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I / ME / MY / MINE, ETC.

1. Completa las frases usando I/she/they, etc. y us/him/you, etc.

He likes Jane but…she doesn’t like him.

We’re looking at Mr and Mrs Warner but…
She wants to talk to me but…
Jo and Mary often write to you but…
I want to meet him but…
He visits his grandparents but…

2. Traduce las frases del ejercicio anterior.

3. Completa las frases con my/your/his/its, etc.

Did you enjoy your holiday?

I forgot ______ umbrella this morning so I got wet.
When are we moving to ______ new house?
The neighbours are angry because someone stole ______ car last night.
Sidney is famous for ______ opera house.
Oliver has got two sisters. ______ older sister is married.
Jill had a wonderful time. It was the best holiday of ______ life.

4. Corrige los errores. Hay una que es correcta.

Is this book your? Is this book yours?

James gave me those books. I really like it.
Some friends of Mike and Lucy told them the bad news.
Peter gave her brother a cassette and he gave she a video.
This book isn’t yours, it’s me.
I like this house but her windows are broken.
I know Mary but I don’t know his brother.
5. Completa la carta usando I/you/he,etc, o my/your/her, etc. o mine/yours, etc.

Dear Laura

Thank you for ________ letter. It was good to hear from ________ and know
________ news.
Let _______ tell you my news. In June, ________ sister, Sue, is getting married
to John. Do you remember? I met John ten years ago, so he is an old friend of
________ . ________ are getting married in the afternoon and my parents are
having a big party for ______ in the evening. After the wedding they are coming to
stay with ______ because they haven’t got a house yet.

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