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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

review article
Edward W. Campion, M.D., Editor

Acute Osteomyelitis in Children

Heikki Peltola, M.D., and Markus Pääkkönen, M.D.

From Children’s Hospital, University of acteria may reach bone through direct inoculation from trau-
Helsinki, and Helsinki University Central matic wounds, by spreading from adjacent tissue affected by cellulitis or
Hospital, Helsinki (H.P.); and the Divi­
sion of Diseases of the Musculoskeletal septic arthritis, or through hematogenous seeding. In children, an acute
System, University of Turku, and Turku bone infection is most often hematogenous in origin.1
University Hospital, Turku, Finland (M.P.). In high-income countries, acute osteomyelitis occurs in about 8 of 100,000
Address reprint requests to Dr. Pääkkönen
at Turku University Hospital, Kiinamyllyn­ children per year,2 but it is considerably more common in low-income countries.
katu 4-8, P.O. Box 52, 20521 Turku, Finland, Boys are affected twice as often as girls.2,3 Unless acute osteomyelitis is diagnosed
or at promptly and treated appropriately,4 it can be a devastating or even fatal disease
N Engl J Med 2014;370:352-60. with a high rate of sequelae, especially in resource-poor countries where patients
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1213956 present with advanced disease and survivors often have complications that are
Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society.
serious and long-lasting.
Staphylococcus aureus is by far the most common causative agent in osteomyelitis,
followed by the respiratory pathogens Streptococcus pyogenes and S. pneumoniae.5-9 For
unknown reasons, Haemophilus influenzae type b is more likely to affect joints than
bones. Salmonella species are a common cause of osteomyelitis in developing coun-
tries and among patients with sickle cell disease.10 Infections due to Kingella kingae
are increasing and are most common in children younger than 4 years of age.11

C om mon M a nife s tat ions

When osteomyelitis is diagnosed, it is classified as acute if the duration of the ill-

ness has been less than 2 weeks, subacute for a duration of 2 weeks to 3 months,
and chronic for a longer duration.1,2,12 Since any bone can be affected, patients can
present with a wide variety of symptoms and signs. Multifocal osteomyelitis may
occur at any age but occurs most frequently in neonates.1
Classic clinical manifestations in children are limping or an inability to walk,
fever and focal tenderness, and sometimes visible redness and swelling around a
long bone, more often in a leg than in an arm (Fig. 1). Often the patient’s condi-
tion has deteriorated in the days preceding clinical presentation. Calcaneal osteo-
myelitis may proceed insidiously and lead to a delay in seeking treatment. Spinal
osteomyelitis is characteristically manifested as back pain, whereas pain on a
digital rectal examination suggests sacral osteomyelitis. Acute osteomyelitis should
be considered in any patient who presents with a fever of unknown origin. Acute
cases occur in all age groups, with a small peak in incidence among prepubertal
boys, presumably because of strenuous physical activity and microtrauma.1,9 Chil-
dren with methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) osteomyelitis have a high tem-
perature, tachycardia, and a painful limp more often than those with methicillin-
susceptible S. aureus (MSSA).13

Di agnosis

The approach to the diagnosis of osteomyelitis in children is shown in Figure 2.

If physical examination suggests bone involvement, further tests are performed.

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osteomyelitis in children

Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcito-

nin levels are sensitive as diagnostic tests and Skull (1%)
useful in follow-up,15,16 but measurements of pro-
calcitonin are more expensive and rarely outper-
Maxilla (<1%)
form those of CRP, which are easily determined
Mandible (<1%)
from a whole-blood finger-prick sample. Results Clavicle (1–3%)
of CRP testing are available within 10 minutes.
Scapula (<1%)
Declining levels of CRP usually suggest a favor- Sternum (<1%)
able response to treatment,9,17 even if the fever
Ribs (<1%) Humerus (5–13%)
continues.18 Since the erythrocyte sedimentation
rate increases rapidly but decreases significantly
more slowly than the CRP level, it is less useful Spine (1–4%)
Ulna (1–2%)
in monitoring the course of the illness.16 As com- Pelvic Girdle (3–14%)
pared with other types of osteomyelitis, osteo-
Radius (1–4%)
myelitis due to MRSA causes greater elevations
in the CRP level, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, Hand (<1–2%)
and white-cell count.13
The “rat bite” in bone that is often seen in
Femur (23–29%) Patella (<1%)
osteomyelitis becomes visible on plain radiogra-
phy 2 to 3 weeks after the onset of symptoms Invading infection
Fibula (4–10%)
and signs. A normal radiograph on admission to
the hospital by no means rules out acute osteo- Tibia (19–26%)

myelitis, but it can be helpful in ruling out a frac-

ture or detecting Ewing’s sarcoma or another type Calcaneus (4–11%)
of malignant condition. In resource-poor countries,
Talus (<1%)
plain radiography is of great value, since no other
imaging methods may be available. Metatarsal (1–2%)
Scintigraphy is sensitive and useful, especially
if a long bone is affected or symptoms are not
Figure 1. Skeletal Distribution of Acute Osteomyelitis in Children.
precisely localized.19 Although computed tomog-
Osteomyelitis may affect any bone, with a predilection for theCOLORtubular bones
raphy (CT) is useful, it is cumbersome and en- of the arms and legs. Estimated percentages of all cases

3 to12/19/13
tails extensive radiation exposure. Magnetic reso- data in Krogstad,1 Gillespie and Mayo,4 Peltola et al.,9 and Dartnell et al.12
Author Paakkonen
nance imaging (MRI) is often considered the are shown. Darker shades of red denote a higher burden
Fig # of
1 infection.

best imaging method, especially in difficult-to- Title Pediatric Acute

diagnose cases.19 CT and MRI are costly, are not ME
DE Campion
always available, and require anesthesia in young common among young children than previously
Artist N Koscal
children. Ultrasonography is of minor impor- thought. AUTHOR PLEASE NOTE:
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset
tance, but visible fluid in an adjacent joint sug- Please check carefully

Issue date 1/23/14

gests septic arthritis. M a nagemen t
Determining the causative organism is pivotal.
Osteomyelitis can be diagnosed by means of Antibiotic Treatment
imaging, but it is essential, whenever possible, Treatment of acute osteomyelitis is almost always
to obtain a sample for the antibiogram that may instituted empirically before the causative agent
disclose problematic agents such as MRSA.9 and its resistance pattern are known. The most
Representative samples can be obtained percuta- relevant antibiotics are listed in Table 18,9,14,20-26;
neously or through a small incision by drilling. they must have an acceptable side-effect profile
Blood cultures should be performed routinely, when administered orally because the doses are
even though they identify the causative agent in unusually large.27 Absorption and penetration into
only 40% of the cases.9 The yield of K. kingae can the bony structure should be satisfactory,21,22 and
be increased with the use of special culture time-dependent antibiotics with a short circulat-
methods or polymerase-chain-reaction assays.11 ing half-life are likely to require frequent dosing.
K. kingae should be actively searched for, since it Clindamycin and first-generation cephalospo-
is difficult to isolate and appears to be more rins fulfill these requirements. Their efficacy as

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Symptoms suggestive
of acute osteomyelitis

Serum CRP, ESR, blood culture,

and plain radiograph

Elevated CRP or High suspicion of Observation, repeat CRP

ESR, or abnormal No No
osteomyelitis and ESR next day


MRI, bone scan, CT,

bone biopsy, or all Yes Elevated CRP or ESR? No

Repeat examinations
Consider other diagnosis
or discharge

MRI, bone scan,

Positive cultures from
or CT suggestive No No
blood or bone?
of osteomyelitis?

Treatment Treatment tailored

Intravenous antibiotic
Neonate or immunodeficient patient to individual patient

Antibiotic-resistant Check suitability

or atypical agent? of antibiotic,
switch if needed

Abscess or complicated
disease? Yes


and decrease in No Evaluate need for surgery
CRP in 2–4

Prolonged intravenous antibiotic
Intravenous antibiotic Consider repeat imaging to rule
treatment tailored out complications
to individual patient
Total antibiotic treat-
ment, usually 4–6 wk No

Switch to oral antibiotic treatment

Same high-dose
if signs of clinical improvement
antibiotic orally
and decrease in CRP

Extended oral antibiotic treatment

Discontinue antibiotic
CRP normalized Discontinue after most signs show
Total antibiotic treat- Yes No
by day 20? clinical improvement and CRP
ment, approximately
3 wk

354 n engl j med 370;4 january 23, 2014

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osteomyelitis in children

cephalosporin, such as cefotaxime or ceftriax-

Figure 2 (facing page). Diagnosis and Treatment
of a Typical Case of Acute Osteomyelitis in a Child. one, or a fluoroquinolone.10,33,34 If these agents
The recommendations shown are from our practice in are not affordable, an older agent, chlorampheni-
treating osteomyelitis due to methicillin-susceptible col — which is currently not easy to obtain in
Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), streptococci, or pneu­ developed countries — is a possibility, depend-
mococci,9 but recommendations vary throughout the ing on the antibiogram profile. Its potential bone
world. Data are lacking on short-term treatment for
marrow effects are usually deemed to be out-
osteomyelitis due to methicillin-­resistant S. aureus
(MRSA), and a prolonged course of treatment is still weighed by its benefits.35
recommended.14 The cutoff value of the normal range Patients with osteomyelitis may require oth-
for the C-reactive protein (CRP) level is 20 mg per liter, er medications. At the attending clinician’s
and the cutoff value for the erythrocyte sedimentation discretion, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
rate (ESR) is 20 mm per hour, regardless of the pa­
(NSAIDs) can be used to lower the patient’s tem-
tient’s age. CT denotes computed tomography, and
MRI magnetic resonance imaging. perature and to relieve any harsh symptoms such
as pain or fever.9 Data are lacking to support the
use of glucocorticoids in acute osteomyelitis, but
monotherapy for osteomyelitis has been docu- anticoagulants may be needed in cases that are
mented, and large doses usually have an accept- complicated by deep-vein thrombosis, septic pul-
able side-effect profile.20-22,27 Clindamycin very monary emboli, or both; these conditions are
rarely causes diarrhea in children, but rash some- characteristic of osteomyelitis due to MRSA.36
times develops.20 Treatment with antistaphylococ-
cal penicillins has also been shown to be effective Switch from Intravenous to Oral Medication
and safe, albeit in noncomparative or small pro- Traditionally, a child with osteomyelitis received
spective trials.8,28,29 Most MRSA strains remain intravenous medication for weeks, with a switch
susceptible to clinda­mycin,30 but it (as well as to oral medication when recovery was almost
vancomycin) should not be used against K. kingae. complete.37,38 This was understandable, since os-
Beta-lactams are the drugs of choice for cases of teomyelitis killed many children or left them
osteomyelitis due to K. kingae,31 as well as for those crippled.39,40 Antimicrobial agents revolutionized
due to S. pyogenes or S. pneumoniae.20 The rare cases treatment, although few clinicians realize that
caused by H. influenzae type b respond to ampicil- the first sulfonamide regimens in the late 1930s
lin or amoxicillin, if the strain is beta-lactamase– were mostly oral and lasted for only a few days.39
negative, or to a second- or third-generation cepha- Long intravenous courses were gradually adopt-
losporin, if the strain is beta-lactamase–positive. ed, and it took decades to relearn that switching
This agent should be considered especially in chil- to oral administration at an earlier point is not
dren younger than 4 years of age who have not harmful.27 The pressing question continues to be
been vaccinated against H. influenzae type b and how soon the switch can safely be achieved.17
who present with osteomyelitis and septic ar- Three trials7-9 showed no change in outcomes
thritis.9,20 For patients in unstable condition, when the intravenous phase was shorter than a
and in areas where resistance to clindamycin is week. A review from the United Kingdom con-
widespread, vancomycin should be chosen as a cluded that short-term parenteral medication is
first-line agent,14 whereas the more costly lin­ acceptable in uncomplicated cases of osteomy-
ezolid should be reserved for patients who do not elitis.12 In our prospective series involving 131
have a response to vancomycin.24,25 The adequacy immunocompetent children who were older than
of bone penetration is a concern when vancomy- 3 months of age, to our knowledge the largest
cin is used,14,23 and measurement of trough lev- study as of this writing, intravenous treatment
els is warranted to guarantee sufficient dosing. was administered for only 2 to 4 days, followed
A small retrospective survey32 yielded encourag- by oral administration.9,20 There were no recru-
ing results with “old-fashioned” trimethoprim– descences, but no cases of MRSA were encoun-
sulfamethoxazole for osteomyelitis due to MRSA, tered. In countries such as the United States,
but in the absence of data from larger trials, the where MRSA is a common pathogen, a more
use of this inexpensive and in many respects fa- conservative approach is probably well founded
vorable agent remains controversial. Osteomyeli- while we await sufficiently powered prospective
tis due to salmonella warrants a third-generation clinical trials to assess this important issue.

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