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Cambridge International AS Level Biology Answers to self-assessment questions

Answers to SAQs
Chapter 2 5
Amylose Cellulose
1 a
C3H6O3 or (CH2O)3
made from α-glucose made from β-glucose
b C5H10O5 or (CH2O)5
all glucose units have successive glucose units are at
2 a
To ensure that all of the sugar reacts with the the same orientation 180° to each other
Benedict’s reagent.
molecule is not fibrous fibrous molecule – chains held
b Prepare a range of samples of reducing sugar,
– chains not attracted together by hydrogen bonds to
e.g. glucose, of known concentration. Carry
to each other form microfibrils and fibres
out a Benedict’s test on each solution. This
will give you a range of different colours,
each colour representing a different known 6
concentration of reducing sugar. These Property Importance
samples are known as colour standards. The
a A cooling of Water Heat energy which
test must be carried out in exactly the same requires a is transferred to
skin during
way for each sample (e.g. same volumes). relatively water molecules in
If you have a colorimeter, take a reading for large amount sweat allows them to
each concentration and plot the reading of heat evaporate from the
against concentration on a graph. This is energy to skin, which cools down,
called a calibration curve. If you do not have evaporate – helping to prevent the
a colorimeter, line the tubes up in a rack. that is, water body from overheating.
Then carry out the test in exactly the same has a high A relatively large
way on your unknown sample. If using a latent heat of amount of heat can be
colorimeter, obtain a reading for it and use the vaporisation. lost with minimal loss
graph to read off the concentration. If not, hold of water from the body.
your tube against the row of colour standards
and judge by eye which is the closest match. b The Water is a Needed for transport
transport good solvent. by diffusion or active
3 hydrolysis of glucose transport into, out of
and ions in and within cells. Also
4 1 macromolecules/polymers for circulation in blood
a mammal.
2 polysaccharides so that nutrients can
3  made from α-glucose reach the sites where
4  glucose units held together by 1,4 links they are needed.
(glycosidic bonds formed by condensation) Chemical reactions
5  branches formed by 1,6 links take place in aqueous

c Much Water has A more constant

smaller a high environment results,
fluctuations (specific) protecting organisms
in lakes and heat from extremes of
oceans than capacity. temperature which
in terrestrial could be harmful.

Cambridge International AS and A Level Biology © Cambridge University Press 2014

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