Cloud Computing: The History, Merits and Demerits, and Future of Cloud Computing

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The history, merits and demerits, and future of cloud computing.




Technical Report Writing

Ghana Technology University College

The purpose of this report is to give insight into the history, efficiency, and
logistics of the technology known as “cloud computing”. This report provides a
better understanding of what cloud computing really means, the development of
the technology, the benefits of using cloud computing versus not using it, as well
as the current uses and future for the technology. The security, efficiency, and
general logistics behind the technology will be outlined as well.

Cloud computing or the “cloud” is a technology that has been around for years,
and yet is still ever expanding. This technology has become a critical tool for
businesses as it becomes more prevalent around the world. Individual business
owners, institutions and larger companies use this technology often to further
expand their networking and storage capabilities. This report will outline the
history of the technology and finally provide insight about the future of cloud
The report would further go on to explain the necessity of cloud computing, some
drawbacks it faces and the possible future for the technology.

Definition of cloud computing

Cloud computing is defined as internet based computing in which large groups of
remote servers are networked so as to allow sharing of data-processing tasks,
centralized data storage and online access to computer services or resources.
Common examples of include online applications, file storage, and photo sharing
technology. Cloud computing is based on the Internet and allows multiple users
to acquire and share files and information without the necessity of software (
Ryon Riley, 2013).

History of cloud computing

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way we do business and how we interact
with data and services in our daily lives. Cloud computing began further back than
most people think. The concept began with ARPANET in 1969, which was the
precursor to what we know today as the internet. Cloud computing is believed to
have been invented by Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider in the 1960’s. (China Daily)

Before cloud computing

Before the idea of storing information on an online based database, users
had to store everything on their computers. This made sharing information such
as pictures, files, and other data a difficult task. Individuals had to store files on
hard drives and use thumb drives to properly send data from one computer to
another computer. Another problem was backing up information. The only way to
back up information was to use a costly hardware.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

 Improves institutional productivity and makes academic process more
One of the most common uses of the cloud is in e-learning and b-learning
programs as well as traditional courses whose academic resources are
available online. Access to a repository of online texts and academic
material has increased dramatically as the use of online documents and
digitized print media is rising people from different campuses can access
the same material online. The same online capacity can apply to student’s
records making their management more efficient in institutions with
different buildings and campuses where students tend to work from
different places in the same day or even spend a semester abroad.

 Reduces expenses
Information technology operating and investment costs are reduced, as the
university only pays for the services it uses and storages it needs. The
technical team and the software engineers can focus in the quality if a
campus service by working in the efficiency of cloud operations in campus
and coordinating that online services are sync with the rest of the
institutional systems.

 Boosts collaborative work

Both students, teachers (lecturers), and administrators can access
information without the installation of a specific computer program.
This makes access flexible and facilitates interdepartmental collaboration.
While one area supplies records to a common repository another area
provides other records. At the same forms, text files presentations and
spreadsheets can be edited by different people at the same time from any
computer helping in an efficient distribution of tasks and improving the
quality of information.

 Backs up information
Software specialists call it a “redundancy- the same data is stored in more
than one place. Cloud computing stores information in a large pool of
servers around the world. This helps guarantee a speedy access at any
minute, and backs up data in case of any physical or digital problem with a
particular server or if in any circumstance, the university is threatened with
the loss of critical information.

 Improves filing and access

Many times, there is limited space to store physical and digital data. The
use of cloud computing helps in the process of working and filing historical
data and archives not used in daily tasks, but that they are important to
keep in storage. For instance, alumni records or historical financial

Major drawbacks of Cloud Computing

 Dependence of network performance

These platforms are overly dependent on the current network of a given

institution. The higher the volume of information managed through the
cloud, the higher the use of broadband or fiber optics. In one hand, this is
costly. On the other hand, it may be complex to work in a scenario where
an institution is suddenly offline and its software is overly dependent on an
online internet connection. Given this balance, even though cloud
computing benefits any higher education institution both in academic and
administrative issues, it is highly recommended to check what are your
institutions’ specific needs and how will it run a cloud based project within
in order to monitor performance and address technical issues with a
supplying company. The best team available is your internal IT department.

 Lack of control
As long as an organization centralizes the management of its information in
one given cloud software, it is easy to become overly dependent. An
institution might have integrated into an intricate network of services that
can be shut down overnight or whose costs can rise dramatically with no
further notice. Any failure with a single supplier with a centralized system
can be critical, thus UNESCO suggests that institutions diversify the number
of software suppliers to minimize risks.

 Security
Although cloud service providers implement the best security standards
and industry certifications, storing data and important files on external
service providers always opens up risks. Using cloud-powered technologies
means you need to provide your service provider with access to important
business data. Meanwhile, being a public service opens up cloud service
providers to security challenges on a routine basis. The ease in procuring
and accessing cloud services can also give nefarious users the ability to
scan, identify and exploit loopholes and vulnerabilities within a system. For
instance, in a multi-tenant cloud architecture where multiple users are
hosted on the same server, a hacker might try to break into the data of
other users hosted and stored on the same server. However, such exploits
and loopholes are not likely to surface, and the likelihood of a compromise
is not great.

 Confidentiality
Cloud suppliers have developed protocols to maintain confidentiality and
safety of the data their clients store in their servers, and they provide
additional warrantees and services to particular customers who need an
additional safekeeping of information. Nevertheless this is the main
concern of institutions who haven’t entered the cloud. While the cloud’s
internal security is good, a particular computer terminal might not have the
same safety protocols. Therefore, a person might be reluctant to enter
confidential information in a computer that can be used by anybody else.
There are also fears about the safekeeping of confidential information in
foreign based servers, especially in countries where data protection
regulation is not available. UNESCO is aware of these concerns, and states
that several cloud suppliers have contracts that guarantee personal data is
only stored in determined countries with safe legal systems.

Future of Cloud Computing

As businesses around the world continue to expand, so does the world of

information technology along with the idea of cloud computing. From its
beginning to its current state, cloud computing technology has continued to
amaze the IT world. Businesses are still using the technology today and will
continue to as long as it is relevant. That being said, the technology will
only continue to improve. Paul Moxon of Axway (2012) states “with an
increasingly complex IT environment on the horizon for IT departments, it
will be important to look further ahead than just 2013”. It is clear that there
will be many advancements in the field of information technology, which
will definitely include areas like cloud computing. The very nature of cloud
computing is necessary for businesses to run smoothly and efficiently.


Cloud computing has become a popular alternative to traditional local

storage and utility computing throughout the business world. The cloud has
many advantages and some disadvantages, but overall is very beneficial. In
relation to information technology, the efficiency, logistics and security of
today’s uses of the cloud make it a strong component in the world of
business. Future prospects may even improve the already well developed

"Cloud computing." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 10 Mar.

2013. <
China Daily Information "The history of cloud computing." China daily Co, (21 Jan
2013). [Web]. 10 Mar2013. <
Koomey, Johnathan. "4 reasons why cloud computing is efficient." Gigaom. N.p.,
(25 Jul 2011). [Web]. 10Mar 2013. <
Moxon, Paul. "Paul Moxon (Global) – “The Future of Cloud Computing”: How Do
You Prepare in 2013?"

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