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t number 1

The Adept Owl Games Company is an Australian developer, publisher and distributor of dice, card and
board games for all ages. They aspire to become the famous and finest board game developer in
Australia. Their core values are customer oriented, and based on innovation, respecting and recognizing
employees and manufacturing processes that are sustainable for their organization

In this case I have to develop a report sort of document to highlight the needs and requirement of the
company as well the organizational capabilities for document production. In adept owl the place or
systems in which information is stored are termed as objects and managed by proper systems. All staff
members are expected to be able to use a variety of software programs in the course of their daily
duties; manage computer data proficiently; and maintain computer equipment in good order and
conditions, file paths are structured logically and meet organizational requirements, they also have a
secure document backup procedure, Database are recorded and stored in a secured way.


Information entry
● To store the file use initials of your name after the file original name, for ease of operator
● Staff will have their personal subfolders with their name. While naming the data file and
organizing information in database the factor should be considered that file name should be
different and the process of placing the different data in different segments such that file can be
easily accessed as and when information is required.

Considerations for storing documents by adapt owl standard policy

● Company data shouldn’t be stored in the computer unless needed.

● Your laptop will be set up with offline files allowing remote access to server files away from the
● ‘Move’ completed files to the appropriate folder in your department. File naming should be
according to department. To store the file use initials of your name after the file original name, for
ease of operator identification.
● Adept owls have a secure document backup procedure where Back-up copies of all electronic files
on the server are made twice weekly. Ensure local copies of company files are backed up if you
are away in your is on laptop
Activity 2
Continuous Improvement Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide the details of the E-OfficeWorx approach to continuous
improvement in the business practices and processes of the company so as to drive organizational
change and excellence as well as provide satisfaction to its stakeholders.

This continuous improvement policy applies to all E-OfficeWorx management team including the
departmental managers. The procedures and actions generated from this continuous improvement
policy will be implemented in the broader business of E-OfficeWorx, business management, and
operations management processes.

Improvements will be applied where they will be deemed necessary. Continuous improvement is at the
key management strategy of E-OfficeWorx and covers all the operational aspect of the company. The
continuous improvement activities

• All services provided to people with disability and all processes and procedures undertaken by
staff are the best they can be.

• Services are regularly reviewed and measured for quality and effectiveness.

• Staff and people with disability are encouraged to provide feedback on how to improve service

• People with disability should be involved in all decision-making processes that affect them.

• People with disability, family and carers can provide valuable insights about the effectiveness of
services, highlight any gaps/or issues that arise and provide ideas for improvements and innovation.

• A learning culture of quality of the organization ensures all staff, regardless of their role,
contribute to service quality and quality management.

• Planning, resource allocation, risk management and reporting are critical for continuous
improvement and part of an integrated approach that supports [organization’s] mission and vision.

• [organisation] is committed to innovation, high quality, continuous improvement, contemporary

best practice and effectiveness in the provision of supports to people with disability.

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