-
tion scene. rebellion is a more solemn moment, dead?!” ney will never be perfect, and accept
- Luke vs Vader is one of my favorite and there’s also the Praetorian Guard - The beginning scene was great, the movies Disney is giving us.
duels in all of Star Wars. Battle, which is extremely cool. especially the part where Poe is
Cons: - Poe Dameron’s character is my favor- making fun of Kylo.
- Jabba’s Palace scene could have been ite thing Disney has done with the new - General
shorter, it felt like it was too long for trilogy, and his role is even better in Hux
me. this movie than in The Force Awakens.
- I’m not the biggest fan of the scene Cons:
where the rebels are captured by - Luke Skywalker’s initial reaction was
Ewoks, just because it was kind of just not something he would do at all.
boring. The same person who was always say-
Overview: ing, “there’s still good in him” is now
Although there are some prolonged just saying “I failed” and “go away”.
scenes, Return Of The Jedi keeps Even the actor of Luke, Mark Hamill,
me entertained each time I watch it. who played the part in 1977, 1980,
Overall, my favorite part is when my 1983, 2016, and 2017, disagreed
favorite character, Han Solo, devises a with the direction they took his
plan to trick the imperials into opening character.
Entertainment - Page 15

‘Marvel’ous movie makes millions at debut,

showcases strong female lead, interesting backstory
Jaci Siegert Marvel celebrated International One of the best things about
Staff writer Women’s Day with the release of Captain Marvel is that her
Marvel Studios has taken over Captain Marvel on March 8. intricate backstory is unique
the cinematic world over the past Unlike most films with a female and refreshing.
eleven years and continues to do so lead, or most movies even, Captain It also had the perfect bal-
in 2019 with Captain Marvel. Marvel does not have a love inter- ance of being easy to under-
Since Marvel’s first film, Iron est as part of the story line. Other stand for those who haven’t
Man in 2008, a whopping twenty- characters, such as Black Widow, seen all twenty-two original
two movies have been released. are over sexualized and not taken films, while also making
While some companies produce as seriously as men. references to previous
sequels to their films, Marvel has One of my favorite things about films to true fans.
a different approach, by creating a Captain Marvel is how she is Its purpose is to
universe. portrayed as such a powerful role introduce a new char-
All twenty-two movies are based model for young women. Through- acter and get fans ex-
on comics co-written by Stan Lee out the movie, the audience wit- cited for Avengers:
who died this past year. nesses her character develop and Endgame, which
Out of all Marvel films, Captain sees her figure out who she is as a it without a doubt
Marvel is the first to have a female person. did.
lead character, portrayed by Brie Captain Marvel is the perfect Avengers:
Larson. example of what a superhero, and Endgame is set
When I first heard about this a woman, should strive to be. to release on
movie, I was ecstatic to see a The story took place in the mid April 26, which
woman take the stage for the first 90’s, which made it feel distant is where we will
time. from the rest of the storyline, ideal see Captain
The original Avengers only had for her first standalone film. Marvel next.
one female hero, Black Widow. It did amazing opening weekend, In preparation
Non-male characters were still ranking number two in highest for the fourth
limited just before Captain Marvels grossing Marvel movies, just be- Avengers
release, with Scarlet Witch, Mantis, hind Avengers: Infinity War. film, make
Valkyrie, and few others who only The film also recently broke the sure you set
joined the team recently. one billion dollar record, and has a aside some
In the past decade, superhero score of 78% on rotten tomatoes. time to see
movies in general have evolved For most die-hard Marvel fans, Captain
from targeting men to a movie like Captain Marvel was a hit, but to Marvel in
Captain Marvel, which shows how the more generic audience, it had a theaters.
far these companies have come. lower rating.

Who is your favorite female super hero?

“I like Black Widow because “I like Wonder Woman because

she is bad.” she is strong both physically and
Bryan Ponzio, 12 mentally.”
Maya Gutierrez, 12
Page 16 - Opinion

What does java bean to you? How do you like your coffee?
around the living room Additionally, TV shows like
and drink coffee in the Gilmore Girls develop a large
afternoon and just talk. part of their plot and characters
Some of my favorite around a love for coffee. “Iced caramel macchiato.”
memories with my family Despite all the love coffee gets, Elizabeth Tag, 11

Abby Mendez were made over a cup of there are still many people who
Assistant Editor coffee. like to bash on this absolutely
In fact, for hundreds perfect drink.
to thousands of years, For example, some people
Coffee, the epitome of all that is people have been enjoying cof- can’t tolerate caffeine, which is
good in the world. Without cof- fee. People enjoy it iced, hot, fine, and for that there is decaf
fee, how many long nights doing blended, poured over ice cream, coffee. Some people can’t stand
homework would have been lost and the list goes on. the flavor of coffee, and for that
to sleep? How many study ses- There is also the matter of there is sugar, coffee creamer, “I drink my coffee black,
sions would have gone to waste? where to get coffee. You can and even honey. with nothing added.”
The truth is: I can’t survive make coffee at home, or you can It is completely understand- Umber Christian, 11
without coffee. go buy it at a large name brand able that not everyone has the
It has become an important like Starbuck and Dunkin’ Do- same taste, but don’t yuck other
part of my morning, and with- nuts - which we need in B/CS, people’s yums. It’s like pine-
out it I just feel like I’m missing by the way. Sometimes I prefer apple pizza: I don’t really get it
out. But my dream of becoming home-brewed coffee, sometimes and it is kind of tragic but hey, I
Lorelai Gilmore may also be to I want to go buy one. Honestly, won’t judge. Not completely, at
blame in my coffee addiction. there is just a time and place for least.
My love of coffee stems back each one. Coffee is also so versatile. You
to when I was about five or six, Coffee has developed a sort of can drink it hot when it’s cold
and I would beg my grandpar- cult-following on social media outside. You can drink it cold “I like to drink iced coffee on
ents to let me have some coffee. and in TV. There are hundreds when it’s hot outside. There a warm Texas morning.”
They eventually obliged and of pages and blogs dedicated to are even blended coffees, sweet Liz Harrison, 12
gave me a little coffee- emphasis posting pictures of intricately coffees, bitter coffees. The pos-
on a little- and I haven’t looked decorated lattes accompanied sibilities are endless.
back since. by an equally beautiful back- Coffee is something that will
Coffee was always a large ground. always hold a special place in
part of our family: my heart. It has become an
we would sit important part of my every-
day routine, and it is some-
thing that can keep me going “I prefer my coffee flavored
through the day. half and half and drink
Coffee can simply do no wrong about two small cups.”
in my eyes; it’s something that Officer Johnston
has created special memories
that I will cherish forever, and
it continues to do good for me
throughout the difficulties of life
and school.
Opinion - Page 17

Moral barometer
Violence, sexuality used excessively desensitizes society
the case of rape, which occurs more make a point, if people surround still be left out, and the story will not
frequently to women than men. themselves with violence, even if it is suffer.
However, portraying these relation- only in books, movies, or other media, Even if it is necessary, whatever is
ships degrades both genders equally they become immune to its effects. happening does not always need to be
and conveys the message that each It becomes easy to have a heart of described graphically. If the creator is
one is only good for whatever they stone and not only brush off the pain a good writer, they should be able to
Shannon Keyser
can physically bring to a relation- of those around them but to also be get their point across without going
ship, even if it’s never said outright. able to ignore actual, physical vio- into great detail.
Strangely enough, despite the huge lence and take it as “being part of I think the biggest reason why there
This article is a continuation from an wave of feminism and the #metoo life.” has been a shift in morals is because
article in the previous edition of the movement, I’ve not heard anything No matter how many times people people have stopped caring about the
Norseman that discussed the degrad- confronting the degradation of both tell themselves logically something is consequences or don’t see anything
ing of cultural morality and why men and women in a sexual manner wrong, it is hard for them to live by it wrong in the first place. “It’s just a
swearing is immoral. within media. if they cannot feel anymore. movie,” someone might say. “It’s not
Graphic sexuality has also escalated Many famous celebrities and prom- Over time, exposure to such vio- going to hurt me. Why are you being
dramatically, particularly in movies. inent politicians have been charged lence can create a dangerous familiar- so sensitive? Can you not handle it?”
This not only includes actual sexual with sexual allegations, and though it ity and lead to outright apathy when it In terms of kids movies, they say
encounters but promiscuous jokes is good society is trying to do some- comes to violence or even committing that we shouldn’t “shelter” kids and
and actors wearing little to no cloth- thing about fixing their misconduct, violent acts. that they need to eventually learn
ing. It usually doesn’t even affect the it is not trying to fix the root problem Now I understand that there can what the real world is like.
plot but instead attempts to appeal to but rather the consequences. be a deliberate reason for including This is completely the wrong mind-
audiences at a gratuitous level. Right now, it’s like society is trying some of these things. Sometimes, the set to take. What we allow ourselves
Even if morals are excluded, watch- to put out a fire by pouring gasoline author or whoever develops the media to watch, read, and listen to influ-
ing sexual scenes can kill real love. on the ground with one hand and will use, say, excessive violence to ences our thinking and beliefs and
Numerous studies have shown that spraying a garden hose in the other. demonstrate the depravity of a person translates into our lives. And moral-
watching things such as pornogra- They’re the ones fueling their own or group of people. Sometimes they ity does matter. It is not just a social
phy ruin relationships. Relation- problems, and when they try to solve will use extremes to construct to tell humanity
ships shown in movies do not reflect the problems, it’s completely ineffec- draw sharp con- “proper” behavior and
real ones, and people are constantly tive. trasts between meant to control
disappointed when their standards Violence is also on the rise in popu- different types society.
obtained from popular culture are not lar culture. Video games in particular of characters. One
met. have become more violent as first- Addition- cannot
Additionally, watching things like person shooter games have risen in ally, if the claim to
pornography rewire the brain and popularity. It’s usually not just people situation have the
cause an addiction. This isn’t a meta- falling over when shot but is accom- is meant moral high
phorical addiction, this is an actual panied by large amounts of blood and to mimic ground if
addiction, like with drugs and alcohol,
gore. a real they ignore
and a physical dependency develops. It is very easy, when it comes to situa- the parts
However, morally speaking, sexual violence, to say it’s to make a point or tion, it of morality
relationships are not something to to honor others who suffered, which could dis- they don’t
be broadcast. If an affair is necessary to some extent, is true. honor like. If
for a story, there are plenty of ways In a movie about the Holocaust, the someone
to communicate it to the audience depending on the plot, it would be real believes in
without going into detail. disrespectful to those who died and people who and follows
Whether looked at from a moral the survivors to only briefly touch on suffered or those some mor-
perspective or not, watching or read- what was done to them and white- who were in similar situations to gloss als but purposefully ignores others, he
ing about affairs or hearing sexual wash the situation. over it too much. or she is being hypocritical.
joking not only can kill love but ob- Nonetheless, this does not mean it However, much of what I have seen While it is difficult, if not impos-
jectifies people. Both men and women is okay to go into huge, graphic detail, is unnecessary to the plot or devel- sible, to evade everything immoral, an
are presented as if each only exists describing every drop of blood spilled opment of a character and is used effort should be made to avoid them
only for the pleasure of the other. and every mutilated body. instead to shock the audience. If it is as much as possible.
Perhaps society only considers sex No matter how much this may a part of the plot, sometimes it can
outside of marriage “objectifying” in
Page 18 - Opinion

Extremism has negative impact on positive movements

ress being made by many active tality, hostile citizens, and unjust throughout history, and the trend
feminists. treatment at the expense of Mus- hasn’t stopped.
New age feminism has been lims. They work against honorable
infected with this same radical Their right to exercise freedom causes and offer an outlet for hate-
feminism, and has been over- of religion results in a disgusting ful ideals.
Savannah Arenas run by the media’s perception of reaction from close-minded Ameri- The great thing about America
Staff writer these extremists. cans, and they can thank ignorance is that we all have the right to
Women continue to fight as well as the actions of extremists. our own opinion, and although
America has certainly lived up to wage gaps, sexual harassment, Perhaps the most terrifying ex- I certainly don’t agree with their
its namesake of being “the land of domestic abuse, and many other ample of this is the work of shoot- beliefs, I recognize the freedom to
the free,” especially when com- obstacles. ers, espe- have those beliefs as a good thing
pared to many of the countries The ability to seek solutions on because it also creates an outlet
around the world. these issues are being impeded for positive beliefs.
Despite embracing this motto, by the work of so called “tumblr No matter what the
the freedoms granted are con- feminists”. extremists try
stantly being taken advantage of by These undeniably ex- to accomplish,
various extreme individuals. treme feminists are often their tactics
The very definition of an extrem- perceived as the faces of are hostile,
ist is a person who holds fanati- feminism when they don’t unproduc-
cal views, and especially one who represent feminist values tive, and
advocates extreme action. in the slightest. too often
One of the most controver- damaging
sial issues is the lack of gender to Ameri-
equality. cans all
It’s true that women have over the
made impressive progress, nation.
and in fact, June of this year Their
will mark a century of wom- actions
en’s suffrage. prohibit
The 19th Amendment of any type
1919 was the first major stepping With the help of prog-
stone for women and amazing of various social ress for
feminists such as Alice Paul and medias, they’ve cre- multiple pos-
Margaret Sanger helped the fight ated a hostile persona itive movements
for equality. with a common message of, and foster hate bred
Powerful women of the early “all men are bad,” and “women are by aged misunderstand-
19th century weren’t the first to superior”. cially ings and traditional opinions.
demand equal rights, but by then This mentality is a prime exam- school shooters. Radical feminism is only the tip
they gathered an impressive voice. ple of sexism and their actions are There are countless ways to deal of the iceberg when it comes to
Feminism created an empower- working against the goals of true with intense emotions, and even the damage these individuals can
ing movement for women across feminism. ways to approach bullying. cause, illustrating how listening
the country and sought to gain the Unfortunately extremists don’t These often unbelievably angry and respecting each other is criti-
rights they were unjustly denied in only ruin the meaning of feminism, radicals take lives to coincide with cal no matter the topic of discus-
the founding of our country. but are creating disadvantages for their twisted morals. sion.
The foundation of early feminism countless others. School shooters often are victims It’s important to avoid polarizing
was grounded in achieving equality Extremism exists in many forms of bullying or are frequently men- ourselves from others, especially
but radical feminists demanding from political to religious views. tally ill individuals with unman- within the world of social media
women be recognized as superior, The work of Islamic extremist ageable anger. where text can easily be misinter-
derailed progress. groups such as Al Qaeda and Isis Other shootings often stem from preted, tone is frequently applied,
These extremists often resulted have created a xenophobic streak multiple forms of racism, ho- and sarcasm is lost.
in violence and increased gender in Americans against innocent mophobia, or unresolved rage. We must work together to talk
tensions, suffrage reluctance, and Muslims. Examples of the destruction through out differences and under-
generally slowed down the prog- This fear has led to police bru- extremists cause can be seen all stand each other.
Opinion - Page 19

Mental health care important, things will get better

you’re feeling sad, hopeless, alone, Sometimes, the ones that seem the through and, most of the time, it will
or worthless, those could be some happiest and laugh the most are often be the voice in their head that they
strong signs of a mental health prob- the ones that need the most help. have been looking for the whole time,
lem. People that are hurting believe that putting into words a way they can
Don’t suffer in your silence, know nobody will be able to relate to their relate to on a personal level.
Daniel Lugo you are never alone. Things seem problems, and that it will hurt their Animals can also help people not
Staff writer bad now, but everything will even- reputation if they talk things out with feel as lonely. People can get a pet, a
tually get better. When the day somebody. dog or a cat, that can keep them com-
Mental health in teens is a seri- that things start to look up comes Some of the darkest thoughts an pany if they get home before parents
ous issue in today’s society. Oddly around, you’ll be grateful that you individual could have is that nobody who work late.
enough, not a lot of people talk about stayed. would care if they were to end it all, Taking up a hobby can relieve stress
it. People often feel lonely in some of Some people have public platforms or would get over it quickly. That is at someone’s own pace too.
their darkest times with nobody to to share a message of love and hope, quite possibly the cruelest lie that you Being a teen is difficult, no doubt,
turn to, and that’s a problem. Show like Talinda Bennington, wife of late could tell yourself, and not true in any but it will all pass. Please don’t make
love to the people that deserve it the Linkin Park singer, Chester Benning- way. People sometimes lash out in a permanent decision to a temporary
least because those are the ones that ton, who started a campaign called anger and frustration at the smallest problem.
need it the most. ‘320 Changes Direction’ after Chester things, and it’s often because so much If you are suffering, seek help, it
Let’s face it, being a teenager is lost his battle with depression on July has been going on, that their patience may be scary, and it may suck, but
hard. You’re under stress to feel ac- 20, 2017. The campaign is for those begins to cut short, often resulting in you are not alone. People care about
cepted, to do well in school, get along who are currently going through hard things said and not meant. you and want you to be okay, nothing
with your family members, and make times of their own, and to be remind- It’s important to find ways to cope. is going to get better unless you step
your own decisions. You can’t avoid ed that they are the change to their Music is a good way to relieve some up and acknowledge your own value.
most of these pressures, and worrying own well being. of the stress people could be going
about them is totally normal. But if

Courage to speak your mind, to listen
Recently, politicians have proposed lowering the whelming.
voting age to 16. Even if they do not acknowledge it, Though two additional years may not seem like
their true motives are to garner more votes for their a big deal, many things can happen in that time,
political party. and students will have been able to adjust to their
Though there are certainly 16-year-olds who are responsibilities. Adviser
well-informed about their civic duties, the vast Furthermore, most 16-year-olds have yet to take Rebecca Dominy
majority are not and do not care to be. the mandatory government class and thus do not
Popular culture has a major influence on youth’s understand the inner workings of the government. Editor
opinions, and teenagers are much more susceptible Those who do not understand a system should http://www. Shannon Keyser
to what others tell them, because they do not have not be the ones influencing it.
the experience to discern what is political propa- While yes, there are many uninformed adults out Assistant editor
ganda versus fact. there who do not understand the implications of
http://www.twitter.com/ Abigail Mendez
Many 16-year-olds do not have informed political their vote, it’s their responsibility to become more
opinions and will go with whatever the trend is. Espe- knowledgeable. bhsnorseman
Staff writers
cially if that trend centers around a particular figure. Besides, do we really want people who voluntarily
http://www.facebook.com/ Savannah Arenas
Adults aren’t even mature enough to vote seri- consume laundry detergent to vote for those who
ously and actually write in votes for Harambe and tax us, pass legislation, and represent our country? BryanISDBryanHighNorseman Owen Gibbs
Godzilla. Though some did it to express displeasure Even as 16 and 17-year-olds, we believe the Megan Krenek
with candidates, others did it purely as a joke. voting age should not be lowered. We wreck our Daniel Lugo
If adults cannot be mature with their vote, then cars, skip class for stupid reasons, and waste our Arissa Mejia
how do people expect 16-year-olds to vote maturely money. These mistakes have made it clear to us Jaci Siegert
as well if this is their example to follow? that we cannot be trusted determining the future of
Students would likely vote either the same as America yet.
their parents or, to rebel, go with the opposite of There is a bit of irony in that the authors of this will
their parents’ choice without stopping to consider (mostly) all be able to vote in the next presidential The opinions expressed are those of the writers and are not reflective of the
administrators, faculty or staff of Bryan Independent School District.
what they are actually voting for. election, but hopefully by then, we will have become Submissions to the editor are welcomed, but must be signed and should not
Turning 16 is already a major step in becoming competent enough to cast a well-informed vote. exceed 300 words. The editor reserves the right to edit submissions in the
an adult. It is the age students can begin to drive, We need to give our students time to develop interest of clarity and length or to not print a letter at all. Letters containing obscene or
libelous material will not be considered.
pay taxes, and have increased job opportunities. their own opinions based on experience before they Bryan Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion,
Placing the pressure to vote on 16-year-olds when become responsible for acting upon them. color, national origin, sex, or handicap in providing education services.
they’re already being thrust into adulthood is over- --The Norseman Staff
Page 20 - Semester Exams/Opinion

Around Campus News & events at Bryan High School

Senior Exams 9th, 10th, 11th Exams

Semester Exams

Tuesday, May 21 Tuesday, May 21 Wednesday, May 22 Other Information

1st Exam 8:20-10:20 120 min 1st Period 8:20-9:11 51 min 4th Exam 8:20-9:40 80 min
2nd Exam 10:26-12:26 120 min 2nd Period 9:17-10:08 51 min 5th Exam 9:46-11:06 80 min Exempt students must stay in
Lunch 12:32-1:02 30 min 3rd Period 10:14-11:05 51 min 7th Exam 11:12-12:32 80 min their testing room. Office aides
3rd Exam 1:08-2:29 81 min 4th Period 11:11-12:02 51 min will stay in assigned office.
8th Exam 2:35-4:00 85 min Lunch 12:32-12:55 23 min
Wednesday, May 22 5th Period 12:08-1:32 54 min On Wednesday and Thursday,
4th Exam 8:20-9:40 80 min ALL students who have finished
A Lunch 12:02-12:32 30 min Thursday, May 23 their exams are dismissed at
5th Exam 9:46-11:06 80 min B Lunch 12:32-1:02 30 min
7th Exam 11:12-12:32 80 min 12:32. Students may stay for lunch
C Lunch 1:02-1:32 30 min 3rd Exam 8:20-9:40 80 min
Lunch 12:47-1:17 30 min then all students leave at 12:55.
2nd Exam 9:46-11:06 80 min
7th Period 1:38-2:29 51 min 1st Exam 11:12-12:32 80 min
Thursday, May 23 Students will not attend advisory
8th Exam 2:35-4:00 85 min on 5/21, 5/22, or 5/23.
Mandatory Graduation Practice Lunch 12:32-12:55 23 min
8:20 AM Sharp - Gym 2

Attitude, behavior infectious

People should choose kindness instead of being rude
the house and be discourteous tive person constantly, their attitude also occurs in adult life. Humans will
towards others and ruin another rubs off on me and I start being that be rude to each other until the day
person’s day. way, which I hate. I notice that I have the world decides to take a turn for
Of course, everyone has an attitude and my facial expres- the better. Negative energy is com-
encountered a negative person at sions can’t be contained. Although mon amongst us, and it’s constantly
Arissa Mejia some point, be it a friend, a fam- I shouldn’t allow another person to spreading.
Staff Writer ily member, a significant other, control the way I act, sometimes it Rude people should calm down
I’m tired of rude people, and not just or even a random person on the seems impossible to avoid. and work on sneaking in some kind-
rude people, but negative individu- street. What rubs me the wrong way Some people act rude to others ness so their attitudes won’t affect
als in general who think having that is when individuals are negative all because of the way the person acts or other people in their life. It’s also
unpleasant attitude is necessary. the time and can’t, even for a second, is but that is not okay. For example, important to not just fix it for other
Spoiler, it really isn’t. be just a little nice. if some students encounter other people but so it won’t consume them
Yes, I guess I’m shaming all nega- It’s astonishing to me how they students and work with them, I’ve either. Having of a positive attitude
tive people whether or not they have have the power to ruin someone noticed that most of the time they act can make life easier and brighter.
a reason to be rude. I don’t care what else’s attitude, especially if it’s a big-headed and impolite. That type With all the hate already in this
goes on at home, in their personal friend or family member. Being of behavior could discourage other world, people should just be nice and
life, or behind the persona they put around someone who is negative all students and make them feel hurt. spread positive attitudes and lighten
on. Just because a person is hav- the time can rub off on a positive per- Not all students are like that, but peoples days rather than dulling
ing a bad day or even a bad life, that son and make them rude. Negativity for a lot of them, it’s pride before their days because there’s already too
doesn’t make it fair for them to leave spreads. kindness. This type of behavior much negative energy out there.
For me, when I’m around a nega- doesn’t only happen in schools, but it

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