Maryhill College, Inc.: Review of Related Literature and Studies

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Maryhill College, Inc.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the review of related literatures and studies. The

researcher was guided and directed by the preliminary readings which were of

great importance in working with the study and problems that were investigated.

In order to establish creativity of the study, the researcher made survey of

related literatures and studies.

Related Literature

Now that we are in the 21 st century, our educational system focuses on

developing knowledge, skills and creativity and one of the goals of the teachers

is to provide enrichment activities to balance the emphasis of professional

abilities with good character traits and moral standard of influence and


There are still so many possibilities of enrichment activities that can affect

the academic achievements of the students. Enrichment activities can be

anything from service projects to walks in nature, sports to book reading, hands

on projects to research papers, or even wholesome video games or work


According to Al-Shehri et. Al. (2011), students’ thinking skills could be

improved when the enrichment activities and programs are provided with the

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appropriate educational environment. The enrichment programs play a significant

role developing the students’ scientific and academic skills.

Teachers have a significant impact on student self-confidence, motivation,

and student achievement. The function of education is to bring change in child

behavior and personality in a more desirable form. These are also recognized as

a source of enrichment and vitalization of the school’s curriculum, mainly through

the cultivation of hobbies, interests, etc. These activities are no longer looked

upon as extras but as an integral part of the school program (O’Sullivan, Chen, &

Fish, 2014).

Enrichment activities give kids choices to tap into their interests. So having

after school activities allows students to delve into the many very different

interests they have and extend their learning (Nardi, 2016). One reason of using

enrichment activities is that it supplements education through offering activities

that are interesting to the students (Vogelman, 2016).

Dr. Booker (2015) further enumerated several advantages of enrichment

programs. Some of them are: increased motivation to learn; improved self-

confidence; reduced anxiety about academic readiness, stronger peer

relationships; increased persistence and resilience; enhanced interpersonal


Many educators are already developing different enrichment activities

useful in the classroom with the goal of engaging students in the learning

process, making them active participants.


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Knapen (2018) stated that interactive methods of teaching encourages

more dedication towards the lesson material. He suggested the use of different

enrichment activities for an interactive classroom. It includes: think, pair, share;

brainstorming; buzz session; exit slips; misconception check; circle the

questions; ask the winner; pair-share-repeat; pear-review writing task; board

rotation; movie application; puzzles; scrabble; and bingo.

Barnes (2012) also wrote on different activities classified as collaboration,

writing, feedback/presentation, whole class, and content creation. In collaboration

activities, she listed buzz groups, case study analysis, panel discussions, think-

pair-share, and peer assessment. Under writing activities, she included making

journals, quick response, and affective response. For feedback/presentation

activities, some of the activities are: questioning, pre test and post test, and

concept mapping. Whole class activities include: problem-based learning, fish

bowl, debate, and role playing. Under content creation activities are: student-led

review sessions, student-generated quiz, and audio or video production.

Related Studies

Focusing on multiple intelligences and enrichment activities, Aziz, Yaacob,

& Shaik-Abdullah (2016), conducted a study entitled “The Multiple Intelligence

Based Eenrichment Module on the Development of Human Potential: Examining

Its Impact and the Views of Teachers”. This study examined the effects of

enrichment activities on students of different multiple intelligence profiles and the


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teachers' views of the Multiple Intelligence based module and activities.The study

employs a pre- and post-tests administered before and after treatment of the

modular enrichment activities. This study highlights the importance of recognizing

that each student has his/her distinct potential. These differences can be

captured through the construction of various enrichment activities that emphasize

on the different multiple intelligences.

Malerba and Bates (2014) in their study entitled “Does Participation in

Enrichment Activities Affect Overall Performance of Elementary and Middle

School Students?: An Evaluation of the Relationship Between TCNJ Bonner

Center and Hedgepeth-Williams K-8 School” found out that students that

participated in enrichment activities had higher average science grades than

students that did not. There is not a clear positive linear relationship between

average language arts grades and the number of times the students participated,

but it seems there is some improvement amongst students who participated in

enrichment activities.

The aim of the study of Al-Zoubi (2014) was to explore the effect of

enrichment programs on the academic achievement of gifted and talented

students. The sample of the study consisted of thirty gifted and talented students

studying at Al-Kourah Pioneer Center for gifted and talented students. An

achievement test was developed and applied on the sample of the study as a

pretest and post test. The results showed that there is an obvious effect of the

enrichment activities on the talented students’ achievement, since the differences


Maryhill College, Inc.

were statistically significant between the performances of the talented students

attending the Pioneer Center on the post-achievement test, attributed to the

enrichment activities. The improvement in the talented students’ achievement

could be best explained by the fact that the enrichment activities at the Pioneer

Centers included experiences and activities that helped to provide the talented

students with knowledge and skills lead to their improvement.


The researchers believe in the importance of using different enrichment

activities that will cater the multiple intelligences of the diverse learners in the

classroom. As shown in the result of the study of Aziz, Yaacob, & Shaik-Abdullah

(2016), students’ differences can be captured through the construction of various

enrichment activities that emphasize on the different multiple intelligences.

Students’ thinking skills could be improved when the enrichment activities

and programs are provided with the appropriate educational environment (Al-

Shehri et. al. 2011). Enrichment activities allows students to delve into the many

very different interests while supplementing learning (Nardi, 2016 & Vogelman,

2016). There is a wide-range of activities suggested by different educators that

will enable students to be active participants in the learning process which

includes both individual and group activities (Knapen, 2018, & Barnes, 2012).

Studies show that there are positive results in using enrichment activities

in the classroom. Enrichment activities that provide knowledge and skills can

Maryhill College, Inc.

improve students’ achievement (Al-Zoubi, 2014). Participating in enrichment

activities results to higher average grades (Malerba and Bates, 2014).

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