Pts Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3

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I. Choose the correct answers by crossing (X) a, b, c or d!

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada jawaban a, b, c atau d!

1. who is he? He is a….

a. pilot
b. policeman
c. zoo keeper
d. doctor
2. Arman is sick. He should see a ….
a. shopkeeper b. zookeeper c. doctor d. farmer
3. Mr. Haryo works at the shop. He is a….
a. shopkeeper b. zookeeper c. doctor d. farmer
4. What is she doing?
a. She is reading a book
b. He is reading a book
c. They are reading a book
d. We are reading a book
5. Dokter in English is ….
a. Doctor
b. fire fighter
c. Police Officer
d. Postman
6. Seniman in English is….
a. An artist
b. fire fighter
c. scientist
d. Postman
7. Ilmuwan in English is ….
a. An artist
b. fire fighter
c. scientist
d. Postman
8. Mr. Ali is a truck driver. He drives a ….
a. Bus b. Truck c. Taxi d. Ambulance
9. Who works at the farm?
a. shopkeeper b. zookeeper c. doctor d. farmer
10. Sri : Hi Doni. . . . . . ?
Doni : Hi Sri. I’m reading my book now.
a. Where are you? c. What are you doing?
b. What is this? d. How are you?
11. My father is a teacher means….
a. Ayah ku seorang guru
b. Ibuku seorang guru
c. Ayahku seorang murid
d. Ayahku seorang pilot
12. Mr. Iqbal is a firefighter means….
a. Pak Iqbal adalah seorang Pemadam air.
b. Pak Iqbal adalah seorang Dokter.
c. Pak Iqbal adalah seorang Polisi.
d. Pak Iqbal adalah seorang Pemadam Kebakaran.
13. Hospital means….
a. rumah b.rumah sakit d. toko d. kebun binatang
14. zoo means ….
a. rumah b.rumah sakit d. toko d. kebun binatang
15. fire station means….
a. Pos Pemadam Kebakaran b.rumah sakit d. toko d. kebun binatang

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers!

Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!
16. he is a ….

17. He is a….

18. Mr. Budi is a ….

19. He works at the fire station. He is a….

20. it is a … .A zoo keeper works here.

21. it is a… . A police officer works here.
22. It’s a … .A shopkeeper works here.
23. It’s a … .A doctor works here.
24. A pilot works here. It’s a ….
25. A teacher works here. It’s a ….

III. Translate the sentences bellow into Indonesian!

Artikanlah kalimat dibawah ini kedalam Bahasa Indonesia!
26. a Pilot works at an airport.
27. Firefighter works at fire station.
28. a shopkeeper works in a shop.
29. a farmer works at the farm.
30. a teacher works at school.


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