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1- Use the correct form of the verbs between parentheses

I ... (be) a huge sports fan. I ... (like) many sports but my favorites ... (be)

soccer and basketball.

Soccer ... (be) a team sports, and it... (require) 11 players on both sides of an

open soccer field. I usually ... (watch) it with my friend Sergio in the stadium,

but sometimes we ... (watch) it at home when we ... (be) broke. My family

members ... (not like) soccer, so I often ... (go) to my friend Sergio's

house to watch it. He really ... (love) basketball. Shooting hoops ... (be) his

favorite activity on weekends so he ... (practice) twice a week. I almost always

... (practice) with him. In fact, I now ... (like) basketball because of him. It's

really challenging and exciting. My only problem with it ... (be) I almost

never... (win) against Sergio. So he ... (not lose). He... (be) just the best

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