Myke Fitria Sparingga (Persuade Speech)

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Myke Fitria Sparingga


Outline of speech
1. Purpose : To Persuade

2. Introduction
 Attention getter : Question & Picture
 Topic : Stop Using Your Smartphone at Night
 Preview the main point :
 It can damage your eyes
 It can interfere with your sleep
 It can increase your risk of cancer

3. Body
 First, It can damage your eyes
 Second, It can interfere with your sleep
 Third, It can increase your risk of cancer

4. Conclusion
 Conclusion signal : So there are 3 reason to stop using your smartphone
at night
 Review the main point :
 It can damage your eyes
 It can interfere with your sleep
 It can increase your risk of cancer
 Closing memorable : Make healthy living a part of every day
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Good morning to my respected lecturer and all of my classmate.
First of all, let's pray and thank unto our god Allah SWT, the lord of this world who has been
giving us mercies and blessings that we cannot count so we can attend and gather in this
unforgettable place in good condition and happy situation. Secondly, may sholawat and salam
always be with our best prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us to know and do the right
thing to live in this world namely Islam, the religion which guides mercy to all worlds.
Ladies and gentlemen,
When you curl up in bed each night, do you take your smartphone with you? Most people do. It
might seem like the perfect opportunity to check your email, play a little Candy Crush, see what
your friends are up to on social media or check tomorrow’s weather forecast.
A lot of research has been done on the effects of nighttime cell phone use, and it doesn’t look good.
Your evening screen time can be jeopardizing your health and has been linked to some pretty
serious health risks. So, there are 3 serious reason to stop using your smartphone at night. It can
damage your eyes, It can interfere with your sleep and It can increase your risk of cancer.
First, Studies show that direct exposure to blue light can damage your retinas. The American
Macular Degeneration Foundation warns that retinal damage caused by blue light could lead to
macular degeneration, a condition that causes the loss of central vision.

If you can’t put the phone down at night, consider the Night Shift feature (iOS) or Twilight app
(Andriod). Both adjust your screen colors to minimize blue light emissions to help protect your

Second, Blue light disrupts the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the body’s sleep
cycle. Not only will this result in more sleepless nights and fatigue, but can also lead to a variety
of health problems including heart disease, weight gain, depression and anxiety.

Third, In addition to regulating your sleep cycle, melatonin is a powerful antioxidant essential to
your body’s ability to naturally fight against cancer. When your melatonin levels are suppressed,
your risk for cancer – and other ailments – increases.

So ladies and gentlemen, there are 3 reason to stop using your smartphone at night. It can damage
your eyes, It can interfere with your sleep and It can increase your risk of cancer.

Ladies and gentlemen, Be a Health Hero and Make healthy living a part of every day !

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