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PDP Reflection

COMMITMENT TO THE PROFESSION For my first goal in this competency I tried to

 Being on time and try never being late. mange my time to wake up early which I set my
 Communicate with my MST alarm 10 minute early and it really worked for me.
The teachers should be at the school before 7:00
and I wake up at 6:00 and I got out at 6:30 so I
arrived at the school even before 7:00 so my
strategy worked. For my second goal in this
competency I used WhatsApp which is an app that
helped me to be connect with my teacher and ask
her for help if I need it or when I’m going to be
absent, I inform her. It was a good strategy and it
worked perfectly with me. For my both goals in
this competency I will try to come up with new
strategies and ways in the future.
PLANNING FOR LEARNING Because of the time management for my
 Plan my lesson week ahead before giving observations I had trouble with my lessons
the lesson planning so I had to give the lesson plan one day
before the lesson but my goal is to plan a lesson
week ahead so I think I’m going to work on this
goal for next semester.
IMPLEMENTIMG LEARNING The first strategy that I used is to make the closing
 Being able to give the lesson within the and the assessment together which was very good
planned time frame way to give the lesson in the time framed. Also, I
did not use the ppt instead I used a smart board to
explain the lesson and let the students be more
involved by letting them answer and write the
answer on the board. For the strategy that is giving
the students the time for them to finish their work
I used timer to help me with that by sitting a time
where the students can see, and they understand
that they should finish before the time ends. I need
to work on making my warm up short for the next
MANGING LEARINING During this teaching practice I did not face a
 Try to Address bad behavior quickly problem with bad behavior. During one of my
observation I had trouble with class management
and the students were behaving so badly so after I
finished with my MCT I went back and I talked with
the students I told them that I wasn’t pleased with
that kind of behavior and I told them that I was sad
because of what they did. Talking with them did
not work because when I gave them another
lesson, they were the same. So, I tried to use
ClassDojo which I told them if they kept talking and
misbehaved, I will take points. That work perfectly.
I think for my next semester I will try to use
positive reinforcement.
ASSESSMENT I’ve always used oral assessment to see if my
 Use a variety of assessment tools students understood the lesson. One of the
strategies that I tried to use to improve and
achieve the goal is to include technology as
assessment. So, for one of my lessons I used an
online game for subtraction, and it was fun for the
students and as a teacher I was able to check my
students understanding. For next semester I will
try to use the other strategies.
REFLECTION For my last competency my goal was to reflect on
 Try to reflect on my teaching everyday my teaching daily, but I couldn’t do that. instead I
got help from my MST she wrote for me a
feedback and that helped me a lot. But I want for
my next semester to write my own reflection and
writing my strength and weakness.

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