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Roll Some Brain Breaks

Directions: Roll one die for each of the columns. Perform the quick brain break that matches the
number you rolled on the die. For example, if you roll a 1-2-4-3-6 you would perform the following brain
breaks: 10 jumping jacks, 5 wall push ups, 10 Twists at the waist, 10 jumps over a pencil on the floor
and take 10 deep breaths.

Column #1 Column #2 Column #3 Column #4 Column #5

1 10 jumping
Wiggle your Bring R elbow
to L knee and
Jump in Rub your
entire R arm
whole body place 10
jacks for a count of L elbow to R times. with your L
10. knee 5 times hand

2 Squeeze your
R hand firmly 5 wall push
Move the
upper half of
Spin in a circle
3 times to the
Touch L hand
to bottom of
with your L ups R foot.
your body right Repeat 5x.

Spread legs
3 Move the apart and bend
at waist
Make 10
small circles
10 jumps Give yourself
right side of over a pencil a big hug for
your body looking with your
between knees. on floor 10 seconds
Repeat 5x.

Twist at the
4 Rub your
entire L arm
Touch R hand
to bottom of waist 10
times with
Spin in a circle
3 times to the
Make 10 large
circles with
with your R L foot.
arms out to left your arms
hand Repeat 5x.
the side

Touch R hand March in place Squeeze your Touch R hand

5 to L shoulder.
Touch L hand to
with knees
high for a
L hand firmly
Move the left
side of your
to L foot and
then L hand to
R shoulder. with your
count body R foot
Repeat 5x. R hand 5 times
of 10

Touch hands Tap your feet on

6 Run in place
for a count of
Move the
lower half of
overhead and
try to balance
the floor while
making small Take 10 deep
circles with breaths
15 seconds your body on one foot for
5 seconds. fingers for 10

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Roll Head Shoulders, Knees
and Toes, Knees and Toes
Directions: Roll one die for each of the body parts below. Replace the body parts that you roll into the song Head,
Shoulders, Knees and Toes. Sing and perform the song with the different body parts. For example, if you roll a 1, 3,
4 and 6 sing and do the motions to the song as “Foot, fingers, chin and wrist, chin and wrist. Foot fingers, chin and
wrist, chin and wrist. Eyes and ear and nose and mouth. Foot, fingers, chin and wrist, chin and wrist.”


foot ankles thigh arm

knee elbows thumb cheek

hips fingers hair neck

back eyebrows chin spine

palm stomach heart teeth

waist forehead calf wrist

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