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C–KYC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Section A: General FAQs

Q1. Why has my card been blocked?

Ans. As per Reserve Bank of India’s notification (DBR.AML.BC No. 18/14.01.001/2016-17) dated December 8, 2016
which states that all Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) are required to upload additional KYC data pertaining to
all new individual accounts opened on or after January 1, 2017, with Central KYC Records Registry.
Accordingly, if you have received a communication stating that your additional KYC details are required, then you
will be required to provide the required documents to complete this. Your card has been blocked/Suspended as we
have not received the additional KYC information from you.

Q2. My Card Account is blocked. How can I unblock it and how much time will it take?

Ans. Your card is blocked because of non-receipt of additional KYC information as mandated by RBI. You can click
on the link and follow the instructions to update your KYC information.
Once you furnish all the details on the link & submit, you will receive a SMS confirmation and within 48 working
hours your card will be unblocked.

Q3. My Card account is blocked. Will standing instructions on my card account be impacted?

Ans. Yes. In case you did not submit KYC documents by the specified deadline and the card/account gets blocked,
any standing instructions, including but not limited to insurance payments, bill payments, mutual funds etc, will not
get honored.

Q4. What if I do not wish to submit my additional KYC details? Will my card be suspended permanently?

Ans. Yes. As we are governed by RBI regulations and in this case we are being directed by RBI to collect additional
KYC requirements. Thus we would not be able to make any exception in this regard and we may have to continue to
suspend charging privileges on your card till the time these details are furnished. We urge you to submit the details
on the provided link at the earliest so that you can continue to avail our services.

Q5. Are all my cards blocked? Is my Basic/ Supplementary impacted? I hold 2 different products from American

Ans. Sir/Mam, CKYC information was solicited for customers who were acquired within the stipulated timeframe
(effective Jan’17 until Mar’18). If your supplementary was issued in this period, then only they are required to
provide this information at this time.

If the other product you hold was acquired prior to Jan 2017, we don’t not require the information at this stage.
Q6. I have received an email from American Express asking me to give me additional KYC information for my
American Express card and the link is asking me fill in various details such as mothers name, tax location etc. Is
this spam?

Ans. Dear Card Member, this is a genuine email requesting for additional KYC information that is required as per RBI
notification No. DBR.AML.BC No. 18/14.01.001/2016-17 dated December 8, 2016, which states that all Scheduled
Commercial Banks (SCBs) are required to upload additional KYC data pertaining to all new individual accounts
opened on or after January 1, 2017, with Central KYC Records Registry. Hence, if your American Express Card was
approved on or after Jan 1, 2017 you are requested to provide additional KYC information at the earliest.

Q7. How do I update the additional KYC information for my American Express account?

Ans. Please visit to submit the additional KYC information details.

Q8. Why should I provide the additional KYC information to American Express?

Ans. As per several notifications issued by RBI under the PMLA Act (Prevention of Money-Laundering rules 2005),
we are required to update our records with your additional KYC details. Specifically, as per RBI notification No.
DBR.AML.BC No. 18/14.01.001/2016-17 dated December 8, 2016, it is stated that all Scheduled Commercial Banks
(SCBs) are required to upload additional KYC data pertaining to all individual accounts opened on or after January 1,
2017, with Central KYC Records Registry. Hence, if your American Express Card was approved on or after Jan 1, 2017
you are requested to provide additional KYC information at the earliest.

Q9. Other banks are not asking me these additional KYC details, why is American Express doing the same?

Ans. As your American Express Card was approved on or after Jan 1, 2017, you are required to provide additional
KYC information at the earliest. While the mandate is for all Scheduled Commercial Banks, we would urge you to
reach out to other banks directly to check the applicability of the above notification for the relationships held by you
with them.

Q10. What would the bank do with the additional KYC information I have provided?

Ans. As per the RBI directive, banks are required to report the additional KYC information and update the same with
the CKYC Registry, CERSAI, periodically.

Q11. I hold multiple Personal Cards with American Express, do I need to update additional KYC information for
each of them separately?

Ans. You will be required to update the details only once for all the primary personal cards held by you with us that
were approved on or after January 1, 2017.

Q12. I hold a Personal Card and I also have an A/C card with American Express, do I need to update the additional
KYC information for each of them separately?

Ans. No, you will not be required to provide the information for the A/C card separately since the same is issued to
you as an add-on to your primary card.

Q13. Is the additional KYC information required for supplementary cards as well?
Ans. Yes, if you are a Supplementary Card member and/or you have Supplementary Card on your account, it is
mandatory to provide the additional KYC information for your American Express account. Please visit to provide the additional KYC details.

Q14. Why have I received communication to update details pertaining to one of my cards and not my other one?

Ans. You have currently been contacted to update details for any accounts opened on or after January 1st 2017.

Q15. I provided incorrect details on the portal. How do I correct the same?

Ans. You may submit the details correctly again. The updated version of the details will be sent to CERSAI to link with
your American Express Card. The latest entry will be considered.

Q16. How long will it take for the additional KYC information to be updated?

Ans. The validation and update of the information will be performed by CERSAI and once the process is completed
you will receive an SMS from CERSAI with your CKYC KIN number.

Q17. I have already updated the additional KYC information. What is the status of the same?

Ans. The validation and update of the information will be performed by CERSAI and once the process is completed
you will receive an SMS from CERSAI with your CKYC KIN number.

Q18. I have already updated the additional KYC information. Why am I getting a reminder e-mail?

Ans. You are getting a reminder email as you may have provided your details within the last 15 days. In case you
have completed the process, you may please ignore the reminder email.

Q19. Will I get a communication upon updating my additional KYC information?

Ans. Yes, you will get a confirmation SMS from American Express once you have submitted your details via the
American Express website, thanking you for the submission. In case of any discrepancy, American Express will reach
out to you. Once your record is updated with the Central KYC Registry, you would get an SMS / e-Mail from CERSAI
with respect to your KIN No. which is updated with the CKYC Registry.

Q20. Why should I provide personal information such as Father’s Name, Mother's name etc. to American Express

Ans. This information is a mandatory requirement as per RBI notification No. DBR.AML.BC No. 18/14.01.001/2016-
17 dated December 8, 2016.

Q21. Incase my account becomes inoperative, in how many days will it become operative again, after I submit the

Ans. Dear Card Member, your account on becoming inoperative will stay as is till such time we receive your details
pertaining to the additional KYC. Once received, we will activate your account within 48 working hours (and we will
inform you via SMS.)

Q22. Will I get confirmation details and a confirmation number via SMS and e-mail, once I submit my details?

Ans. SMS are being sent currently for every submission so that will continue, there is no email confirmation sent.
Q23. I have submitted my details via the URL, what is my confirmation no.?

Ans. SMS are being sent currently for every submission so that will continue, there is no email confirmation sent.

Q24. How can you suspend my account if the notification has been there since December 2016 and AMEX is
contacting me this late?

Ans. We understand, however, we are providing you with time from now and request your cooperation in this

Q25. Will I get confirmation details and a confirmation number via SMS and email, once I submit my details?

Ans. Yes, you will get a confirmation SMS from American Express once you have submitted your details via the
American Express website, thanking you for the submission. There is no email confirmation sent. In case of any
discrepancy, American Express will reach out to you. Once your record is updated with the Central KYC Registry, you
would get an SMS / e-Mail from CERSAI with respect to your KIN No. which is updated with the CKYC Registry.

Q26. Why / when will my card become inoperative? What is the legal stipulation allowing American Express to
close my account?

Ans. As per changes in PMLA issued in 2002, Master Direction issued on 20th April 2018 and reiterated on XXXX,
Banks are required to report the KYC data to the Central KYC Registry (CKYCR) for each of its customers. Hence, we
are obligated to collect the additional information to submit with CKYCR. In case the additional information is not
submitted, it will be in violation of the above said regulations and we will have to make the account inoperative till
the submission of the data.

Q 27 – My Card is cancelled but I continue to get CKYC reminders and calls. I need the same stopped immediately.
Please share a date by when I will stop getting such emails/messages/calls.

Ans. Dear Card Member, The cancelled cards will be removed from communications every time the data is refreshed
(i.e every month end)
Section B: Additional KYC Specific FAQs

Q1. What is CKYC?

Ans. CKYC refers to Central KYC (Know Your Customer), an initiative of the Government of India. The aim of this
initiative is to have a structure in place which allows Card Members to complete their KYC only once before
interacting with various entities across the financial sector. CKYC will be managed by CERSAI (Central Registry of
Securitization Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India), which is authorized by the Government of India
to function as the Central KYC Registry (CKYCR).

Q2. What is CERSAI?

Ans. Central Registry of Securitization Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest (CERSAI) is a central online security
interest registry of India authorized by the Government of India to act as and to perform the functions of the Central
KYC Records Registry under the PMLA (Prevention of Money-Laundering) rules 2005, including receiving, storing,
safeguarding and retrieving the KYC records in the digital form for a client.

Q3. I already have an additional KYC ID. Do I still need to provide the details? If yes, why?

Ans. Yes, as it is an obligation for American Express to report their customer data to the CKYC registry to make sure
that your information is correct and updated as per the RBI directive. Hence, we would request you to provide the
additional KYC information as required on the unique URL.

Q4. How would I know that my extended KYC annexure application is successful?

Ans. A KYC Identification Number (KIN) is being allotted by CERSAI to Card Members whose additional KYC
application is found to be valid. An SMS / email will be sent by CERSAI to the registered mobile number / email
address of the Card Members as soon as the KIN is generated at their end. CERSAI will not be sending any physical

Q5. How do I check the CKYC status online?

Ans. Currently, such an option is not available. Once a KIN has been generated, it can be safely assumed that your
account is CKYC compliant.

Q6. I have applied for my CKYC number but have still not received the same. What should I do now?

Ans. The validation and update of the information will be performed by CERSAI and once the process is completed
you will receive an SMS from CERSAI with your CKYC KIN number.

Q7. I am a Foreign National holding an American Express Card account. Am I still required to update my additional
KYC details?

Ans. As a foreign national, you are required to update the additional KYC details for your American Express Card
account. You may be required to fill in additional details as prescribed in the form available on the website depending
upon your residential status.
Q8. Q – I have received an email stating that I have to submit my CKYC details immediately to ensure
uninterrupted card use. What does that imply?

Ans. In the event we don’t receive the required information immediately, your account will get suspended until
you provide the required information. We sincerely urge you at this time to update your details so that you can
continue to enjoy the uninterrupted services.

Q9. - Where is it written or mentioned in the RBI notification that AMEX can make my account inoperative, if I
do not submit my details.

Ans. As per changes in PMLA issued in 2002, Master Direction issued on 20th April 2018, Banks are required to
report the KYC data to the Central KYC Registry (CKYCR) for each of its customers. Hence, we are obligated to
collect the additional information to submit with CKYCR. In case the additional information is not submitted, it will
be in violation of the above said regulations and we will have to make the account inoperative till the submission
of the data.

Q10. - On what basis is AMEX stating that my account will become inoperative, if I do not submit my details .

Ans. As per changes in PMLA issued in 2002, Master Direction issued on 20th April 2018, Banks are required to report
the KYC data to the Central KYC Registry (CKYCR) for each of its customers. Hence, we are obligated to collect the
additional information to submit with CKYCR. In case the additional information is not submitted, it will be in
violation of the above said regulations and we will have to make the account inoperative till the submission of the

Q11. – By when should I be submitting the details? Is there a deadline laid down by the bank / government for
the same?

Ans. We request you to submit the additional details at the earliest so that you do not face difficulties nearing the
deadlines issued by the Govt. / RBI.

Q12. – I have already submitted the same, what is the status of the submission?

Ans. We are in the process of validating the submitted documents for all our customers and updating our systems.
You will receive a confirmation once it is updated. In case we require any additional details we will get in touch on
your registered mobile number or e-mail ID.

Q13. – How will I know that my card will not become inoperative? Would the bank send me a communication
confirming that the account will not be closed?

Ans. Only those accounts that have not responded will be blocked and a communication will be sent to them.

Q14. – Why are you sending me reminders when I have already submitted the information? Will you be cancelling
my account?

Ans. You may continue to receive messages post submission till we update our records. We are in the process of
validating documents for all our customers and updating our systems and you will receive confirmation once we
finish updating your KYC. In case we require any additional details we will get in touch on your registered mobile
number or e-mail ID. Accounts will not be cancelled but will only be suspended until the required information is
furnished by you.
Q 15. – By when should I be submitting the details? Is there a deadline laid down by the bank / government for
the same?

Ans. We request you to submit the additional details at the earliest so that you do not face difficulties nearing the
deadlines issued by the Govt. / RBI.

Q 16. – Earlier I received an email stating that I have to submit my details by August 15th, but now I am receiving
one that says I have to do so, by September 15th and now its immediate. What is the actual date? Will it be
extended further again?

Ans. We request you to provide your details immediately as currently there is no scope of extension to avoid your
account being inoperative.

Q 17. – Why are you sending me emails stating my account may become inoperative if I don’t submit my
Additional KYC details by August 15th first, and then saying it will become inoperative if I do not submit details
by September 15th. Where can I get the exact date by when the account will become inoperative if I do not
submit my details?

Ans. We request you to provide your details immediately as currently there is no scope of extension to avoid your
account being inoperative.
Section C: Corporate Specific FAQs

Q1. (Corporate Only) I am a Program Administrator, and would like to know why some of the Card members within
our organization, are being contacted/have received emails to update a CKYC No., wherein others are not?

Ans. As per periodic instructions issued by RBI under the PMLA Act (Prevention of Money-Laundering rules 2005),
Banks are required to update their records with your details. As per RBI notification No. DBR.AML.BC No.
18/14.01.001/2016-17 dated December 8, 2016, it is stated that all Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) are required
to upload additional KYC data pertaining to all new individual accounts opened on or after January 1, 2017, with
Central KYC Records Registry. Hence, if a Card member’s American Express Card was approved on or after Jan 1,
2017, they have been contacted, and are requested to provide additional KYC information at the earliest.

Q2. (Corporate Only) I am a Program Administrator, and would like to know why I have been contacted/received
an email, about a CKYC number?

Ans. In the event you hold a Corporate Card with the organization, which was opened on or after January 1, 2017,
you would have been contacted, in the capacity of being an American Express Card member. RBI issues periodic
instructions under the PMLA Act (Prevention of Money-Laundering rules 2005), basis which Banks need to update
their records with your details. As per RBI notification No. DBR.AML.BC No. 18/14.01.001/2016-17 dated December
8, 2016, which states that all Scheduled Commercial Banks are required to upload additional KYC data pertaining to
all new individual accounts opened on or after January 1, 2017, with Central KYC Records Registry. Hence, if your
American Express Card was approved on or after Jan 1, 2017, you would have been contacted, and are requested to
provide additional KYC information at the earliest.

Q3. I hold a Personal Card and a Corporate Card with American Express, do I need to update the additional KYC
information for each of these accounts separately?

Ans. Yes, in case your American Express Personal Card or your American Express Corporate Card was approved on
or after January 1st, 2017 you are requested to provide additional KYC information at the earliest, for them

Q4. If I hold a Corporate Card and I am the authorized signatory with American Express, do I need to update the
CKYC number for each of these Accounts separately?

Ans. No, you are not required to update your details as an Authorized Signatory. However, in case your American
Express Card(s) were approved on or after January 1st, 2017 you are requested to provide additional KYC information
at the earliest.

Q1. I have already updated the additional KYC information. I even received a confirmation message from your
end. Why am I getting an e-mail telling me that the details could not be updated in your system, so I have to
resubmit the details?

Ans. Due to some technical error at our end, the details could not get updated in our systems. We apologize for the
inconvenience caused to you, and request you to re-submit the details immediately, to ensure uninterrupted use of
your American Express Card.

Q2. What guarantee do I have that my details will be updated this time and there will be no technical error again?

Ans. All technical issues are immediately highlighted and resolved, like this one. Having said that, if any such incident
reoccurs, we will have to reach out to you. We do apologies for the inconvenience caused this time and since this is
a mandatory requirement which may ultimately lead to your account getting inoperative, we need to ensure we
take full measures & keep you informed.

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