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Austin Jebo

Mr. Horton

English 11

8 February 2019

Gatsby Essay

Even though this book is old I still feel that people could still relate to this book in many

ways. This book shows how one person can influence another's person whole life. I feel that

some people in real life can learn not to chase after someone their whole life. This book leads by

example why you shouldn't be hooked on to one person. The way the characters in this book

interact with each other, resembles the way the american dream was perceived. Today's society

will learn that the american dream isn't true and it's just a facade for people to believe in, but

some parts of it are true.I will explain how people can still see the american dream as it was in

the past and how its viewed in today's society.

Some people still believe that they can achieve the american dream.In order to understand how

people view the american dream you first have to understand what it is. The american dream is

basically the ideal that all of your aspirations you have in america you have can be achieved if

you work hard. Some people look to the great gatsby as evidence to prove the american dream.

In the great gatsby we follow a man by the name of Jay gatsby.Jay gatsby’s american

dream is to marry the love of his life Daisy buchanan and start a family with her.He comes to

realize that she has a married a man named Tom buchanan who is a racist ,abusive and a
cheater.Tom has been cheating on daisy since the start of their marriage.Jay wants to take daisy

away from tom and has devoted his life to being with her.Towards the end of the book tom

figures out Gatsby’s plan and he confronts him about it.The conversation escalates and Gatsby

and daisy leaves the room and head toward his mansion.On the way there daisy hits a women

and drives off.Tom finds out and immediately tells the husband of the women that gatsby is

responsible for it.The woman's husband kills gatsby but before gatsby’s told daisy to call him

and he hears the phone ringing which means she choose him over tom.His dream that he was

going to be with daisy became true but he unfortunately dies.This whole book proves why the

american dream can still have an effect on people today.

Some people also use this book to prove that the american dream isn't real.They say that

gatsby’s dream didn't become true.Daisy choose tom over gatsby but Gatsby doesn’t know

it.Gatsby dies thinking daisy choose him over Tom but she doesn't.This proves why the american

dream isn't real.

This book proves why the american dream can and can't be real.People say that it's true

and some people think it isn't.It depends on how you view it .I personally believe that the

american dream is real because their are a lot of opportunities to succeed in america,you just

have to be willing to work hard enough to achieve it.I really liked this book.It successfully

highlighted what most people believe in the american dream.

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