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Project Presentation


Name : Sebastian Perez - Yesmina Silva

Career : Civil Construction 890T
Subject : Ingles IV
Teacher : Olga Urrutia Jofré
Date : 5 de may 2019
Name of the project
"Plastic Block"

Definition of the problem

The accumulation of plastic waste is increasing,. iIn addition to an obvious lack of

recycling points for plastics, specifically in the city. That’ is why with the aim of
giving a second useful life to these wastes is that the idea of manufacturing a block
incorporating in its dosage the pellet obtained from recycled plastic was born. In
this way, it’ll deliver a service, installing clean points to accumulate plastic that will
later serve to obtain a final product. A plastic block with property necessary
properties to be marketed, so thenin order to be used in the construction of family
homesdwellings. Formatted: No underline, Underline color: Auto

Members of the group and roles

Sebastian Perez : To coordinateCoordinator of ( ideas, objectives, developing,)

and translator from spanish to english.ion

Yesmina Silva : Drafting Manager and Seeker of, search for information, as well
asand translation from spanish to english.

Sebastian Perez: Coordinar (ideas, objetivos, desarrollo) y traducción.

Yesmina Silva: Redacción, busqueda de información y traducción.


The plastic identified as a global problem, the solution that we give in this project is
to use it in the manufacture of concrete blocks for the construction of family homes.
Our idea is to raise awareness in the city generating clean points, collecting the
plastic to take it to a recycling process. You get the "pellet", material reused in the
concrete to give a second life to this plastic that pollutes the environment.
Activity Planning

• Generate clean points, installing containersstorage bins in sextrategic points Formatted: Do not check spelling or grammar

of the city for plastic deposals.sit.

• The plastic will be removed once a week. Plastic removal once a week.

• Generateing an alliance with "GreenPlast". They process the plastic, to

obtain the ram raw material that will be used to make the blocks, so then.
With they canthis obtain a more economic pellet.

• The pellet will will be used in the mixture together with the cement,
waterwater and sand to obtain a suitable dosagedosage to make the
concrete block.

• Obtaining the block so-called “blockplastic” to be commercialized in the

market of building materials, giving use to the plastic that will remains in the
building core, given that hasat home, plastic with a useful life of more than
100 years


Taking care of the environment is extremely important. Generating this type of

project is gratifying as a human being, which can be implemented in every
environment, business and human activities. The blocks not only are manufactured
to be marketed but also involves people to manufacture them, creating new jobs
and opportunities. With this project, we'll seek to continue promoting the care of the
environment, not only of this city but extending this idea to the whole world.Taking
care of the environment is of the utmost importance. Generating this type of project
is gratifying, in every environment, business and human. Not only are commercially
manufactured blocks, but we involve people for the manufacture of this. With this
project we will seek to continue promoting the care of the environment, not only of
this city, to extend this idea to the whole world

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