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School: Grade Level: 9

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Jimenez, Dianne Ariane G. / Saoquillo, Geralyn G. Learning Area: English
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: Week 2 Quarter: 1st


A. Content Standards

B. Performance

C. Learning Differentiate academic Discover literature as a means Use the appropriate prosodic .
Competencies writing from literary writing. of connecting to a significant features of speech like pitch
Write the LC code for EN7WC-I-c-4.2 past. ,stress, juncture, intonation,
each EN7LT-I-d-1 volume and projection and
Determining the conflicts rate/speed of speech in
presented in the literary differing oral
selections and the need to communications.
resolve those conflicts in EN7OL-I-b1.14
nonviolent ways.
II. CONTENT Pitch, volume, tone and Identifying the distinguishing Delivering effective lines in
speech rate features of notable a Readers Theatre or in a
Anglo-American sonnets, Chamber Theatre.
dramatic poetry, vignettes, and
short stories.
III. Learning Literary and academic Conflict and Resolution in a Prosodic features of speech
Resources writings story
Filipino Regional Epic
1.Teacher’s Guide
2.Learner’s Materials English Communication English Communication English Communication A Journey Through
Pages Arts And Skills Through Arts And Skills Through Arts And Skills Through Anglo-American Literature ,
Philippine Literature Philippine Literature Philippine Literature pages 119-132
pp.38-39 pp.40-44 pp.6-8
3.Textbook Pages pp.38-39 pp.40-44 pp.6-8 P119-132
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resources
(LR) Portal)
B.Other Learning
A.Review Previous Every individual writes for a What is the difference Review: The three parts of the
Lessons reason. Different kinds of between the statements: Adverb of time signifies when narrative paragraph are the
people write and read “Excuse me.” and adverb of place indicates topic, body and closing
selection/text on a specific “Excuse me?” location. In our previous lesson sentence.
or special purpose. and, infographic used the word, later Review:
Ask students: “Really.” to tell time and the phrase, in Ask the read the excerpt
1. Why do you “Really?” the white house to indicate about greatness through the
write/read? place.(Use signposts and key life of Martin Luther King
words in explaining this to the Jr. Considering the proper
learner) gestures.
B. Establishing Ask questions that can What do you think is the Ask: Discuss:
purpose for the Lesson arouse learners’ enthusiasm. reason why the above What do you mean by Give a lecture on the
1. What kind of writing do mentioned pair of words even narrative? importance of using facial
you find interesting? if they are the same, means expression and gesture to
differently? convey the meaning of the
2. Can you give me some of
excerpt about greatness.
your favorite or recent
readings? What are they
all about?

C. Presenting Literary writing includes: The narrative paragraph must Brainstorming of the excerpt
examples /instances of -folktale have : by group.
the new lessons -myths 1. Central idea- what the
-legends story/event is about
2. Character- who it is about
3. Plot- conflict, climax and
-short stories resolution of the story/event

Academic writing includes: 4. Adequate description

-research articles 5. Setting- when and where
-essays the story happen
D. Discussing new A narrative paragraph has three Take note of the list of the
Literary writing tells a story,
concepts and parts: adverbs on the excerpt.
is read for pleasure and is
practicing new skills 1. The topic sentence-
written in a more creative
#1. introduces the experience
manner, while academic
writing aims to inform, is 2. The body sentence – share
written in clearly and details that re-create the
concisely, based on facts, experience
and assumes a formal tone. 3. The closing sentence-
reflects on the experience

E. Discussing new One of the most underrated Read a sample narrative Group Activities
concepts & practicing and underappreciated paragraph for the learners. Group 1: The Legend of
and concern to new literary writing is the Lightning Larry
skills #2 Filipino Regional Epic (a
kind of narrative poem about Group 2: The Legend of
a legendary hero). Slappy Hooper: An
American tall Tale
Ask the students to read the
selection “Understanding and Group 3: The Princess and
Appreciating the Filipino the God: A Tale of Ancient
Regional Epic” on page 38 of India
their textbooks ECAS 7.
F.Developing Mastery Using a Venn diagram, Have them create their own Class Presentation
(Leads to Formative determine the similarities narrative paragraph.
Assesment ) and differences between
literary and academic

Literary Academic
G. Finding Practical Filipino epics are one proof Provide an activity sheets for Ask each student to critique
Applications of of how colorful our culture the learners to answer. each other. This will also
concepts and skills in is. It symbolizes courage and gauge the understanding of
daily living perseverance of the the learner towards the topic.
Filipinos. Have them write it in a piece
of paper.

H. Making What would be the effect if When do we usually use We learned about the
Generalizations & Filipino epics are not born? narrative paragraph? importance of facial
Abstractions about the expression and gestures to
lessons convey the meaning of a
I.Evaluating Learning Cite other significance, Pick a learner who would like Ask a random learner to
aside from what is being to recite their own narrative par provide feedback regarding
mentioned above, of literary raph. the class presentation.
writings. Of academic
J. Additional activities For their assignment: In writing, they can use this Provide follow up activity
for application or Ask students to look for at steps to make an excellent for the students who are in
remediation least 5 academic texts that narrative paragraph the remedial program.
deal with epics. Then list 1. Brainstorming Enhancement Reading
down on a table the 2. Drafting schedule
references that they will
3. Revising checklist
gather and make a column
4. Self-assessment checklist
for literary and another
column for academic writing Explain each steps to the
in a short bond paper, to be learners.
submitted tomorrow.
VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
requires additional
acts.for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up
with the lessons
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

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