Transcript Attendance Reflection

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Transcript/Attendance Reflection

I have worked really hard for everything that I have achieved in life, especially in the last

four years. Not counting the current semester, I have received all A’s from sixth grade to twelfth

grade. These A’s do not represent a girl who is just naturally smart though, I honestly have a lot

of trouble in school although I try to not let it show. I wasn’t given a special brain that can

remember all sorts of things, or one that finds pleasure in seeing the hardest math problems. I am

a mediocre student with a good work ethic.

I am currently ranked number 13 out of the 416 students in my class which I think is a

pretty good ranking, because when I look around at my peers who practically doubled my SAT

score I feel as though I am on a much lower level of smartness as them. My A’s have come with

many sacrifices though, trying to maintain this letter has resulted in constant high levels of stress,

breakdowns, and many late nights. Looking back over my transcripts has made me realize how

much pressure I put upon myself.

My parents have never put stress on me to get high grades, they trust that whatever grade

I get is a result of me trying my best. My mom constantly has to remind me that if I fail the test I

am freaking out about, or get a poor grade on something I lack confidence in, everything will be

okay. She is proud of me regardless of my class rank, GPA, or overall success throughout high

school and in life which is something I am forever grateful for. I know that my good grades are a

result of my own pressures, my own hard work, and my own expectations.

I have also been able to maintain quality attendance in high school. In my senior year so

far I have only missed three days of school, and they were all excused absences. Although my

attendance from the three prior years is not able to be accessed by me I know that I also missed
very few days during all of my time at Merced High School. Most students have lost motivation

for school by their senior year and begin to catch the epidemic called senioritis. I on the other

hand still have much motivation, I want to finish my high school career the right way. When I

miss school days I know that it will result in me feeling more stressed and behind, so I keep my

attendance up high so I won’t miss a thing.

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