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The premier University CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY CvSU Mission

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BSEE22: Language, Culture, and Society

This report will define what syntax is. In relation with this, the reporters will also discuss the concept of
syntactic change and how the English grammar and structure evolved from Old English Period to Modern
English Period.

Do you ever imagine how people from the Old English era constructed their sentences; may it be in
prayers, poems, or in daily conversations? Today, we will learn about the syntactic structure of the Old
English, Middle English, and Early to Modern English, and how it evolved through time.


Old English is a language that relies on marking its nouns, adjectives, and verbs but that has relatively
free word order. This language is known as synthetic. During the Middle English period, French and Latin
words came into the language, causing phonological and lexicon changes. Modern English relies more on
prepositions, auxiliaries, and articles (grammatical words) and on word order than on case making on
nouns and agreement on verbs. This language is known as analytic.

The changes in
English language
were characterized
as a swinging back
and forth between
more synthetic and
analytic stages.
There are specific
characteristics of syntax that can be linked to those changes, for an instance, word orders and the use of
Aguilar, Jeminah Micael
De Leon, Maria Cristina Angela
BSEd- English 1A
March 18, 2019
The premier University CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY CvSU Mission
Cavite State University shall provide
in historic Cavite
recognized for
excellence in the
Imus Campus excellent, equitable, and relevant
educational opportunities in the arts,
sciences, and technology through quality
development of
globally competitive
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV Imus Cavite instruction and responsive research and
and morally upright (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70 / (046) 686-23-49 development activities. It shall produce
professional, skilled and morally upright
individuals. individuals for global competitiveness.

grammatical words. (E. Gelderen, 2016) Syntax refers to the study of sentence structure and rules of
grammar. Syntactic Changes refer to the “alterations of syntactic structures such as change in word order
or phrase movement.” (Fromkin,

Major changes in the syntax of English

(1). Nu scylun hergan hefaenricaes uard metudæs maecti end
Now shall praise heavenkingdom's guardian Lord's might and
his modgidanc uerc uuldurfadur sue he uundra gehuaes
his thought work wonderfather as he wonders' each’s
eci dryctin or astelidæ
eternal lord beginning established
‘Now we must honor the guardian of heaven, the Lord’s power and his purpose, the work of the father
of glory, as he, the eternal Lord, established the beginning of each wonder’.

 The Modern English (MoE) translation has the grammatical words “we,” “the,” and “of.”
 There are more case endings in the Old English (OE) language.
 The total number of words in the OE is 20 and that in the free translation is 32. OE lacks articles and
prepositions, has fewer auxiliaries, but makes up for it through endings on nouns and verbs.

(2). On þyssum geare man halgode þet mynster æt westmynstre

In this year one hallowed that minster at Westminster
on cyldamæsse dæg . 7 se cyng eadward forðferde on
on Childermas day and that king Eadward died on
twelfts mæsse æfen ...
Twelfth mass eve ...

‘In this year man, the minster at Westminster was consecrated on Childermas day and King Eadward
died on Twelfth mass evening.’
 Word order is as it would be in MoE, namely adverbial, and subject and the verb.
 There is an addition of demonstrative “se.”
 There are more case endings.

(3). SIÞEN þe sege and þe assaut watz sesed at Troye,

Since the siege and the assault were ceased at Troy
Aguilar, Jeminah Micael
De Leon, Maria Cristina Angela
BSEd- English 1A
March 18, 2019
The premier University CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY CvSU Mission
Cavite State University shall provide
in historic Cavite
recognized for
excellence in the
Imus Campus excellent, equitable, and relevant
educational opportunities in the arts,
sciences, and technology through quality
development of
globally competitive
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV Imus Cavite instruction and responsive research and
and morally upright (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70 / (046) 686-23-49 development activities. It shall produce
professional, skilled and morally upright
individuals. individuals for global competitiveness.

Þe borʒ brittened and brent to brondeʒ and askez,

the battlements broken and burnt to brands and ashes
Þe tulk þat þe trammes of tresoun þer wroʒt
the man that the plots of treason there made/framed
Watz tried for his tricherie, þe trewest on erþe:
was tried for his treachery, the worst on earth

‘As soon as the siege and assault had ceased at Troy, the burg broken and burnt to brands and ashes,
the traitor who trammels of treason there wrought was tried for his treachery, the foulest on earth’ (adapted
from Kline 2007).
 The use of cases is not obvious and evident.
 Fairly similar to present day English; main clause precedes auxiliary and verb precede adverbial.

(4.) There be two causes, which moue me to the penning of this Elementarie, whereof the one is mine
own promis, the other is the argument it self. The argument it self persuades me to the penning thereof,
bycause it is so fit for the training of childern, as nothing can be fitter: and the stream of discourse in my
former book, which I name Positions, did carie me on to promis it, and binds me to perform it.
 Word order is similar to MoE in the use of articles and pronouns.
 “Be” is used rather than “are” and “mine” rather than “my.” “It” and “self” are separated from each
other. Spelling changes.

Word Order
In main independent clauses, finite verbs tend to occur in the second position or third position, and
non-finite verbs in the final position.

a. The Subject and the Verb

(5). Đes ilces geares com se abbot heanri of angeli æfter æsterne to burch.
this same year came the abbot Henry of Anglia after Easter to Peterborough.
‘In the same year, Abbot Henry came to Peterborough after Easter.’

(6). [se helend þa witende þohtas heora] cweþ to heom ‘The Lord, knowing their
thoughts, said to them
the healer then knowing thoughts their said to them ... every kingdom divided
æghwilc rice gedeled wið him seolfum awoested bið ... against itself will be
destroyed… (Matthew
each kingdom divided against it self destroyed 12.25, Rushworth
Aguilar, Jeminah Micael Glosses)
De Leon, Maria Cristina Angela
BSEd- English 1A
March 18, 2019
The premier University CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY CvSU Mission
Cavite State University shall provide
in historic Cavite
recognized for
excellence in the
Imus Campus excellent, equitable, and relevant
educational opportunities in the arts,
sciences, and technology through quality
development of
globally competitive
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV Imus Cavite instruction and responsive research and
and morally upright (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70 / (046) 686-23-49 development activities. It shall produce
professional, skilled and morally upright
individuals. individuals for global competitiveness.

 Finite verb is in the second position, meaning the subject follows the verb.

(7). Swa sceal geong guma gode gewyrcean 'Such should a young man accomplish.’ (Beowulf
So shall young man good perform 18‐19)

 If main clause is more than one verb, the finite verb will be in the second position and the non-finite
verb in the last position. This is also often the case with coordinate sentences.

(8). þæt hio Beowulf‐e ... ... medoful ætbær 'that she brought the meadcup to Beowulf.'
that she Beowulf‐DAT ... meadcup at.bore (Beowulf 623‐4)
(9). Ecglafes bearn þe æt fotum sæt
'The child of Eglaf, who sat at his feet.'
Ecglaf’s child who at feet sat (Beowulf, 499‐500)

Old English is typically classified as V2 (verb second position) with the finite verb in the second position
in the main clause and as OV with other verbs in the final position. For subordinate clauses, the verbs are
on final position. The position of the subject is relatively free. Objects occur after the finite verb in the main
clause and before the finite verb, but before any verb in a subordinate clause.

b. The position of other elements

(10). oð him se mæsta dæl wearð underþieded. `Until most of it became subjugated to
until him that most part became subjugated. him.’ (Orosius, chapter 2)

 Object pronouns often occur before the subject and the verb.

(11). 7 he Uesoges Egypta cyning wæs siþþan mid firde

‘and Vezoges, Egypt’s
and he Vezoges Egypt’s king was after with army king, went afterwards with
his army into Scythia into
farende [on Sciþþie on ða norðdælas]
the North.’
going to Scythia in those
 Extrapostition – a frequently occurring phenomenon where a prepositional phrase or any other
phrase appears to the right of the verb that we would otherwise expect in the V- Final position.

(12). gehyrest þu eadwacer

'Do you hear, Eadwacer?' (Exeter Book, Wulf and Eadwacer 11)
hear you Eadwacer
(13). Hwæt sceal ic winnancwæð he ‘What shall I gain spoke he?’ (Junius, Genesis 278)

Aguilar, Jeminah Micael

De Leon, Maria Cristina Angela
BSEd- English 1A
March 18, 2019
The premier University CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY CvSU Mission
Cavite State University shall provide
in historic Cavite
recognized for
excellence in the
Imus Campus excellent, equitable, and relevant
educational opportunities in the arts,
sciences, and technology through quality
development of
globally competitive
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV Imus Cavite instruction and responsive research and
and morally upright (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70 / (046) 686-23-49 development activities. It shall produce
professional, skilled and morally upright
individuals. individuals for global competitiveness.

 Lexical verb is placed first, where MoE uses a dummy “do.” Auxillaries move if they exist.

After Old English (ME & MoE) ‘Afterwards, slackness

(14). Efterward comþ slacnesse þet comþ of þe defaute of comes which arises
from the fault of
After comes slackness REL comes from the fault of courage and of evil
herte and of kueade wone. þat bint zuo habits that bind the
man who hardly
courage and of evil habits. that binds so troubles himself to do
þane man þet onneaþe he him yefþ to done wel well.’

the man who hardly he him gives to do well

 Case markings are lesser; demonstratives are no longer marked with endings and genitive objects
are no longer marked. (14) Caligula Version vs. Otho Version – Layamon’s Brut (15.) and (16.)
characterizes more archaic case endings.

(15). What cares these roarers for the name of King...

(Shakespeare, Tempest I, i, 17)
(16). Do you not heare him? (Shakespeare, Tempest, I, i, 13)

 The subjects all occur before their finite verbs. This shows that V2 is not present in this text but that
now has an SV‐order. There are no instances of V‐final word order either. (17.)

(17.) After the childe hath learned perfitlie the eight partes of speach, let him then learne the
right ioyning togither of substantiues with adiectiues, the nowne with the verbe, the
relatiue with the antecedent. And in learninge farther hys Syntaxis, by mine aduice, he
shall not vse the common order in common scholes, for making of latines: wherby, the
childe commonlie learneth, first, an euill choice of wordes, (and right choice of wordes,
[...], is the foundation of eloquence) than, a wrong placing of wordes: and lastlie, an ill
framing of the sentence, with a peruerse iudgement, both of wordes and sentences.
These faultes, taking once roote in yougthe, be neuer, or hardlie, pluckt away in age.
Moreouer, there is no one thing, that hath more, either dulled the wittes, or taken
awaye the will of children from learning, then the care they haue, to satisfie their
masters, in making of latines.

Aguilar, Jeminah Micael

De Leon, Maria Cristina Angela
BSEd- English 1A
March 18, 2019
The premier University CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY CvSU Mission
Cavite State University shall provide
in historic Cavite
recognized for
excellence in the
Imus Campus excellent, equitable, and relevant
educational opportunities in the arts,
sciences, and technology through quality
development of
globally competitive
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV Imus Cavite instruction and responsive research and
and morally upright (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70 / (046) 686-23-49 development activities. It shall produce
professional, skilled and morally upright
individuals. individuals for global competitiveness.

Case on Nouns, Pronouns, Agreements and Tenses/Aspects/Mood on the Verb Nouns

 As mentioned, Old English is a synthetic language with lots of case (nominative, genitive, dative, an
d accusative on the noun), agreement (with the subject on the verb), and tense, aspect, and mood e
ndings that mark the verb for present/past, perfective, and indicative/subjunctive
(18). benam ælc ðone riht hand
`deprived each of their right hands.'
took every the‐ACC right hand (Peterborough Chronicle 1125.9)
(19). A) 7 to Corinee hine sende
`and sent him to Corineus.' (Layamon, Caligula
and to Corineus 3S.ACC sent 1209)
B) and to Corineus him sende. (Layamon, Otho 1209)
(20). A) 7 hine fæire on‐feng
`and received him heartily.'
and 3S.ACC fairly received (Layamon, Caligula 2442)
B) and onderfeng him deore. (Layamon, Otho 2442)

 In Old English, the am, art, is, and sind(on) forms are used in the present when the reference is to
the current situation and forms of beo is used when the reference is future or generic,
as we saw in 16th century (21.) , that which is repeated here in (22).

(21). Saga hwæt ic hatte, oþþe hwa mec rære, ‘Say what I am called or
say what I am.called, or who me.ACC rear.SUBJ who raises me up when I
may not rest or who
þonne ic restan ne mot oþþe hwa mec stæðþe, restrains me when I
then I rest not may or who me stays am silent.’ (Exeter, Riddle
3, 72‐4)
þonne ic stille beom
then I still be.1S
(22). There be two causes…

 Unlike Old English, MoE makes abundant use of auxiliaries as (23.) shows, where a modal, perfect,
progressive, and passive auxiliary occur before the verb “put.”
(23). While he may have been being put under undue pressure...

 Old English lack articles but has personal pronouns and demonstratives
(24). Wes þu us larena god
`Give us good counsel.' (Beowulf 269)
be thou us teaching good

Aguilar, Jeminah Micael

De Leon, Maria Cristina Angela
BSEd- English 1A
March 18, 2019
The premier University CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY CvSU Mission
Cavite State University shall provide
in historic Cavite
recognized for
excellence in the
Imus Campus excellent, equitable, and relevant
educational opportunities in the arts,
sciences, and technology through quality
development of
globally competitive
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV Imus Cavite instruction and responsive research and
and morally upright (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70 / (046) 686-23-49 development activities. It shall produce
professional, skilled and morally upright
individuals. individuals for global competitiveness.

 Note that the third person has overlapping forms like “hie” and “hi” for the nominative and accusative
plural, and for the accusative feminine singular; “him” for the dative plural, and the masculine and
neuter singular. Personal pronouns of this h-variety are used reflexively (himself, herself.)
(25). Nalæs hi hine læssan lacum teodan `They made him no fewer gifts.' (Beowulf
no.less they him less gifts prepared 43)

 Subject pronouns are less obligatory in Old English as they are in the Middle and Modern English.
(26). him bebeorgan ne con
`(He) could not hide himself.' (Beowulf 1746)
REFL hide not can

Clause boundaries, Punctuation, Word order & Conjunction

 In Middle English, we still can’t determine the exact clausal boundaries from the punctuation.
 A typical translation into MoE would be (27) with more dependent clauses than the original.

(27). An preost wes on A priest was among

leoden: laʒamon people Layamon
wes ihoten. He wes was named. He was
leouenaðes sone. Liefnoth’s son.
liðe him beo drihte̅ Let God have mercy on him.
he wonede at ernleʒe: at aðelen He lived at Areley, at a lovely
are chirechen. vppen seuarne sta church up Severn's bank.
þe; sel þar him þuhte. On fest Blissful he thought it. Close ...

(28). `A priest, who was named Layamon, was living among the people. He was Liefnoth’s son –God
have mercy on him. He lived in Arely, at a lovely church on the banks of the Severn close (to Redstone.)

 Letters from the late Middle English/Early Modern period show little punctuation
and periods will only indicate sentence‐boundaries after 1600.
 As Denholm‐Young (1964: 78) puts it …
“the use of capitals and punctuation was largely haphazard in the manuscripts of Elizabethan a
uthors” and of course before.

Aguilar, Jeminah Micael

De Leon, Maria Cristina Angela
BSEd- English 1A
March 18, 2019
The premier University CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY CvSU Mission
Cavite State University shall provide
in historic Cavite
recognized for
excellence in the
Imus Campus excellent, equitable, and relevant
educational opportunities in the arts,
sciences, and technology through quality
development of
globally competitive
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV Imus Cavite instruction and responsive research and
and morally upright (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70 / (046) 686-23-49 development activities. It shall produce
professional, skilled and morally upright
individuals. individuals for global competitiveness.

The syntactic change of Old English to Middle English and finally, Modern English revolves on the
evolution of the language from synthetic to analytic. Knowing how the English language developed into
what it is today is significant to our learning of the English language, therefore we must strive not only to
know but to understand.

 A comparative approach to syntactic change in the history of English. (N.D.) Retrieved on March 17,
2019. Retrieved from
 Fromkin, Victoria, Robert Rodman, and Nina Hyams. An Introduction to Language. 9th ed. Boston:
Wasdworth, 2011. Print.
 Roberts, I., & Roussou, A. (2008). Syntactic Change: A Minimalist Approach to
Grammaticalization. Language, Vol. 84 (No. 2), pp. 428-434.URL:

Aguilar, Jeminah Micael

De Leon, Maria Cristina Angela
BSEd- English 1A
March 18, 2019

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